All beings are but seeds in the beginning, plucked from the greater Universe and planted to become something more, given life, hope, destiny, granted possibility. Circumstances occur and lives are plucked again and again, uprooted, transplanted, things happen to interrupt, to direct or guide a life. Eventually, each being who was once a seed must take control and journey on as an individual, making choices and owning their own journey, without blaming others for their transgressions, acknowledging their own life lived in its totality, no longer a seed but a fully blossomed Self. That is the challenge of life, to fully own it as the meaningful journey that it is, in its totality.
When fate deals a blow there is nothing to do but have faith that it is what is needed. Sometimes the solution to a problem can only be in its total opposite. More of the same will not do what is needed. Sometimes the only answer is the most feared. When that is the case there is nothing to be done except holding fast to that which is of the heart’s knowing. Let the heart speak of loving kindness and compassion until fate brings the next new phase of change. New life will eventually come. It’s only natural. The sun will rise, the flowers will bloom, and peace will come.
Storm clouds are gathering… – Photo by Jan Ketchel
Today, I consult the I Ching with the following: Please provide guidance to navigate the energy of now.
Hexagram #5, Waiting, with moving lines in the first and fourth places, with a future of hexagram #28, Preponderance of the Great, is my answer.
The image of Waiting is water gathering in the sky, a picture of clouds filling with moisture. The obvious inference is, waiting for rain. This can only happen when the clouds have accrued enough density and are thus ready to release their bounty.
Applied to human circumstance, don’t try to push the river. The forces at work here, particularly in nature, are operating on their own schedule.
The moving line in the first place suggests that at present conditions are calm, the impending concern is still at a distance. The guidance suggests that one not exhaust one’s energetic reserves in advance, as this might weaken one’s ability to respond when it truly is time to act.
At the moving line in the fourth place, the storm has arrived. One finds oneself in quite a dangerous, precarious position. The guidance here is to stand fast, to allow fate to take its natural course. By embracing this composure, one is likely to not worsen the situation and, as a result, find the best way out.
The pending danger is more vividly expressed in the image of hexagram #28, a deeply sagging ridgepole, a roof soon to be caving in. This condition is transitory, as collapse is inevitable.
Thus the notion of a major shift, a revolution, is the inevitable consequence of this set of circumstances. The I Ching cautions that this is not to be achieved through forceful measures. The change is a natural and necessary transition, appropriate to the needs of the time.
In a nutshell, we are presently in a time of waiting. At this moment, the energy of major change is still gathering.
Be calm, remain aware, but don’t tax your energy with too much vigilance. The storm will arrive, a major transition will occur; it is inevitable.
Do not act precipitously. Follow your path of heart, regardless of who follows you.
Face the truth and yet do not become overwhelmed by it, or by the gravity of the situation that is so apparent, but do take steps to protect yourself and your energy. Engage in calm, logical preparation that will ensure a smooth transition into a new phase of life. Do not dismiss anything you hear and yet remain calmly centered on a heart centered approach to life, as you have always done. There is no time like the present to practice being loving, kind, and generous. As always, let your good heart guide you and you will find your way without cause for alarm, without harm, and without loss of love, the most important element of all.
Good Morning! Our audio channeling today indicates that it is time to take full responsibility for ourselves, in all ways. With love and gratitude, to nature and all that we are granted, may we all take the inner journey.
It will only bring us all together in a more loving manner.