Category Archives: Soulbytes

A Soulbyte is a spark of the infinitesimal, a portion of the endless wisdom and the magic from which we all come, to which we all innately have access, and to which we will all one day return.

Our Daily Soulbytes are messages channeled from the energy of each day, from the dreams of the night, and from what the universe declares to be most important in the moment. They are usually posted before 7 AM but more often around 5 AM, every weekday.

We hope these Soulbytes offer helpful guidance, but we also encourage all of our readers to feel the energy of each day themselves and to make responsible choices and decisions.

Soulbyte for Tuesday October 2, 2018

Protect yourself from that which drains your energy. Embrace that which enhances your energy. Certain things you do have been telling you for a long time that they are not good for you. You know what they are and yet you continue to do them. When you are finally ready to let them go, do so with gratitude for their having taught you something and for having advanced you to a new stage where you can be without them. Notice what is good for your energy and use it wisely so that it does not just become another energy drain, for even a good thing is not good in too much measure. Seek balance in all things, within and without, so that nothing is denied if it is necessary, and nothing is overly done if it is not really needed. Have that which is good for you in good measure and have not that which is detrimental. It can take a lifetime to work this out, but it is work well worth doing!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday October 1, 2018

Tune in to a little love for yourself, even as you face yourself now in your daily life’s unfolding and as you face who you have been and what you have done in the past. With love carve out your future and with love carve into your memories knowing that it is only by loving yourself that you will evolve. Loving the self means accepting the self as you are, imperfect and yet perfect in your imperfections. Loving the self means accepting the loving energy that freely flows through the universe and through you too. Let it in. Let this love be your guide. Let every breath be a loving breath.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday September 28, 2018

Seek steadiness and maintain it in the flow of everyday life, neither too much nor too little of life’s most important and necessary nourishments of body and spirit, and, likewise, neither too much nor too little of that which is pleasant and pleasurable to body and spirit and often deemed unnecessary. In the flow of life all must be acceptable in some measure and yet beware the trappings of that which curtails the flow, of that which sidelines and takes from the energy of growth and stability. In other words, go with the flow but keep a steady eye always on the goal, to achieve fulfillment of your body and spirit journey this time around. With hand upon your heart, acknowledge that this is the true goal. Accept your place as a human being in the flow of all that is, body and spirit taking the same journey, and with gratitude and love go with the flow of this day too.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday September 27, 2018

Become fully responsible, within and without. Become fully independent so that your needs and wants are not interfering with the greater good. Find your answers to your issues and problems within the self. As you turn inward become your own good mother and your own good father, wise, kind, and helpful so that you may then turn outward into the world a fully integrated being, with your energy honed and useful. With kindness and compassion in your heart, step out into the world an independent and worthy being. As you do your inner work and seek your wholeness remember that you are there for your own reasons, for your own growth and maturity, not in a selfish way, but in an evolutionary way. Discover the real truth about yourself by becoming fully responsible for yourself. Proceed on your journey with integrity, honesty, and love always in your heart. For above all else love matters the most, for self and other. Love, for the greater good.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday September 26, 2018

Don’t get so down on yourself. Acknowledge that your human self may do things that your spirit self has no interest in. It is the paradox of life in human form, the two sides of the self in constant struggle to align, to get in sync, to be one unified whole. Accept your human frailties and yet also fully accept your spirit capabilities and be okay with both. At the same time, address the struggle that is your current life and do get your two selves into alignment, human and spirit. For there is no greater challenge and no greater reward than the bringing together of who you truly are in your present life, the two that are the one great you!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne