Tag Archives: warrior’s path

Soulbyte for Wednesday March 25, 2020

Change is inevitable. It is the inherent law of nature, that which is in everything, part of life. A warrior knows it, owns it, and yet being fully aware of it and the finality of life, operates as if there is all the time in the world, with a young heart and mind, for that is the only way to cheat change, by constantly roiling against it, by in fact refusing to change in its depleting direction, toward the inevitable end of life. A warrior takes life in the opposite direction, toward more energy, fighting every day to remain viable, alive, and in full control of as much energy as possible. That is the warrior’s way. But at the same time, a warrior knows when it is time to change, time to conserve, time to take a new path, to go in a new direction, and for energy’s sake a warrior takes that new path, and with renewed vigor and intent forges onward, without glancing back, for a warrior knows when it is time to face the inevitable truth and move on.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday March 24, 2020

Even in the worst of times a warrior keeps an even temper, a steady mind, and a loving heart, especially as these are the most stabling and productive of attributes to possess in times of stress and uncertainty. A warrior also finds the diamond in the hunk of coal, the light in the darkness, the laughter among the tears, for a warrior knows that everything changes, that in an instant everything can be different. And so, a warrior keeps a light and loving heart even through the darkest hours. It is the warrior’s prerogative to choose an attitude to take rather than be overwhelmed by anything. A warrior chooses wisely, and with more than the self in mind, for that too a warrior knows, that we are all in this together.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday March 17, 2020

Seek to establish within a unified whole, a self who is contained, known, and satisfied with what is. Without reaching outside of the self, find contentment and balance. You have within you all that you need. It is the spirit’s way, the warrior’s way, to be okay with what is and to find all that is necessary for life, growth, and fulfillment within the self. Turn to your inner resources now as you establish new priorities, create new boundaries, and seek new resources. Everything you truly need is within you already. You just have to wake it up and bring it forth into life. It is your own power and it is within your power.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday March 13, 2020

With heart centered intent and the impeccability of a warrior, fight for stability, for calmness, for sense and sensibility so that all may be safe, contained and, foremost, healthy, so that this time of major change may be weathered through with the utmost amount of loving kindness, and so that compassion may remain imbued at the core of every decisive action. These simple acts, loving kindness and compassion, must remain central and all will be well. With calmness in your heart keep this in your mind and it too will remain calm.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: The Constancy of Change

Change is on the horizon…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Change is happening all the time, though it may not seem like it, especially within ourselves. Don’t give up!

We are advised in our audio channeling this week to trust ourselves and our heart’s intent, which will not desert us.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne