Tag Archives: spirit

Soulbyte for Thursday November 9, 2017

Though you may not realize it, you are energy first, flesh and blood second. As energy you have power over your flesh and blood, your physical and mental bodies. You have power over how you feel, act, and think. Keep your energy tuned to its highest healing power. Ask it to work within you to keep you in tiptop shape. Hone it, melt into it, let it do its magic. It’s right there, for you are energy at all times. You just have to relax and feel it, breathe and become it, acquiesce and know it to use it for your greater good. In this way know your energetic self and know the greater possibilities of all beings, the power of your own spirit. Energy first!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday November 6, 2017

Take care of the body, take care of the soul. Keep spirit alive in body and live from their union of calm yet active groundedness. Spirit in body is life aglow, body without spirit is empty of soul. Keep your two natures in balance. And what is body but dark and what is spirit but light. When you live with spirit and body entwined, you always have a light in the dark—you!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday November 1, 2017

Get grounded and stay grounded no matter how bad the world gets, no matter how sad the world gets, no matter how absurd the world gets. Bring spirit fully into body and live grounded in knowing the self as fully spirit-in-body, as fully whole and alive, as fully sane and capable of right decision making and right action, for the world needs grounded people now to keep an even keel, to clear away the fog of illusion, to steady the course and sail in a new direction with goodness of heart, kindness of hand, and compassion of word and deed. Even if you only do this in your own little world you are doing what is needed, and that is good. Take care of yourself. Stay grounded in yourself and keep your spirit alive. Know who you are and why you are there: to accomplish even the smallest of good. That is a fine life indeed!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: It’s Time for Ego Refinement

Energy in action…
– Detail of Artwork by Jan Ketchel

We live in the most stupendous of times for ego development. From the moment we awaken each day we are barraged with outer world events, bodily needs, and an internal dialog which all clamor for our attention. Attention is where we employ our vital energy. Ego must decide in rapid succession how it will spend this vital energy.

Will our decisions enhance or deplete our energetic reserves? Will our decisions be in alignment with the state of our body? Will our decisions channel the deeper calling of our spirit? These are examples of the myriad of decisions the ego must make in our hyper, fast-paced, rapidly shifting modern world.

Ego has gotten a bad rap. This is largely because it is associated with enhancing one’s self-importance and outer-world possessions to the detriment of others, as well as to the detriment of the spirit. Indeed, ego can decide to employ the vital energy of the body and the spiritual self to its own aggrandizement.

In fact, perhaps the most exaggerated example of this attitude confronts us daily in the governance currently in power of our world. We all must face the real possibility of nuclear holocaust in the hands of such leadership, but here also lies the very heart of opportunity for the moment we live in.

We must all choose whether to spend our energy worrying about this fact, and this is an ego decision, or not. True, we must acknowledge the threat to our survival, the existential anxiety of pending destruction and disintegration, for not to do so would be to dissociate from our animal knowing of the real and present danger to our existence.

However, as the shamans discovered long ago, death is our greatest advisor. Knowing that we are beings who are going to die is our greatest support to stay awake and take full advantage of the opportunities of life in this dimension. The ego must decide what to do with this information.

The ego can employ the classic defense of denial and go about daily life as if nothing is different, all is predictable and unfolding as it should. Modern events, however, are really rattling this defense.

The ego could become concretely opportunistic, gobbling up power and wealth to enjoy its time here in material abundance, paying little heed to the side effects of its choices. Nature is dramatically confronting this attitude right now.

The ego might alternatively choose to face reality and attend to the impact of its animal knowing on its central nervous system through a variety of meditative and breathing practices.

Further, ego might turn its attention inward to the subtler energies of its spirit. These are the energies of manifestation, these are the energies of intent. These are the energetic pathways open to the evolving human. We all may glimpse them in the magical occurrences that frequently follow shortly after the loss of a loved one when, in heightened awareness, we are opened to the energetic possibilities of quantum connection.

Ego turning its attention materially toward outer control and accumulation are Old World technologies. It is obvious that from an evolutionary standpoint they are not favored. Don’t be fooled by the current last stand of the worst of these practices, they need to have their last dance.

We are being prompted now to discover life at a deeper energetic level. This entails tuning into the subtle energies of synchronicity and serendipity where the ego is presented with feedback and energetic possibilities that can guide life into truly sustainable evolutionary directions.

These are the amazing opportunities for ego refinement in our current volatile times. We are evolving into a  New World of energy as well as a world of concrete objects, a far more expansive world, with a wise ego at the helm.

In refinement,


A blog by Chuck Ketchel, LCSW-R

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Sun Spirit


The morning sun urges us all to wake up!
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

We begin the week with a nice Soulbyte, posted earlier this morning, and this channeled message. It’s all about nurturing our spiritual selves with a daily practice as easy as taking in the lessons of the sun’s rising and setting. Practical advice for the beings that we all are, of both nature and spirit.

Have a wonderful week!