Tag Archives: path of love

Chuck’s Place: The Inter-dimensional Evolution of Love

Indeed, Love All!

We often think of souls, who leave human form upon physical death, as evolved beings. Indeed, life in a lighter soul body, in a more transparent energetic state of being, provides new opportunities for growth. But, simply transforming into this atmosphere upon dying hardly guarantees spiritual growth.

Spiritual evolution requires an ever-deepening capacity for love. A discarnate human spirit is tasked with full acceptance and completion of a life just lived. For this, one must have love for self as one encounters all the hidden or suppressed truths accrued in one’s prior life. Only with such loving acceptance can a spirit advance into true wholeness.

A discarnate spirit must also come to full acceptance of others they may have cut off, rejected, hated or loved, as they find their way to release the binding emotions of incompletion and victimhood. To accomplish this, love must advance a quantum leap—in loving all that was and is.

Discarnate spirits might engage humans still in human form to aid in the completion of their prior lives. As well, discarnate spirits teach and guide those still in human form through channeling, telepathy, dream, and synchronicity.

Jung discovered, in his own inter-dimensional interaction with discarnate souls, as documented in The Red Book, that they sought answers that required relationships with incarnate spirits, as boots on the ground of planet Earth, to provide deeper answers to the mysteries they still struggled with.

Jung’s exhaustive works on ancient alchemy were his own attempts to advance the work of these esoteric practitioners. Jung grew the seed of alchemy into its rightful place, as the foundation of modern depth psychotherapy. What the alchemists had unknowingly projected onto matter, Jung clarified as the inner workings of the psyche, with all its alchemically active energetic processes.

When my first wife, Jeanne, left this world, she sent me a message to say a little prayer for her, that is, to use some of my energy to intend her own advancement (as described in The Book of Us*). Ironically, this has required my own personal evolution in order to address my deepest truths and wisely guide and release the fruits of our joint karma, our children.

My evolution serves Jeanne’s, just as her’s serves many. Jeanne has provided a vast amount of spiritual guidance on the evolution of love. This exchange between us is hardly a mercantile transaction; it’s a transaction of evolving love.

Evolving love must accept the relativity of any special relationship. We are more than a single lifetime. All of our loves from all of our lifetimes are equal parts of our wholeness. Isn’t God the ultimate oneness of everything? To prepare for that ultimate union, nothing that is can be denied equal love. Evolving love is the path of equanimity.

Our physical world is home to communication and interaction between many spiritual dimensions, replete with both incarnate and discarnate souls. Unresolved problems of former generations appear and reappear upon the human stage to further refine their prior tentative conclusions.

Currently, the world is facing the march of totalitarianism as the autonomy and integrity of nations are threatened. This is the energetic resurgence of a spiritual conflict unseen on this scale since WWII. The world is being challenged to reach beyond nationalist and isolationist attitudes and come together in actions of truth and loving compassion.

Our ancestors did the best they could in their time, but they are asking us now to advance love toward real solution. For this, we must rise to the heart, a step above our fixation upon our competitive solar plexus.

To come together, to face the truth, and to be willing to sacrifice our comforts for the greater good of the world is love’s collective challenge to us all now.

Love thy neighbor as thyself. Love thy enemy as thyself. The evil currently enacted before us is our greatest teacher. To placate was an old solution, which merely planted the seed of our present karma. Our teacher dares us to reach new heights of love now, or once again leave for tomorrow what could have been done today.

Though we are largely the boots on the ground of our multidimensional universe, we have the backing of our spirit companions and guides. As we advance the cause of love in our solid dimension, love is advanced in all dimensions of our interconnected, interdependent oneness.

Love All,


* The Book of Us: A Story of Relationship in Life, Death, and the Afterlife

Chuck’s Place: 50% (+) & 50% (-) = Harmony

In perfect harmony…

If the equation that is the title of this blog is accurate, then the world, as it is currently energetically distributed, would seem to be on a grand trajectory of achieving harmony. In need of immediate clarification however, is the understanding of (+) and (-).

(+) and (-) are not to be confused with good and bad, as commonly assigned. (+) and (-) are instead the primal energies that make up everything. Thus, for example, the primary building blocks for all the hexagrams in the I Ching are Yang and Yin, the masculine creative (+) and the feminine receptive energies (-).

Yang as spirit and Yin as matter are the primary equal sources of all that is. Thus, man and woman are composed equally of Yang and Yin, spirit and matter. However, when focusing only on outer appearances, the sexes have been innacurately pigeonholed into polarized opposites. The current questioning of gender categories reflects an effort to break the blinding power of these stereotypes when applied to people.

To be in a state of total polarization is the precursor to union. When the positive and negative poles of magnets face each other, a powerful attractive force draws them to unite. When a negatively charged electron meets with a positively charged proton, they are, once again, powerfully attracted to unite. This is the essence and energy of electricity.

The social polarization that currently dominates our world reflects a repulsive vs. attractive force. This occurs in nature when two like poles face each other. If the like poles of a magnet are brought in close proximity they exert a powerfully repulsive energy that absolutely refuses union.

This energetic likeness, in opposition, suggests that what actually underlies the apparent polarization of now, is actually the animus of like energies vying for supremacy and separateness. Thus, the very active energies of Yang are battling for supremacy. The receptive energies of Yin, that would lead toward union, are in very short supply.

Nonetheless, repulsive power is an energetic fact of nature. It serves the function of energetically maintaining distance from another. Within the tension it generates, consciousness has the opportunity to examine rejected and underdeveloped potentials within the self.

This would be what Jung identified as shadow work. This is where ego encounters unknown and unowned parts of the self in a state of opposition. Though repulsed by each other they are nonetheless bonafide parts of the self. These are the male figures that men struggle with in dreams and the female figures that women struggle with as well.

To achieve inner harmony, Yin must be introduced into shadow work. Though the repulsive force of Yang upon Yang energies is powerful, it is also unstable. Again, just try holding the same poles of opposite magnets steady; it’s nearly impossible. The instability of this potent opposition will require the introduction of Yin to achieve the stability and necessary attraction for the harmony of greater unity to occur.

Yin, as the receptive, receives all things. The energy that is capable of complete receptivity is none other than love. Love is the ultimate energy that receives and rejects nothing. Thus, shadow work ultimately requires fully loving all parts of one’s repulsed shadow self. Loving one’s shadow neighbor neutralizes repulsive energy, as the shadow consolidates in wholeness with ego. This sets the stage for the greater union of Yang and Yin, the true equation of harmony.

In recapitulation, one actively engages Yang and Yin energies to arrive at a state of inner harmony. In trauma, the energy of Yin protectively freezes all the aspects of the traumatic experience into a consolidated mass that is then generally stored somewhere in the physical body. This chrysalis of separated energetic experience awaits the action of Yang to free its energy and to ultimately be transformed and integrated into one’s living wholeness.

The ego, the conscious active Yang force, must embark upon the hero’s journey to find and free its imprisoned Yin. Thus, with intention, the ego scans the body in search of its lost Yin. Yin sends out sensations of appreciation and often pain, signaling the greater experience frozen inside it. As well, feelings of fear and anger might emerge to defensively keep one at bay.

Here, Yang might employ the recapitulation breath to bring the Yang and Yin forces into active engagement. As the head moves from side to side, or pole to pole, the breath accompanies it, actively mixing and releasing these opposite energies of matter and spirit. The full experience of frozen Yin is experienced by its partner Yang, as they, as a couple, dissolve the frozen energy in the chrysalis, which re-forms into the butterfly of liberated energy within the self.

Subjectively, one applies loving acceptance toward every aspect of the experience once lost to one’s greater wholeness. Everything and everyone is completely emotionally neutralized by this all-accepting power of love. Nothing remains that has the power to trigger. The full truth is known, fully appreciated, accepted, integrated and transformed into wisdom.

Recapitulation advances harmony through intentionally bringing (+) and (-) energies into active engagement and passive receptivity. As holograms of the whole, every time we recapitulate we advance the cause of outer harmony. May these efforts accrue to lead the world back into harmony.

Begin the reconciliation process within to further the intent for harmony without. To come home for the holidays is to find this harmony at home, within the self.

As within, so without,


Soulbyte for Monday May 31, 2021

Hold steady in times of change and transformation, and remain upon the path of evolution, for is that not why you exist? To evolve? Everyone is spirit-in-matter and every spirit’s intent is to learn and to grow in Earth School, to find new purpose and meaning, and to learn the true meaning of love. Set about each day with these things in mind and allow yourself to take the changing path before you, the one your spirit has chosen and guides you upon, your true path of heart, a path of healing and growth, a path of love.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday December 30, 2020

When a thing is done it cannot be undone, but if everything is a lesson then learn by what has transpired to make better decisions in the future. Proceed with a clear mind, unburdened of regret and sadness, and make new choices in alignment with your evolving spirit rather than in attachment to things, desires, and unnecessary wants. Plan your future according to the love principle that says love is the answer. How can you turn your corner of the world into a more loving place? How can you grow love so that it prospers? How can you be the most loving being possible? These are the questions to ask yourself now. This is your future.

Sending you all love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday September 3, 2020

When times are tough the tough get going. They get tougher and more determined to show their strength, and yet that is the exact opposite of what they should be doing, for strength has no end except in more strength, for it is a one-way path. Love, on the other hand, is an infinite path, for it knows no end and has no bounds; its path is manifold. Love has the capacity to enter the hearts of all, even the tough and strong. Love is the answer to all and for all. Let it rule. Let love rule rather than strength. It will set you upon a path that is right for all.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne