Tag Archives: path of heart

Soulbyte for Monday August 19, 2019

Do not be hindered from traveling your path of heart. Let neither fear nor the opinion of others keep you from that which is your truth. Stay upon your path of heart because it is your only choice, even though you may have to do so at your own expense, going silently forward in a world of your own making. For often a path of heart may not appeal to others, though those of like mind will understand your decision and support your choice to travel through life with your heart leading you to fulfillment. Your path of heart may be a simple life, a complicated life, a creative life, a giving life, a powerful life, a solitary life, but the main thing is that it totally be your choice, based on your heart’s intent, completed by your body and Soul wholeheartedly getting behind it and living it to the fullest. With joy, knowing that you are doing the only thing you can do, travel your path of heart. With love for all you have known and all you have yet to meet, travel on with joy in your heart.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday July 30, 2019

Keep upon your path of change, your path of heart, no matter what comes to thwart your progress, even if you feel you have made a mistake. In truth, there are no mistakes upon a path of heart, for it is the intent of the heart that is the driving force and that does not change if it is the heart’s true intent. And thus there are really no wrong choices, only choices that challenge, choices that confront, choices that ask you to make another new decision that will move you onward, one day and one step at a time, having learned from your previous day’s decisions. If you have made a decision, it must be the right one, so deal with it; use it to your full advantage to keep you focused upon your path of heart. And don’t forget, a path of heart is a loving path, a path of kindness and compassion, and so utilize all of its characteristics for your own good. For who matters more than you upon your path of heart? Accept that learning too is the intent of a path of heart. Every day is another day to learn something new.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday July 23, 2019

Let bygones be bygones. When you turn and walk in a new direction, blazing your path of heart, leaving behind that which no longer is necessary, don’t look back. Pull your attention away from the past, from past regrets, resentments, and perceived wrongs, and without blame forge ahead on your path of heart, totally freed of all that once was. In this manner, proceed without attachments, without strings of energy inhibiting you, fully freed to move on into new life. Having done the work to free yourself of an old life, of an old self and old attachments, walk freely onward with joy, eager for new life. If the work of freedom has been done, then it’s truly time to enjoy that freedom, to fully own it. If old ties still bind, find the means to cut them, through complete resolution, with loving kindness and compassion, so that nothing holds you back, and so that you may walk on with a heart that is light and loving, knowing you have done the work of a warrior. And yet remain a loving being. With love in your heart, be your own master of your own fate. That’s freedom.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Remain Steady

A golden opportunity awaits you on your path of heart…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

In today’s audio channeling, the instruction is to, “…remain upon your path of heart, no matter what comes to thwart you.”

A path of heart is a path of least resistance, because if your heart is happy so is the rest of you. Step out in a new way today, upon your path of heart!

Have a wonderful week!

Soulbyte for Friday July 19, 2019

Discipline is necessary if life is to get into perfect balance, discipline that extends into every aspect of life. And yet discipline is only one part of what is needed and must never become the only thing that drives you in life. Perfect balance requires more than just discipline, more than just the intention of being disciplined. It requires the ability to be fluid, to go with the flow, to change and accept change, to take responsibility for your life no matter what happens. For life is like a river flowing naturally, energetically alive, and yet even a river does not always rage, does not always swell over its banks, nor dry up either. A river changes with the seasons and yet its discipline lies within its course, its direction. Whether contained or not, it flows in one direction. That is discipline. Be like a river. Seek fluidity and yet remain disciplined, heading in one direction, always upon your path of heart.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne