Tag Archives: one day at a time

Soulbyte for Wednesday March 11, 2020

Your personal power lies in your own intent to change, encapsulated inside you, unused for the most part. Take it back. Use it for good, for saving yourself so that you may be available for creating a better and more just environment for all beings. In your own small and positive ways you can have an impact, but it takes effort to change, one day and one small step at a time, until you have reached your goal, until you have taken back your personal power from wherever it has gone, and begun a new journey down a path of power and intent. It all lies within you, waiting for discovery and release. Change the self, change the world.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday February 12, 2020

Keep your path of heart always in sight, your footsteps always steady upon it, your heart aligned with it so that you are not pulled away from that which your spirit has pointed out to you as the only path to take. Keep your intent pure and focused, knowing that indeed this is it, this is the right path, the way of the heart and the path of love. You will not regret it, for how can the heart regret what is so right? Whenever you ask, your heart will tell you, again and again, that love is the only answer it knows.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

RECAPITULATION: When There is No Other Choice

There comes a point during a recapitulation when there is no turning back, when there is nothing to do but hold steady and proceed on the journey, for it is indeed a journey, a path with heart. At this point, the old world and the old self are no longer viable and yet the new world and the new self are not yet fully formed, but there is nothing to do but plod along, no matter how painful and debilitating.

Eventually, the tensions of the recapitulation will subside, the original intent having been fulfilled. One day you will wake up in that so-longed-for new world, and you will notice that you feel and look different. From that point onward the old world begins to decelerate, to disappear from view, and only what lies ahead is of any importance.

Here is an excerpt from my next book, during a time when I was just on the verge of getting to that most important turning point yet still dealing with walking the abyss between the old and the new:

“The pain stays away during the day, I realize, because I’m focused, quietly painting, staying in the moment, intently aware of what I’m doing, present in the surroundings I find myself in. But being in the moment is a kind of Limbo, a holding place, an unreal world. The real world is being in the turmoil of my inner work, confronting the issues I have to deal with, being innerly attuned and aligned with my inner journey. The real world is my recapitulation and my search for wholeness. Everything else pales in comparison.”

-© J. E. Ketchel, from “Dreaming All The Time”

Not long after this entry into my journal the final shift happened and I was free. Remember, that’s the final outcome, freedom. And though there is much pain to encounter and many truths to face, it is the most stupendous journey you will ever take.

Wishing you well as you continue on your own journey into your own very real world.

Sending you love,

Jan Ketchel, Author of The Recapitulation Diaries

Soulbyte for Monday January 27, 2020

Keep your mind still and your heart steady no matter what comes to shake you. All change is part of the flow of life, birth and death alike, change that is seemingly joyous and change that is seemingly sad. Feel your joy, feel your sadness, but keep your mind still and your heart steady so that you do not become lost in either your joy or your sorrow, for that would allow change too much power, and you do not ever want to give up your power. Hold your power firm in knowing that all change is life naturally unfolding, leading things forward, one day and one step at a time.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday January 22, 2020

Hone your energy. No matter your age or your condition, it is the most important aspect of life in human form. Your energy is your life force, your spirit’s vehicle within you, your guiding force through life. It is your most valuable asset, your greatest friend and traveling companion. Without it you would not exist as you know yourself. Keep it in tiptop form. Hone it by your intent but also by how you take care of yourself so that it does not get damaged. By your intent keep your energy in good shape, keep it interested, engaged, and always eager for a new day. It’s so easy to get lost in the mundane, to forget about it. When that happens, bring your attention back to your energy and with your intent, with your breath, and with your lust for life give it a boost. It’s up to you to do all you can to keep your energy alive and well!

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne