Tag Archives: one day at a time

Soulbyte for Tuesday March 16, 2021

Awaken, and take on the tremendous task each day of owning the life you are in, of taking responsibility, without blame or shame, for all that you have been granted, all that you have experienced, all that you have done. For indeed, it is your life to figure out and bring to fruition. No one else is responsible for your life, though many may help or hinder, depending on how you see it. Wake up and embrace all that you have been given and all the opportunities each day offers. Take it all to a new level, one day and one step at a time, without regret but with an open and expectant heart. Carve your way forward with your own loving self in mind as your goal, for to become a loving being is indeed a fine life to strive for, love for yourself and for others. You can’t go wrong with that. As within, so without.

Sending you love,
From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday March 11, 2021

An accumulation of lessons learned compile into an abundance of truths. With truths, one finally has something to go on, something to trust, for it is only truths that one can count on. The truths of oneself are the basis for processing the past and proceeding into the future. The truths of oneself are the basis for new directions, a path of heart perhaps. Face the truths that emerge from life’s lessons and let them guide you forward now into the present moment with new eyes, ears, and voice. Seeing, hearing, and speaking truths of wisdom, guide yourself onward into new life. You can’t go wrong with your own truths; they are all that matter.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday March 9, 2021

Tune into an attitude of optimism for maximum benefit in all aspects of life. Feed your mind the good food of positivity so that good things become attracted to your good attitude and flow your way. With optimism comes a sense of overall wellbeing that is hard to beat. An optimist stays focused on what is right and good and always has an eye on the future and its potential to answer all the big questions and bring the big rewards. Even a simple dream is a bright light to work toward in an optimist’s world. An optimist knows that everything is possible and is more likely to go with the flow because that’s where life is leading anyway, and an optimist is always eager for what is sure to come.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte For Friday February 12, 2021

Another day in Earth School brings you one day further into awareness of your true self, if you care to know this true self, and if you care to see and understand life as an evolving journey, as your chance to grow. Are you ready to discover all that you truly are? To experience life in a new way? Welcome to Earth School! It’s not your first day by any means, but it may be the first day of school where you are fully awake, so pay attention to everything that happens. Learning will happen as you remain awake and alert, as you figure out what you’re doing there and as you decide the best courses of action to take. It’s up to you. Welcome to a new day in Earth School!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte For Tuesday February 9, 2021

With patience begin your day, knowing that each moment counts and yet that each moment’s pause allows for necessary change. Change is what creates and evolves. Embrace change and yet move into it with a patient heart, listening for the guidance that tells you when it is time to make a move and when it is time to hold back, for everything has it’s perfect time, it’s perfect moment of birth that will determine its perfect outcome. Let your heart lead you patiently along and all will be as perfect as it should be.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne