Tag Archives: nature

Soulbyte for Friday August 19, 2022

Soulbytes from the realm of heart & Spirit
– Illustration © 2022 Jan Ketchel

Brighten your day by bringing something from nature into your life, a sprig of greenery, a special stone, a shell, or even a photograph of a beautiful scene, for nature, in its very qualities of constancy and chaos, is very inspiring. Contemplate upon its changing qualities and yet its wholeness as well, its strengths and its frailties, its beauty and its horrors. So is nature like human life, full of paradoxes, and yet in its wholeness it is stunningly beautiful. Learn from nature to appreciate the self, all that you are, and stunningly beautiful as well.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday July 7, 2022

Nature changes every day, letting us know that it’s okay to change too. She shows us that one thing leads to another and that in the end the changes that have naturally occurred fit so well into the scheme of things, that one change benefits another, and so on. In our own lives change benefits us in so many ways, though it may take a long time for us to realize this.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday March 30, 2022

Find solace in nature where everything is in balance, where on even the harshest weather days everything accepts and waits out the oncoming event, where night and day are part of the whole and warmth and cold expected. As a human being don’t forget that you too are part and parcel of nature and thus everything that happens to you and in your life is nature unfolding. Learn from nature every day to expect the unexpected and thus to go with the flow of what comes to greet you, for that too is to be in nature.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday December 14, 2021

Do a reset when body and spirit are out of synch with each other, out of sorts and misaligned, unable to find each other. Dial back activities and consume less so that the body finds its center again and the spirit finds its home there once again, within the physical. Breathe and let nature become your place of solace. Find peace in nature and bring it within until you feel at one again, whole within the self, until you feel aligned once again. Body and spirit in alignment is a state of perfect health.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday September 17, 2021

Seek balance each day in all you do. Breathe. Let nature show you what balance looks like, feels like, smells like and sounds like. Sometimes it rains all day and night and sometimes it’s a sunny day and the night sky is filled with stars. Both of those days are in perfect balance with what is. Let balance within reflect balance without. Let what is, no matter its form, dictate the balance for the moment and in each moment find perfection, grace and peace. In each moment breathe. That’s balance.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne