Tag Archives: Mother Earth

Chuck’s Place: BPM III And The Blood Beaver Full Moon

In the throes…
-Illustration © 2022 Jan Ketchel

Through his own clinical observations and the pioneering work of Otto Rank, Stan Grof discovered the missing link between Freud’s postnatal biographical unconscious and Jung’s transpersonal collective unconscious: the perinatal dimension of the unconscious, which records our actual birth into this world.

The perinatal dimension of the unconscious includes these four Basic Perinatal Matrices (BPM):

BPM I: primal union with mother—the symbiotic union of fetus and mother prior to active labor.
BPMII: cosmic engulfment and no exit—the initiation of labor prior to the cervix being dilated.
BPMIII: death-rebirth struggle—full on labor, the cervix has dilated and mother and child are in the struggle that will lead to birth.
BPMIV: death-rebirth experience—actual birth of an individual person, which terminates the symbiotic unit of mother and infant, as the umbilical cord is severed.

BPM III is the stage of great conflict and activity as, with the cervix widened, the confluent energies of mother and fetus must synergize to birth new life. Today, 11/8, marks the segue into this stage of labor for Mother Earth and her fetus, the human race, as the frantic activity of political elections and movements impact the next phase of our embryonic planetary development.

Furthermore, the full moon has just peaked, with the accompaniment of an eclipse that has rendered it the Blood/Beaver moon. These influences contribute guidance and understanding to this stage of transformative labor.

The eclipse itself is a darkening of the light at the time of the moon’s greatest power, her fullness. This portends powerful encounters with shadow energies without the defense of the moon’s exposing light. The clash of the world’s shadow energies are palpable in our own elections and across the globe, both on the actual surface of the Earth and in the behaviors of her peoples.

From another angle, the eclipse also points to the absolute unknowing of what might happen—like a baby about to be born, we are completely in the dark. Time to buckle our seatbelts for this wild ride of sudden surprise and encounter with the unexpected. We truly do not know what will happen.

The totality of the full moon’s eclipse generates a blood red color, certainly a color associated with birth. This blood moon color is also associated with passionate emotions that accompany the chaos in the struggles for survival.

A dark and foreboding example of such bloodshed appears daily in the country of Ukraine. Netflix recently issued a powerful historical rendition of such horrific bloodshed from WWI in an enacting of the novel by Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet On The Western Front.

The Beaver quality of this full moon offers guidance around a helpful attitude to assume in the passionate chaos of now: an unrelenting commitment to the individuation of the dream of realizing the full self.

Ted Andrews, in his book Animal Speak, points out that beavers can remain under water for 15 minutes before they must surface to replenish their store of oxygen. Clearly a suggestion is offered to use the breath to regulate the central nervous system in these calamitous times.

The beaver demonstrates the ability to maintain focus upon one’s path of heart, despite being submerged in the ruffled waters of passionate emotion. Though completely under water, the beaver never wavers in its effort to build and secure its dream home, regardless of the turbulence it encounters. Thus the guidance is: keep your personal link to intent free of attachment to negative thought, returning, incessantly, to the intent of wholeness.

Such is the determination of the fetus, who, in BPM III, is strongly enlivened to fight for its own survival amidst riveting pulsations of contractions that exact their crushing threat upon its umbilical lifeline.

Grof convincingly extends Freud’s psychosexual stages to the perinatal dimension of the unconscious, where, in BPM III, sexual energy is released that awakens the fetus to its own pulsating agency of autonomous, vigorous movement. The journey to birth through the birth canal becomes a confluence, indeed, of separate energies in both conflict and unison.

Our collective journey through BPM III now depends largely on the dream that we, as a collective fetus, choose to embrace. Of course, we are not alone in this decision, as the process involves the independent contractions of Mother Earth herself, as she shapes us through our tumultuous trauma of birth.

BPMIII can be a very long and wild stage of labor. Don’t draw conclusions too quickly, regardless of the intensity and rapidity of the various contractions experienced.

Sustainable birth in our world will be the realization of our collective soul’s dream, the ultimate intent of this Blood Beaver full moon eclipse, with its initiation of our world’s BPMIII.

Buckle up, breathe, find your body’s comfortable rhythm to navigate the confluent energies of now. Remain fixed upon the dream, with utter perseverance and equanimity.

And know, with utter certainty, that the day of full birth, BPMIV, will indeed eventually arrive.


Chuck’s Place: The Birth Of Humans Plus

– Illustration © 2022 Jan Ketchel

The consummate, uniquely American shaman, Robert Monroe, launched his Hemi-Sync Human Plus series to give humanity the tools to actualize their latent, but rarely accessed, highest human potential.

His dear friend Elmer Green actually removed himself from the Monroe Institute’s Board of Advisors in reaction to Bob’s indiscriminate granting of access to advanced powers that he believed should not be available to those who might abuse them.

Carlos Castaneda, whom Elmer Green deeply appreciated, did exactly what Bob Monroe did: he unveiled all the knowledge he had gained from the shamanic world of don Juan Matus, teaching it to anyone who was interested.

For Carlos, the time of sequestering knowledge for a limited few initiates had passed. Like Bob Monroe, Carlos saw that human evolution required a critical mass of seekers with the necessary tools to advance consciousness to the energetic, or soul, level of our being.

As Elisabeth Kübler-Ross stated in a workshop, “… if all of you would put a curse on me with your psychic energy, which is very powerful, all your psychic energy in this room could not touch me as long as I have no fear of voodoo. Negativity can only feed on negativity.” (The Tunnel And The Light, p.75)

Bob Monroe, as did Carlos Castaneda, taught the tool of affirming one’s intent to be protected from the unwanted intrusions of negative thoughts and negative energies, from within and without, at the beginning of every spiritual exploration.

That those advanced powers of human potential could be exploited is a fact of human life, evident in the narcissistic ego’s use of hypnotic suggestion to assume control in this current time of great transformation.

Stanislav Grof, a contemporary of  Bob and Elmer’s, and an equally advanced traveler in non-ordinary states as Carlos Castaneda, has  delineated the most explicit cartography of the human psyche to date, shining the brightest of lights on its transpersonal dimensions, illuminating our evolutionary trajectory.

Grof has demonstrated, for over sixty years, his discovery of the perinatal gateway to the transpersonal dimension, which includes the collective unconscious, the phylogenetic history of our world, as well as our past lives. The perinatal gateway is nothing other than the death/rebirth path that every human being has traversed in being born into this world. This paradigm is extremely helpful to understand the happenings on planet Earth now, as she has entered her active labor in delivering us our own rebirth into human plus beings.

The death required for this rebirth is a spiritual process that parallels the dissolution of the symbiotic unit of fetus, umbilical cord, placenta and mother in human birth. At the spiritual level the fetus is the human ego, currently in its last stand of narcissistic fixation. The placenta and umbilical cord have been the ego’s attachment to material exploitation of Mother Earth’s bountiful body.

What needs to die is ego’s greed and self-serving decision making. What is in the process of being born is ego’s rebirth into heightened awareness and assumption of responsibility for its energetic interdependent connection to all that is.

The idyllic state of unconscious union with the resplendent material world, identical with the tranquillity of fulfilled life in the womb, has advanced now to the chaos of active labor, with its insistence upon death of the old, birth of the new. The cervix has yet to dilate, but the contractions have begun.  Like migrants seeking to escape unbearable conditions, the borders are closed. No exit, no escape. Humanity arms itself, steals the property and lands of others, as fears of apocalypse stir the surface of the collective consciousness.

The existential depression of meaninglessness currently abounds, as the future appears hopeless. Remember, every fetus  was confronted with this same right of passage during the labor pains of the mother, forced to be completely alone, in utter darkness, under intense pressure, as walls caved in and outcome was uncertain.

We are already experiencing the first hints of the volcanic contractions to come in this joint rebirthing process now underway. Our undergoing of the joint labor needed to stretch the cervix so we can arrive into the light of a new world is evident in the extremes of climate change and the great advances in spiritual movements, which are pressing us to break beyond the narrow borders of ego narcissism.

Our spiritual rebirth is bringing us to a new life of expanded consciousness that holds divine the interconnectedness and equanimous value of everything.

At this higher level of consciousness, the powers available at the energetic, transpersonal dimension of life will be exercised responsibly. The creative power of thought will generate harmonious physical coexistence. This is the light at the end of the tunnel.

May we all use this intuitive knowing as we ride Mother Earth’s rocky rollercoaster of contractions, eventuating in the spiritual rebirth of humans plus.

All aboard,

Chuck’s Place: Earth’s Field Of Dreams

Dream love…
– Artwork © 2022 Jan Ketchel

Our nighttime dreams are actually evening meditations. As the senses of the body become passive in sleep, our consciousness is freed to meet with our teachers and guides who reside in the subtler dimensions of our being. Dreams and waking meditations are the portals to communion with our own High Spirit.

When we return from our nightly spirit consultations, we abruptly wake up to our physical reality, as the ego quickly begins anticipating its day. If we are able to download the contents of our dream journeys, we are able to contemplate their messages and benefit from their guidance.

It always helps to write them down. It is amazing how a dream, clearly remembered in the morning, drops from memory as we move through our day. Themes that are encountered in the subtler dimension of the dream take physical form as the day progresses. The subtle energy of dreaming creates the mental blueprint that deeply influences the events and attitudes we will assume in waking life.

Collective dreams are the dreams of Mother Earth as she interacts with the guides and higher self of her own Earth being. Human beings collectively comprise the ego consciousness of Mother Earth. Human waking behavior and climactic events are the physical downloads and expressions of her subtle dreams.

Covid-19 was an enactment of one of Mother Earth’s subtle dreams. That dream completely disrupted human behavior. For a while a united world raced to protect itself from that serious viral infection. Then the world split into opposing factions, unable to agree upon vaccines, masks, or whether the threat was even that real.

The covid dream confronted human beings with an abrupt threat to individual and collective survival. The latent Spirit intent was to raise human spirituality to face the truth and be willing to act in alignment with it. That dream had a minimal impact on human unity, but a new dream was needed to further the cause.

In came the Russian attack of Ukraine dream. Almost overnight the covid dream ended. Even the Freedom Convoy arrived at the outskirts of Washington, DC without a cause, as most mandates have disappeared!

The Russian/Ukraine dream is Mother Earth’s latest dream, where even the potential nightmare of nuclear holocaust has been activated. The collective reaction of the world to this onslaught has brought a much higher level of human consensus to the world stage.

This includes the welcoming of migrants and the willingness to suffer and sacrifice to shut down a behavior that is rooted in untruths and which threatens the innocent people of Ukraine, as well as the overall stability of the world.

Interestingly, it appears that Putin’s strength rests upon his export of oil. Will the world completely shun Russia’s oil to shut down this invasion? This is being contemplated right now. Is the world ready for such sacrifice?

I ponder Mother Earth’s higher self’s intent in this dream. Truth, unity, and sacrifice are key ingredients. Yet, the latent effect of shutting off the oil might be the development of a new dream, of seriously going green, a major key to Mother Earth’s survival. We will see how this dream advances.

Mother Earth’s next dream will be the karma of the outcome of this current dream. Rest assured that whatever next dream appears upon our Earthly field of dreams, it comes imbued to the brim with Spirit intent! And that intent is love, regardless of the challenging dreams we must be shaped by to get there.

Just love,


Chuck’s Place: Sorcery & Crazy Wisdom

Wholeness: engaging the light & the dark…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Carlos Castaneda said that if anyone opened to the energy of the Shamans of Ancient Mexico they would be inundated by their influence. The modern day shamans of his line acknowledge that all their knowledge comes from this ancient heritage; what has changed is their intent in how they use that knowledge.

The ancient shamans coveted power, and their ability to perform such supernatural acts as defying physical death itself, by remaining in physical form, for centuries. The modern shamans saw this intent as binding one to the physicality of the Earth rather than allowing one to move completely into the energy body and evolve into the subtler dimensions upon dying. Freedom to evolve is the intent of these modern-day shamans.

Don Juan Matus was concerned, throughout his mentorship of Carlos, that Carlos’s nature was too infused with the predilection of the ancient shamans. He foresaw that Carlos might become a Nagual partial to the sorcery ways of the ancient shamans. Those shamans trained their apprentices with the full-on ruthlessness of sorcery.

Sorcery has absolutely no morality, nor compassion, in its training manual. Jan’s Recapitulation Diaries document her, at the time, unknown early life apprenticeship with a dark sorcerer of ancient tradition. The training was brutal, yet her survival and recapitulation advanced her to a complete equanimity of consciousness.

Jan’s early life of abuse was the journey with the ancient shamans, whose throw ’em in the deep end predilection was later completed with the modern shaman’s road to freedom via recapitulation. Being shattered is forced psychic awakening; recapitulation leads to psychic wholeness and keen functionality.

Jan’s journey reflects the pervasive journey of our time: incessant trauma. Complex PTSD is the natural human response to the events, human and environmental, of current life upon the planet. Gaia is challenging us now with full-on sorcery, crushing our left brain’s fantasies of control. She expects a total recapitulation, and right action, for us to be ready to retake the helm with integrity.

Sorcery takes no prisoners. Petty tyrants are not fair. To survive, the ego must learn to be a keen observer, taking action only as absolutely necessary and appropriate. Demanding fairness and entitlement from a petty tyrant depletes energy and puts one at risk. Trauma forces entry into to the subtler dimensions, but even there one must not dally in the safety of dissociation. Mindful presence is the necessary ego state of survival.

Mindful presence must be cultivated out of defensive vigilance, which, if unrefined, depletes energy reserves and forestalls the necessary ability to go with the flow. Edy Eger in her memoir, The Choice, documents the impeccability of her mindful presence during her time in Auschwitz. Nonetheless, her journey remains a work in progress, as the full retrieval of her energy from the traumas of her life is still a work in progress.

As long as the sensational and emotional imprints of trauma remain charged in the central nervous system—in the form of triggers—present life remains partially frozen in the past. A fully clear and present life requires the complete experience of everything, and full detachment from everything, that has ever happened to us.

I experienced the modern shamanic side of Carlos Castaneda. The tools he offered are tools of freedom. Recapitulation is the tool of freedom from the trappings of trauma. I did not experience the fully ancient sorcerer side of Carlos that Amy Wallace documents in her memoir, Sorcerer’s Apprentice: My Life With Carlos Castaneda.

I know too many characters from my time in that world to doubt the validity of her journey. The cognitive dissonance between her experience and mine, made me keep her book at bay for years. She documents experiences that are so anathema to everything I stand for, that if Carlos were still in this world I believe he should be imprisoned. 

At the same time, the validity of the tools he passed on have cracked the nut of total healing from PTSD.  Certainly, Carlos ensured, by his extreme polarized ego states, that he would not be venerated beyond this life. The value of his tools are in their utility, not in their association with him.

Buddhism has its own brand of sorcery. Chogyam Trungpa, Tibetan refugee, teacher, scholar, founder of the Shambala Training method and Naropa University, had a similar shadow life to Carlos Castaneda’s. This included sexually abusive and inappropriate behaviors.

Many in the Buddhist world have been so positively impacted by Chogyam’s teachings that they accept the cognitive dissonance of his shadow behavior as “crazy wisdom”, essentially appreciating his sorcery activity as a deeply challenging but valid form of teaching.

As with Carlos, if Chogyam were still alive in this world, he too should be prosecuted for unlawful behavior. Tricksters have their value in teaching but they are not above the laws of this world. At the same time, spiritual advancement requires that we totally accept every experience we have ever had, regardless of how beautiful or horrific it might have been.

Though we may subscribe to the highest level of morality, life itself is amoral. Though rising in the subtler dimensions requires progressively deeper refinements of love, we will not progress on that journey if we cannot accept every experience of our lives with equanimity. If we can’t find our way to love with that which is most horrific, its mastery defines our karmic destiny.

Sorcery and crazy wisdom are indeed expressions of the dark side of the force. Encounters with the dark side are required Earth School courses. Achieving wholeness—the coveted diploma from Earth School—requires that we know and accept everything we have ever done, or that was done to us, with equanimity.

With gratitude to the dark and the light—the wholeness,


Soulbyte for Thursday April 8, 2021

Keep your feet on the ground, even as you seek connection with your spirit. For you will find your spirit as much in this world as any other, for that spirit reverberates with all the energies of Mother Earth, in her air and sunlight, in her trees and wind, in her stars and waters. For like the spirit of Mother Earth your own spirit resonates within and without.  Being grounded means being of the world of Mother Earth as well as of the world of Spirit, matter and ether both. In this manner find your place in the life you are in and rejoice in the simplicity of that—life itself!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne