Tag Archives: love is the answer

Soulbyte for Wednesday December 30, 2020

When a thing is done it cannot be undone, but if everything is a lesson then learn by what has transpired to make better decisions in the future. Proceed with a clear mind, unburdened of regret and sadness, and make new choices in alignment with your evolving spirit rather than in attachment to things, desires, and unnecessary wants. Plan your future according to the love principle that says love is the answer. How can you turn your corner of the world into a more loving place? How can you grow love so that it prospers? How can you be the most loving being possible? These are the questions to ask yourself now. This is your future.

Sending you all love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday November 4, 2020

Continue to let the heart lead. Let all decisions be guided by heart centered knowing, by the loving tenets of kindness and compassion, by the goodness within you. For to be heart centered and loving is to be a human being of the highest magnitude. Let it be known that love is the way, always. Love is the way.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday November 3, 2020

Out of chaos will emerge the calm, out of matter emerges spirit, out of night comes the day. There are two sides to everything. Keep this in mind even as you contend with your own duality. Have patience as things shift and change, for all good takes time and patience, even as love takes time to grow and evolve. Remain in sacred knowing that the human spirit is strong and loving and that eventually goodness will prevail.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday September 17, 2020

Remain heart centered. Let not words of rage from outside of you interfere with words of love coming from within you, for in turning to the heart there will not be fear nor worry pouring forth but only kindness and concern for the welfare of all. In turning to the heart, loving kindness will emerge as the only antidote to a troubled world where one side turns against another, where anger and fear turn their backs on that which truly works to unify and reconnect the many to the true needs of all. Let love guide you now so that love may also guide the many. In love’s interest, turn to your own heart, sit in calmness, and let its truth guide you to be as loving as you can.

Sending you all love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday September 4, 2020

Maintain a calm center even in the midst of chaos, for it is always appropriate to act from a place of calmness rather than fear, from a heart that is still and knowing rather than from a heart that is stirred by outside influences to act impetuously and without spiritual counsel. Give your heart the time it needs to calm down, and then give it time to stir up the love it naturally feels. From a place of love, right action and right decision will arise that is in alignment with a good spirit rising, within and without, turning chaos into loving kindness and compassion, the true intent of the calm and loving heart within you all.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne