Tag Archives: life’s unfolding

Soulbyte for Monday April 18, 2022

Life unfolds as it will without you doing a thing. Each new day brings what comes next. Your job is to be aware of how you fit into that unfolding. According to nature it’s quite easy. Go with the flow and you will have neither conflict nor stagnation but only the smooth unfolding of life in time and space. Ask each day: What is my role today and how can I be as loving and kind as possible?

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday February 16, 2022

Let change into your life in small and incremental ways so that over time you will be acclimated to how change effects you and your world, and so that you will be better prepared for the big changes that are sure to come unexpectedly and suddenly. Small changes are practice for being able to handle the inevitable. Accept change as part of your life’s plan, bringing you lessons and challenges that are necessary for your spiritual growth and development. Get comfortable with change, for it is the truth unfolding in everyday life, but not so comfortable that you neglect yourself or forget to enjoy life as it unfolds in every fascinating moment.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday December 15, 2021

Hold steady and with patience await the change that is coming in its own time. In nature nothing can be rushed that will not rush, just as nothing can be held back that will not be held back. Every day is part of the unfolding and all that is within that unfolding is constantly in motion, changing and becoming. With patience, await the unfolding. Keeping a good and quiet heart, full of love and compassion, is also very appropriate during the time of unfolding.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday June 24, 2021

What lessons are you being presented with in your day to day life? Every day there is a lesson plan and it unfolds as the day goes on. What are you being shown? How are you reacting? Are you taking it seriously? Listen to your body; it teaches you too. Listen to your heart; it speaks the truth. Listen to your mind; it reveals something important, how your thoughts control you. Learn your lessons and move on, or they will be repeated, and that’s okay, but your real journey is to change and that’s what all those lessons are really about, learning how to change.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday May 27, 2021

Find in nature’s awakening and progression reflections of your own awakening and unfolding, for nature is spirit in action, doing the things that come when it’s time to do them, neither too early nor too late. Even disasters in nature come when the time is right. Let your own life’s unfolding be natural to you. Times of illness or depression just as times of joy or celebration come when the time is right, for all of nature and all in natural unfolding equates with change, the great equalizer and the great destiny of all. Embrace your own change. It’s natural!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne