Tag Archives: life as a changing journey

Soulbyte for Tuesday October 26, 2021

When change calls to you meet it with open arms, for it is what you have been waiting for. Allow it to show you where to go next, how to approach the next step on your journey and what attitude to take. For change, in all its manifestations, just means that it’s time to shift, to take a new direction, to embark on a new journey. With change in your life you will never be bored but constantly on the move.

Sending you love, 
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday October 25, 2021

Change is in the human program. Learn to embrace it and go with the flow of it and you will be as natural as the wind, as solid as the Earth, as flowing as the rivers. Observe how though in motion the wind does calm down, how though firm the Earth does shift, and how though flowing the rivers do meet calmer waters and mix in with the stillness of coves and pools. In nature, observe and learn that change is the program that evolves all things and that human nature is a part of it all, changing and changeable too.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday October 15, 2021

Don’t give up. There is only one way to change your life and that is to change yourself. Put all of your effort into that task and you will be richly rewarded. Change of the self comes only through directed intent and nerves of steel. There is no other greater challenge, but it is of the utmost importance that you take up this most deserving and humbling task, for if you don’t do the deep work of saving yourself this time around you will have to do it in your next life. In changing the self you change everything, and the trajectory of your current and future lives will be forever changed as well.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday October 12, 2021

Find the joy in life, even as you must deal with the pain. Keep an open and calm heart and hope for the best, even in times of the greatest stress. With a calm heart remember to breathe, and allow your body to bring you to the state of calmness that will allow you to be open to receive the gifts of change that are upon you. In calmness find your way and in calmness let yourself be open to receive.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday October 6, 2021

There comes a time when it is time, when you know that the big moment of change that you have been expecting arrives, when there is only one choice to make and you must make it. In such times, it is your inner heart centered knowing that will guide you properly and keep you safe and calm. Do not let the vicissitudes of life get you down but use the goodness of your heart to lift you up, for you know now that you can trust the truth of your heart.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne