Tag Archives: inner work

Chuck’s Place: 50% (+) & 50% (-) = Harmony

In perfect harmony…

If the equation that is the title of this blog is accurate, then the world, as it is currently energetically distributed, would seem to be on a grand trajectory of achieving harmony. In need of immediate clarification however, is the understanding of (+) and (-).

(+) and (-) are not to be confused with good and bad, as commonly assigned. (+) and (-) are instead the primal energies that make up everything. Thus, for example, the primary building blocks for all the hexagrams in the I Ching are Yang and Yin, the masculine creative (+) and the feminine receptive energies (-).

Yang as spirit and Yin as matter are the primary equal sources of all that is. Thus, man and woman are composed equally of Yang and Yin, spirit and matter. However, when focusing only on outer appearances, the sexes have been innacurately pigeonholed into polarized opposites. The current questioning of gender categories reflects an effort to break the blinding power of these stereotypes when applied to people.

To be in a state of total polarization is the precursor to union. When the positive and negative poles of magnets face each other, a powerful attractive force draws them to unite. When a negatively charged electron meets with a positively charged proton, they are, once again, powerfully attracted to unite. This is the essence and energy of electricity.

The social polarization that currently dominates our world reflects a repulsive vs. attractive force. This occurs in nature when two like poles face each other. If the like poles of a magnet are brought in close proximity they exert a powerfully repulsive energy that absolutely refuses union.

This energetic likeness, in opposition, suggests that what actually underlies the apparent polarization of now, is actually the animus of like energies vying for supremacy and separateness. Thus, the very active energies of Yang are battling for supremacy. The receptive energies of Yin, that would lead toward union, are in very short supply.

Nonetheless, repulsive power is an energetic fact of nature. It serves the function of energetically maintaining distance from another. Within the tension it generates, consciousness has the opportunity to examine rejected and underdeveloped potentials within the self.

This would be what Jung identified as shadow work. This is where ego encounters unknown and unowned parts of the self in a state of opposition. Though repulsed by each other they are nonetheless bonafide parts of the self. These are the male figures that men struggle with in dreams and the female figures that women struggle with as well.

To achieve inner harmony, Yin must be introduced into shadow work. Though the repulsive force of Yang upon Yang energies is powerful, it is also unstable. Again, just try holding the same poles of opposite magnets steady; it’s nearly impossible. The instability of this potent opposition will require the introduction of Yin to achieve the stability and necessary attraction for the harmony of greater unity to occur.

Yin, as the receptive, receives all things. The energy that is capable of complete receptivity is none other than love. Love is the ultimate energy that receives and rejects nothing. Thus, shadow work ultimately requires fully loving all parts of one’s repulsed shadow self. Loving one’s shadow neighbor neutralizes repulsive energy, as the shadow consolidates in wholeness with ego. This sets the stage for the greater union of Yang and Yin, the true equation of harmony.

In recapitulation, one actively engages Yang and Yin energies to arrive at a state of inner harmony. In trauma, the energy of Yin protectively freezes all the aspects of the traumatic experience into a consolidated mass that is then generally stored somewhere in the physical body. This chrysalis of separated energetic experience awaits the action of Yang to free its energy and to ultimately be transformed and integrated into one’s living wholeness.

The ego, the conscious active Yang force, must embark upon the hero’s journey to find and free its imprisoned Yin. Thus, with intention, the ego scans the body in search of its lost Yin. Yin sends out sensations of appreciation and often pain, signaling the greater experience frozen inside it. As well, feelings of fear and anger might emerge to defensively keep one at bay.

Here, Yang might employ the recapitulation breath to bring the Yang and Yin forces into active engagement. As the head moves from side to side, or pole to pole, the breath accompanies it, actively mixing and releasing these opposite energies of matter and spirit. The full experience of frozen Yin is experienced by its partner Yang, as they, as a couple, dissolve the frozen energy in the chrysalis, which re-forms into the butterfly of liberated energy within the self.

Subjectively, one applies loving acceptance toward every aspect of the experience once lost to one’s greater wholeness. Everything and everyone is completely emotionally neutralized by this all-accepting power of love. Nothing remains that has the power to trigger. The full truth is known, fully appreciated, accepted, integrated and transformed into wisdom.

Recapitulation advances harmony through intentionally bringing (+) and (-) energies into active engagement and passive receptivity. As holograms of the whole, every time we recapitulate we advance the cause of outer harmony. May these efforts accrue to lead the world back into harmony.

Begin the reconciliation process within to further the intent for harmony without. To come home for the holidays is to find this harmony at home, within the self.

As within, so without,


Soulbyte for Friday December 10, 2021

Let there be light in the dark so that you may always see the truth and with the truth in hand be prepared to accept that which is revealed. In acceptance of the truth let peace and calmness surround you and let love permeate you. For the truth seeks only to inform and enlighten and it will do you no harm. Let the truth stand as your ground and let your heart be calm, knowing that in finding your truth you have done good work.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday December 9, 2021

Don’t be so hard on yourself. Let the stresses of life as it unfolds fall by the wayside as you do the best you can under the circumstances. It’s not your responsibility to solve the problems of the world, but do take care to attend to your own personal problems so that you are better prepared each day to live your life to the fullest. Don’t neglect what needs to be done, but don’t get down on yourself for what is left undone. Do the best you can, but do it with full awareness and full commitment to always being kind and loving.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: Tell Your Body What To Do

Image by Jan Ketchel

I would like to say that, yes, it is that simple. By telling your heart to beat slower, it will beat slower. By telling your blood pressure to flow more calmly, it will flow more calmly. By telling your breathing to calm down, it will calm down. By telling your body to relax, it will relax.

And though I know from personal experience that these things are true, I  also know that our internal programming, largely molded by our social conditioning and education, tells us that such things are not possible.

The rational mind either rejects such a simplistic possibility and refuses to do it or makes half-hearted attempts a couple of times and proves its absurdity.

If we allow our accepted beliefs to control our actions without honestly testing out possibilities beyond those beliefs, we will be slow to evolve. Evolution requires that we allow life to progress through its changes. If we grasp too tightly to old beliefs without testing new possibilities we create roadblocks to our own growth and evolution.

The true scientist is not offended when the outcome of an experiment disproves the stated hypothesis. To the contrary, there is the thrill of the discovery of a new truth. Science, at its purest, is a lover of truth. Beliefs that refuse to yield to an unprejudiced experiment are no lovers of true science.

It is true that many of our cognitive, emotional and behavioral actions happen outside the control of consciousness. Our subconscious minds are the home of the programs that automatically operate our physical and mental systems.

We should be quite thankful that the subconscious automatically shoulders the directing of these systems. Imagine if we had to tell ourselves to breathe every breath we inhale throughout the day! We’d have little energy and focus to do any other activity. Yet, it is a fact that at times, when we do assume conscious control of our breathing, it can have a deeply calming effect upon our body and state of mind.

The science behind the efficacy of conscious self-regulation can be traced to the pioneering research of German psychiatrist Johannes Heinrich Schultz in what he called autogenic training. The marvels of hypnosis were in deep display in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. No one could deny that the subconscious mind could be influenced to vastly change the condition of the body.

What Schultz advanced was the possibility of a direct relationship between the conscious mind and the state of the body. Rather than put the conscious mind to sleep in a state of trance and then have the subconscious controlled by the suggestions of the hypnotist, in autogenic training the conscious mind is fully awake, talking with conviction to the body and the underlying subconscious, consciously directing physical changes.

The mind, at the level of the ego, the chief navigator of daily life, can decide at any time to direct thinking and behavior. This means volitionally, with conscious intent, interrupting and overriding the currently active program operating from the center of the subconscious mind.

With calm, unbiased perseverance, one can discover, for themselves, the power they have to directly influence the state of their central nervous system. Of course there are many other ways to influence this relationship, such as through the use of medications, whose chemicals exert direct influence over the automatic programs running the body.

Energy therapies such as acupuncture also directly impact the energy channels in the body, by overriding subconscious programs causing energy blockages. Massage therapy deals with the relaxing and redistributing of energy at the level of the densest concentrations of energy, the physical body.

All these methods have their benefits and may be helpful to creating harmony within the CNS. Statements made directly to the body empower an individual to directly impact their state of being. Of course, one should always investigate the reason behind an uncomfortable body condition, as there may be a message behind it to the psyche from the body, asking it to change a dysfunctional behavior or to investigate some deeper issue.

Nonetheless, even that kind of investigation requires a calm state of being to allow for clear mental processing. For this, the simple directive from the conscious mind, telling the heart to beat slower, may prove extremely useful.

Try it. See what happens. Be a true scientist.

My heart beats slower,


Soulbyte for Monday December 6, 2021

Let not the worries of the world intercept your search for freedom, your search for meaning, your search for connection to the divine within. You are spirit first and that is what matters most, your efforts to find your connection to that spirit so you can nurture and know it on the deepest of levels. Once you do that the worries of the world will not seem so desperate, for you will understand the balance that keeps everything in motion, the necessity for change, and how a part of the oneness of it all you really are. So stay calm and carry on the deeper search within.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne