Tag Archives: inner peace

Soulbyte for Friday July 3, 2020

Do not become infected by the psychology of others. Stand always in your own centeredness and learn to listen to your own heart, the connecting link to spirit, to your own Soul, and to all other High Souls. Readjust to your heart center whenever you are drawn into dispute, whether within yourself or out in the world, and wait patiently for your own heart’s steady vibration to calm you and lead you into inner peace, inner knowing, and inner stability. Only then is it right to take action, heart centered action, though even then no action may actually be the right action, for sometimes the only action needed is to sit calmly in that heart centered loving vibration and let it do the work it is made to do: to love unconditionally. Sometimes that is enough.

Sending you all love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday April 23, 2020

Calmness comes in detachment. Seek solace by detaching from the antics playing out in the world around you, from the dramas, wars, and conflicts. In inner solitude, based upon inner contentment, find the calmness you seek, far away from the disturbances around you, far from the chaos of daily life. In nature find solace in a single cloud drifting in the sky, in a tiny bird’s flight, in the sound of water falling, in the songs of crickets. Look outside of you, in nature, for the calmness you seek within, and notice how nature fills the void with beauty and intent, and then take that beauty and intent within you where it may grow upon you and become your own. In solitude find solace, and be grateful for a few moments of calmness. Let it be enough.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity From Jeanne: Practice Patience

Practice patience by sitting as quietly as a stone…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

In our audio channeling today we are all advised to be patient, but to be patient knowing that change happens in the right moment. Times are frustrating, but these times too will pass. And don’t forget to make your practice one of loving patience!

Have a wonderful week!