Tag Archives: solitude

Soulbyte for Thursday April 23, 2020

Calmness comes in detachment. Seek solace by detaching from the antics playing out in the world around you, from the dramas, wars, and conflicts. In inner solitude, based upon inner contentment, find the calmness you seek, far away from the disturbances around you, far from the chaos of daily life. In nature find solace in a single cloud drifting in the sky, in a tiny bird’s flight, in the sound of water falling, in the songs of crickets. Look outside of you, in nature, for the calmness you seek within, and notice how nature fills the void with beauty and intent, and then take that beauty and intent within you where it may grow upon you and become your own. In solitude find solace, and be grateful for a few moments of calmness. Let it be enough.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday August 7, 2018

Find solace in knowing that you do have a primary purpose. Perhaps it is to become yourself more fully, to become more fully independent, more fully grounded in your solitary journey within the duality of body and soul, in the physical and in the spiritual. Such a journey is profound indeed. Look each day toward deeper grounding in and alignment with this purpose. Search no longer for meaning but find it in everything you do and everywhere you turn. For that is where it exists, all around you and in every moment. Journey onward and yet realize you have already found, for that is the journeyer’s truth, coming in the stillness of a moment of solitude. What you seek has already been found, within.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne