Tag Archives: individuation

Soulbyte for Tuesday May 29, 2018

Watch what you think about yourself and others. Remember that a thought can manifest as truth and cause a lifetime of difficulties and problems when in actuality it’s just a thought, a mere fabrication, an idea. Don’t let negative thoughts manifest. Keep turning them on their heads. Reject them as lies, as falsities, as untrue. Turn instead to positive thoughts that will lead you out of your problems and away from your miseries and into a new realm. What thoughts have you planted in your own body and mind? What thoughts have you planted in others? Thoughts are limiting; life is unlimiting if you allow it to be so. Make the switch from a limited reality to an unlimited one. Unthink a few things and see what happens!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Your Perfectly Imperfect Self


We see the beauty in nature, but can we see it in ourselves?
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

No one is perfect. We are all human. But there is another part of us that is perfect in all ways. What might that be? Take a listen to this week’s audio channeling and see if you don’t agree.

Go with the flow!

Soulbyte for Monday May 28, 2018

Take responsibility for yourself, your behaviors and your actions, even if others do not seem to support you, for nobody owes you anything. You alone must live your life and take it to fulfillment. Though others may seem to be distant know that such distance provides you with the energy you need to progress on your own. Distance offers the gift of detachment and in detaching you are free to make your way through life as you see fit without being burdened by the energy of others. Be proactive in your own life and rather than blame others for their lacks take up your own cause more fully, for the truth is, if you don’t who will? It is your life after all. Feel your sadnesses but embrace your joys and find contentment in all you have created—your self!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday May 24, 2018

Circumambulation defines a path, creates a mandala, a symbol of wholeness. Eventually there will be resolution, there will be peace, for as you walk your path through life spirit is guiding you, helping you to find what you truly need. Be assured that in repetition, in circumambulation, there is learning, there is discovery, there is the honing of the path that will lead you out of the darkness and into the light. Every day you are creating something new as you circumambulate, even if you are not aware of it. Trust your spirit, for it knows you well and it is bringing you what you need. Can you accept its guidance and what it presents? That’s where resolution lies too, in acceptance of all that you are and all that is. As you circumambulate remember this. Accept what is.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday May 23, 2018

Take back your projections, that which you have left with others to hold and treasure, to care for and nurture, both your fully adult self and your tender inner child self. It’s time to take back all that you are, that which you value and that which you despise about yourself. All of this equals your wholeness, that which you can tolerate about yourself and that which you cannot. You might think you are bad but you are just searching for your wholeness. It’s your spirit’s journey. Without blame or shame it’s time to bring home all that you are, to own and integrate all parts of the self, to love the self in a new way. You will never be whole until you do this for yourself, until you can bear the tension of all that you are. It’s the final shift of this phase now underway, within and without, and you are being invited to participate. This is how to do it: bring home your wholeness. Let your spirit guide you and let your body follow. Once this task is done you will be ready for the rest of life that is holding back waiting for you. Give yourself a gift today: your wholeness!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne