Tag Archives: individuation

Soulbyte for Friday June 8, 2018

One day you will look back at this time and be amazed, because you will see how everything was laid out for you, how one step did lead to the next, and how every step you took was meaningful, helpful and, most of all, magical. Keep this future look-back in mind as you plod along, as you take that next step, as you think that things will never change. Know they will. Your future self already knows this and is right beside you showing you where to go next. As you face your life, face your future too and know that everything is going just fine!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday June 7, 2018

Be patient as you take your journey through life and as you let spirit guide you. Learn to trust that you are on the right track and that spirit is taking care of you. But do work hard to prepare yourself for your future by getting in shape, within and without, and by being ready to meet your greatest desires with openheartedness. Magic awaits you, and deep inside you know this to be true, that life is magical.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday June 6, 2018

Don’t say you can’t, because you can! Don’t say you won’t, because you will! Don’t dismiss your power, because indeed you contain it! Walk the path that has been carved for you. Do it willingly, certain that you have all the abilities you need to do so, keeping them foremost in your mind and heart, keeping your power firmly centered, knowing that all the energy you need as you take your journey forward is within you. You have no other life but this one. This is your life, your body, your spirit, your chosen path in this lifetime. This is it. Accept it, but also choose to live it to the fullest, with all you’ve got. Give it your all so that life does not take your energy but provides you with all it’s got to give in return, for indeed there is much to be had. Discover every golden nuance about yourself as you walk your path, and don’t forget to enjoy every moment of it!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday June 5, 2018

Is it finally time? When it’s time to take the next step you will know by the small voice of your spirit inside you urging you that it really is finally time. And then it will be up to you to add the impetus, to find the energy and exact the fortitude necessary to follow through to fulfillment. A message from spirit is not to be ignored, for your spirit knows everything and when it says it’s time, it really is time. Find the time to listen to your spirit and your spirit will find the time to speak to you and let you know how things stand and what to do about it, today and every day, for it’s always time to tune into spirit!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday June 4, 2018

Take possession of your life. Reset yourself every day. Restate your intentions and without judgment take your next steps, following the guidance that comes to you but moving forward in a deliberate and liberating manner taking only what is necessary and discarding that which is no longer useful or helpful. Remain in charge of your own destiny but let destiny offer its gifts. Let each day be a day of learning and anticipation. Be of open heart as you take your next steps, firmly pointed in the direction of choice and yet firmly directed by spirit within and without. In this manner let each day unfold and progress be made. And don’t forget to acknowledge how far you have already come!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne