Tag Archives: individuation

Soulbyte for Thursday April 17, 2019

With heart open, stand firm upon your path of transformation. Day by day make changes that further your intent to change. Change happens all the time in the world around you, and even in your own body without your need to do a thing, but changes of the mind, of the soul, of consciousness take effort. Each day is a renewal, a new opportunity to restart and restate your intent: “I am a changing being!” Make your change the most important aspect of your life, for you and your life deserve it. It’s all in your hands. You’ve come this far, don’t stop now. The power is yours.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday April 16, 2019

Take your mind off yourself for a moment and look around. What are you being shown today that will lead to knowledge and enlightenment? What are you being shown about yourself that will enhance your life experience if only you would notice and take advantage of it? Are you only seeing the negatives and missing all the positive signs you are constantly being gifted? Take your attention off your usual thoughts about yourself and look outward for a moment. Extend that moment to an hour, an hour freed of your usual self-condemnations. What do you begin to notice? When negative thoughts arise, refuse them. Look only outside of yourself at something beautiful, calm, and peaceful for a change and be freed of yourself for hours at a time. What do you experience inside yourself when you are freed of yourself? Something beautiful, calm, and peaceful too? You can change by changing your inner attitudes about yourself, but it’s up to you to prove it, one hour at a time.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: What Are You Being Shown?

What you seek is right there, being shown to you every day…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

In our channeled message today we are all advised to stay alert to what life itself is trying to teach us. We find our lessons in everything. Our job is to find out just what it is that we are being shown. What path will life take today? Remain aware and be open to what comes to you. It might just be the perfect lesson, the one you have been waiting for, the guidance that will set you right!

Be well, and be love!

Soulbyte for Friday April 12, 2019

A warrior maintains balance in all ways, at all times, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, no matter the circumstances. To stay in balance is to constantly walk the razor’s edge, staying in the tension of each moment, neither pulled one way nor the other, neither too much nor too little but finding life’s thrills in each moment of holding to that razor’s edge. A warrior knows that to step off the razor’s edge thwarts the journey, slows progress. A warrior’s intent is to withstand all bombardments from all levels of life, conscious and unconscious, with sharp precision. A warrior holds to the razor’s edge knowing there is no greater purpose in life than the intent to maintain balance. A warrior does this, sharp as a razor, without judgment, maintaining a path with heart, a mind filled with compassion, and loving kindness for all, including the self who may occasionally slip. But a warrior always remembers the intent of the path with heart and immediately returns to the razor’s edge, for a warrior knows that it is there that a warrior is most alert, aware, and alive.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday April 10, 2019

Disappointment is but a thought in the mind, related to something in the past. Let it go. Begin each day with a clean slate, no leftovers from the day before, the week before, the month before, the years before. Start anew with the idea that you are empty of all negative ideas and attitudes about yourself, your habits, your failures, your imperfections. Sweep them away and start over. You are a new being on this new day. Begin with that. Then add love, tenderness, and joy to your new slate. Add eagerness and openness. Add expectation of goodness, kindness, and compassion. Pretty soon you will have a new full slate, filled with promise that is positive and productive. Begin with that on this new day. For you are all that, and more. But that is for you to discover!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne