Tag Archives: individuation

Soulbyte for Tuesday July 2, 2019

The river of life flows through you. You are the light of the sun, the winds blowing, the oceans rocking, the moon shining, the mountains rising, the trees growing. You are life itself. Like the Earth beneath you, you are alive with energies, subtle and vibrant. Respect life within you and respect all life that surrounds you, that shares the planet with you, that supplies you with what you naturally need. Remember always that you are simply a part of it all, an instrument of the great experiment that is life. Live simply, with gratitude, respect, and love for all beings, human and nonhuman species alike, and for all that grows and keeps you alive. Take only what you need and leave only beauty behind you. In that will be a life well lived.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday June 28, 2019

Intend change, within and without. Stop telling yourself the same old stories to begin with. Shift out of your current mode of thought by interjecting new ideas and thoughts about yourself so that your mind becomes infused with new possibilities. In this manner begin to build a new you. Make some changes on the outside to support the changes on the inside. It’s okay to change, to be different, to truly be you. Maybe you’ve had to play a role, be someone else in order to achieve something, though it may be far from the real you. It’s okay to make a course correction, a surprising move, to take a new path, as long as it’s a path with heart, for that is the only change that really matters and the only path to take. Maybe it’s finally time. And once you begin that first step, don’t doubt yourself but stay connected to what your heart tells you, for the heart speaks only one language, the language of truth.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday June 27, 2019

Suspend judgment and let your mind be silent. Still its thoughts, quiet its incessant chatter. In fact, just don’t think. Let your spirit take over instead. Rather than be guided by old ideas, thoughts, and judgments of yourself and what you think you can and cannot do or be, let your spirit show you who you truly are. Be open and trusting that your spirit has only your best in its intentions, that it truly knows what you need. Just as you have been learning to trust that your body knows what it needs and how to take care of it, that it has a mind of its own, trust your spirit in this manner too. Body and spirit and you, what better combination could there be? And what is the “you” in that mix? You are the energy of consciousness, awareness, knowledge, and wisdom. You are your own body and spirit, but also far more than that. For you are all that you are and all that you can be, present oneness and future oneness. You are your own potential, your own fulfillment, the totality of you, and you carry it all within. So, suspend the judging mind for a while and tap into all of that, and then see what happens!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday June 21, 2019

Change is good. Change happens naturally. Rather than resist, get into alignment with the changes in your own life and allow them to lead you forward into a new phase of life. Change brings challenges but it also brings opportunities. Direct your energy to allow for change and, at the same time, be open to what comes with it. You may be surprised.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday June 13, 2019

There’s nothing wrong with you. Everything is part of your life plan. Everything is an important part of who you are and what you have decided you need to make life challenging, interesting, and evolutionary. Everything about you offers an opportunity. Everything begs to be investigated and explored for greater meaning. Everything that happens to you, has happened, and will happen is part of your life’s journey and thus everything matters. You are learning every day of your life. You are fulfilling and completing some aspect that your Soul has decided is important. Love and appreciate all aspects of yourself from your Soul’s perspective and strive also to progress each day in your body self, to find meaning, and to keep changing in a positive manner. Live life always as a meaningful journey, for that is what it is. Make each day count by doing something loving and kind, for that is what really matters, to body and Soul.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne