Tag Archives: goodness

Soulbyte for Monday January 18, 2021

Remain calm and focused on the power of the Great Mother, she who rules the Universe, to guide and protect, to allow only what is necessary to unfold, who wishes only for love, peace, and goodness to fill the hearts of the many. Remain a being of love and light even as darkness may descend. Keep in mind that in the Universe of the Great Mother the light always returns; the sun will rise, the moon will shine, the good hearts will light the way. Whatever happens, keep a bigger picture in mind. Remain loving of heart, kind of word, and act with goodness toward one and all.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday January 13, 2021

Hold steady in times of stress, letting go of worry and fear. Remain in the good energy of knowing that all things pass and that with hearts centered on the good there is always a chance for justice and peace to prevail. Rather than attack, go inward, and with great restraint tend to the issues of the world within the self, for if you are in a calm state, calmness may reassert itself. If you are in a loving place, love may find its way to the rest of the world too. Remain steady and innerly calm no matter what happens. That is your path of heart for this moment in time.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday September 2, 2020

Just as the sun sets so does it always rise again. Just as the darkness comes each night so does the light of a new day come too. When the time is right the darkness gives way to the light, and so shall it be during times of great change and upheaval upon the earth. Until that time, keep your heart primed with love and hope, with the certainty that goodness and kindness will reign, that justice and peace will prevail. The heart is strong and determined that love will find the way through every storm and bring about the answer, for love knows what the world needs now, and so do you. May love prevail.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday September 1, 2020

Stay connected to the goodness within you no matter what transpires without. Kindness never grows old or useless, compassion knows no bounds, and love is always ready and willing. Though others may choose a more destructive path, walk behind them with loving kindness and compassion and clean up the mess they leave behind without making a sound. For goodness does not have to speak; its voice is in action, in the right things being done so that all may prosper and live a good and peaceful life. Let love guide the way so that all hearts may join in the true path of change, the loving path of kindness.

Sending you all love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne