Tag Archives: go with the flow

Soulbyte for Thursday September 15, 2022

                                                       -Illustration © 2022 Jan Ketchel

Even the best laid plans, with everything in place and set, may not run according to schedule. Such is life, easily planned but much harder to control. Learn to be flexible, to go with the flow, while at the same time be prepared and fully intent for a smooth process. To be open to what comes along, while at the same time to plan for the best, is to be in good balance with what is and with what is desired. To want is natural, but not all that is wanted is necessary. Sometimes something more important is needed. So, with an open and steady heart, prepare to go with the flow!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday June 17, 2022

Life is a journey of ups and downs, successes and failures, attempts to change and determinations to never change certain things. But in the end, the journey through life is all about accepting the big changes and learning to allow for the small everyday changes in life. Learn to go with the flow so that you can get in synch with your life as it unfolds and make the most of it, neither fearful nor resentful of it but open and ready for each day as it comes.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday June 13, 2022

True prosperity is the accumulation of knowledge. Knowledge is knowing based on experience. Experience is the ability to go with the flow, to allow the self to be affected by life’s unfolding. An accumulation of knowledge by experience of life results in a sense of prosperity that is fulfilling and gratifying. Do not be afraid of life but embrace it fully, both the good and the bad, for that is the way to fulfillment and a sense of peace that is satisfying, leaving the door open to an eagerness for more. Life, enjoy it!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday May 24, 2022

Keep your heart open and your mind too, for it is in the openness that the changes you so desire will happen. There is no change if nothing ever changes, if doors are always closed, if your mind is firmly shut, if your heart does not make room for the things in life that bring it joy. Allow for openness, movement, shift, and the pure rush of creative inspiration and soon everything will indeed move in a new direction. Change is good.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday April 11, 2022

Learn to go with the flow of life as it approaches. Be ready for anything and yet act patiently, knowing that life will only present you with what is appropriate and necessary in any moment. To go with the flow is to not only know this but to practice it, with patience, as you await your next opportunity to change and grow.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne