Tag Archives: evolving self

Soulbyte for Monday August 29, 2022

                                               – Illustration © 2022 Jan Ketchel

There is no greater challenge than to change the self, to do work on the self, to open the self to knowledge that is neither seen nor heard. For to know the self in the deepest way and to seek to evolve is the true work of a human life. Without judgment, resentment, or blame, seek to evolve the self, not in a selfish way but in a selfless way, so that you may become a truly compassionate and loving person.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday July 20, 2021

In the grand scheme of things great forces are at work, instituting changes that are evolutionary and for the greater good of all. Though you may not be able to fathom the good in the world around you at this time, do look inward at the self and know that each individual is being asked to evolve as well. So do not dismiss yourself from the collective but turn to the self as a member of the collective being asked to change the self for the great good. When one evolves all have the opportunity to evolve. Take the first step for the greater good of the self and the greater good of all as well.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday March 1, 2021

Being responsible means taking full responsibility for the self, for choices made, even the most harmful and self-effacing, even those made in concert with another, for in the end, if a choice effects you it’s up to you to own it and resolve it. Being fully responsible for the self may mean rethinking choices and deciding to go in a new direction, or it may mean hunkering down and making the most of any given situation that still has merit. In the end, however, responsibility comes without blame or shame but full ownership if it is to be a truly fulfilling, honest and mature responsibility that is going to help you evolve. For in taking responsibility for your part in life’s activities you truly do grow and evolve.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday January 5, 2018

Focus on the positive. The negative is always there, just below the surface. No need to stir it, call it, or encourage it. Let it lie there unimpeded, fueling its own fire. It will eventually burn out on its own. Tend instead to the positive light within yourself, the light of change and growth, for that is the fuel of the future you, the one who is changing already and will one day be so changed that no one will recognize you. And who will you be then? An evolved being, of course. One who is so changed that you will not even recognize yourself! But you will know yourself in a new and deeper way, by your own heart still beating inside you, as it always has, saying, “Yes, yes, yes!” By then you will be freed of any need to be accepted, cared about, or patted on the back for the good work you have done on yourself, for you will be so changed as to have left all such ideas and needs behind. You will be changing for a different reason entirely then, simply because you will know that there is so much more to life! And your selfless heart will then say, “Move on without regret. Keep going, steeped in love for all that you are and all that is!”

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Day in a Life: Of Blue Jays, Dreams & Resolutions

What's the story Mr. Jay? - Photo by Jan Ketchel
What’s the story Mr. Jay?
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Why are there so many blue jays in my yard? I ask this question because it’s true; the jays have taken over! I study them as they come to feed on the seeds I’ve put out. If I don’t get there early enough they knock impatiently on the window, suggesting that I hurry up and feed them! Their coloring is a combination of blue, gray, white and black. They have come to teach me something, I surmise.

Along with the usual New Year’s resolution to do more yoga and meditation, to eat healthier, to cut back on what I know is not good for me, I have set the intent to become a better dreamer, to train myself to be aware while I dream, and to discover what the shamans and Buddhists, and many others mean when they say that all worlds are one, whether we are awake or dreaming. I’ve had plenty of experiences of this concept, but I’m interested in going more deeply into the true meaning of reality while I’m asleep and my energy body is active. So far, I’ve had some pretty cool dreaming experiences, which I won’t go into here, but suffice it to say, my intent is working.

If I am to use my dreams to evolve beyond this reality, as is my underlying intent, I must learn how to remain fully aware as I dream. This is all in preparation for the time of my death when I intend to seamlessly pass through the bardos and achieve life beyond human form. At least that’s my intent. As far as I know, this is what we are all challenged with, to find a means of not having to reincarnate in human form more than we absolutely have to. If I can do this, I feel that I will have not only accomplished my own personal soul intent, but that I will free up space on earth for others to live more comfortably. We all know that the earth is overpopulated and overtaxed. I don’t really want to come back again, knowing that I could possibly have done more to free myself of this realm, and this realm of me! Now, back to the blue jays.

While they sit and scarf down the seeds I’ve put out, I study their coloring and the way their wings lie enfolded across their backs. When in repose, an intricate pattern appears, so beautiful that I am reminded of stained glass windows. As soon as they spread their wings and fly, solid bars of color appear and the intricate pattern disappears. Okay, this, I see, is what I am being shown, what I must learn something from.

Ted Andrews, in his book Animal Speak, says that the blue jay “has the ability to link the heavens and earth, to access each for greater power.” The jay represents both heaven and earth, the white of the heavens and the dark of the earth separated by the blue of the sky. The gray perhaps represents the veils that keep us from fully knowing and experiencing our full potential, to be both of the heavens and the earth, aware in dreaming and while awake. The colors also represent our light and dark sides, what we show about ourselves and what we keep hidden, to both ourselves and others. Andrews also notes that the jay is a little tricky in that it can be a bit of a dabbler. It shows us our potential, but if we are to gain mastery and fully utilize all that we are capable of we must grapple with this side of ourselves. I see how my New Year’s resolution, to train my dreaming intent could be a challenge if I don’t stick with it, but I have no intent of dabbling.

I notice that when in repose—in dreaming, as I see it—the blue jay’s colors are all present, though the pattern of them is quite different from when they are actively flying—going about in their everyday reality, as I see it. We all wear certain stripes and patterns. We are perceived and perceive of ourselves in a certain way. But in actuality, all that we are is present in us at any given moment. When we dream, I surmise, everything that we are in waking life is also present. Likewise, in waking reality, all that we are when we dream is present as well.

Will I remain aware when I enter the bardos? - Photo by Jan Ketchel
Will I remain aware when I enter the bardos?
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

It’s easy to assign to our dreaming selves some of our more challenging possibilities; the ability to fly or shape shift, to instantaneously be in one place or a thousand miles away. But, if we keep in mind that all that we are, all of our potential, is present in us at all times—like the colors of the blue jay—we might just be able to appreciate what our dreaming self is trying to teach us about the oneness of worlds, the fluidity of our energetic selves, and the fact that all realities, dreaming and awake, are equal and the same, just formatted a little differently. Whether we are in stained glass pattern or striped pattern, it doesn’t matter, we’re all composed of the same substance, and that is energy.

I watch the blue jays fly back and forth, feeding on the seeds and then flying into the trees or off to have an adventure in the world. They drop to the earth with ease; they fly to the heavens with ease. This is what we are challenged to do in our lives, to be fully energetically present in our daily lives, finding the means to realize our fullest potential at all times, all parts of us assimilated and in alignment with the fact that we too can fly. At night when we spread our wings, disrupting the usual patterns of who we are on a daily basis, we earn our energetic stripes as we fly through our dreams.

And so, if we can just remember that we are energetic beings all the time and not only while we dream, we are well on the way to achieving what the Buddhists call enlightenment, freedom from samsara, the suffering of being in human form. With intent, we can gain mastery to fly seamlessly, and with awareness, between heaven and earth, just like the blue jay!

Happy dreaming!