Everything is possible, even the seemingly impossible. Keep this in mind as you go through your day, as you muddle through the energy of now. Clarity will come, truth will rule again, and that which now seems impossible will come to pass. Patience.
Woke up at midnight to a powerful headache. So begins the internal dialogue: “You didn’t take care of yourself. You brought this on. You won’t be able to sleep well. Tomorrow will be compromised. There is no way this headache will go away. Well, maybe if you took some Motrin. Some healer you are. You are powerless to change this pain…”
Stalking healing intent… – Photo by Jan Ketchel
The impact of this messaging stirs anxiety and fear, and a general belief of defeat and failure, accompanied by a somewhat depressed mood.
The net effect of this internal dialogue is to securely embody a definition of self as flawed, limited, and of low value. To stalk such an experience is to add an impartial observer alongside this internal dialogue, with the intent to separate itself from these negative wrappings, and unleash the fullness of possibilities.
From this impartial place of awareness, the observer suspends judgment, awaiting other possibilities. Suddenly, a vague memory appears with some certain knowledge: “You can relieve your headache through your own agency, through your own intent.”
Immediately, the internal dialogue chips in: “That experience you think you remember was a fluke, maybe it didn’t really even happen. There’s no way you can eliminate your headache short of 1000mg of Motrin. Some healer you are.”
The stalking observer decides to place its full attention upon the details of its prior self-healing experience. Recapitulating that experience, it knows it began by placing full awareness upon the sensation of pain in the exact locale of the head from which it pulsated. From there, the command had been issued to release and relax, deeper and deeper.
The stalker decides to apply this method. The inner dialogue casts its aspersions, but the stalker finds inner silence, by simply placing its full attention upon the sensation, and giving the command to release and relax. No attention is given to the internal dialogue nor any other thought thread. The stalking observer then fully merges with the intent, into a state of being intent.
Within minutes, as relaxation and release deepen, the head becomes completely spacious, as inhaled breath flows freely through its caverns. The headache is completely erased! It never returns. Being intent has operationalized and fully realized its intent.
Don Juan Matus joked with his much younger apprentice, Carlos Castaneda, about how much physically older Carlos appeared than he. Don Juan attributed his youthful vitality to his refusal to uphold physical agreements he had never signed up for.
Socialization shapes and limits what we believe we are capable of physically changing. The body itself is governed by inherited archetypal intents, in the form of subconscious programs. The internal dialogue upholds these ‘facts’ of physical life. These facts are rarely challenged by consciousness.
Yogis, for eons, have demonstrated that full consciousness can be brought to, and take control of, every organ and biological system in the body. Being intent is the active agent of that consciousness. The key is to suspend the judgments of the internal dialogue, leading to inner silence, and then shifting into being intent.
The Sorcerers of Ancient Mexico became such masters of being intent that they turned their prowess into defying death, staying in human form indefinitely. Modern seers, though they appreciate such feats, see them as traps, as all beings must eventually change form through physical death, the destiny intent of the human form.
Nonetheless, being intent certainly opens the door to possibilities in human form, which are well-worth exploring. To be able to erase a full blown headache and slip into deeply rejuvenating sleep is deeply appreciated. It may not always be possible, but my motto, taken from my earliest mentor, Dr. Efren Ramirez, has always been: Anything is possible, until proven otherwise.
May all discover the possibilities of being intent for themselves.
Never say never. Stay connected to the magical being you are, to the utter truth that everything is possible, to your own power as a warrior, capable of far more than you know. For yes, you are a warrior, waking up to knowing who you truly are. Your spirit knocks many times, trying to get your attention, bringing you wake up call after wake up call. One day you will finally understand. It will not be too late; it’s never too late. Possibilities abound. Remember this. And never say never.
What are you waiting for? How many times are you going to keep telling yourself the same old lies? When are you going to stand up to the old ways and say no? You make think you have things right, but that may not be true. Question your assumptions. Maybe you never got yourself right to begin with. Maybe the path you’ve been pursuing isn’t the right path after all. Take another look from a different perspective. Be vulnerable, and open yourself to another viewpoint, another possibility, another answer. There’s no time like now to make a change. Dare yourself to turn in a new direction, be open, and see what happens. Drop your fear, for that is your greatest crutch, and trust that something good will happen now, for there is plenty of good going around. Why not tap into it and allow yourself a taste of it? Let goodness reign within yourself, even as you wish it to be a fact of life outside of yourself. As you wish goodness for others, wish it for yourself. The idea is not that farfetched. Make a wish, set an intent, be open, and see what happens. Nothing is certain, but you can certainly give it a try!
May your dreams remind you that everything is possible, that though you may live in the everyday mundane world, the magical is equally real. What you see every day is only part of the truth, for on the other side, where dreams are made, is another reality. Those realities intersect and interweave all the time. And when you are aware of this you may think you are dreaming, but it’s really just another true reality. Seek to make your dreams come true so that you may experience true reality, and then you will know that everything IS possible, in all realities. Find a way to make your dreams come true. No dream is an impossible dream.