Tag Archives: energy usage

Soulbyte for Friday October 16, 2020

Moderation in everything is the key to health and happiness; moderation within and without, in body and spirit, in the things you do and say, in what you eat and drink, in how you spend your energy. To moderate is to hold accountable, to curtail, and yet it is also to make sure that everything is experienced, that nothing is neglected, forgotten about, or rejected, but simply allowed, for that which is moderated out of existence will find a way to rebel. Find the calmness, peace of mind, and loving kindness you know exists in a life of moderation, in the balance of all things, within and without.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday March 10, 2020

Turn your worry energy into healing energy. Redirect it rather than spend all that energy needlessly on something that is totally useless. Contain it and point it in a new direction. Send it off on waves of love to someone who needs it, or return it to the self as the potent healing energy it has the potential to be. Save your energy for something worthwhile and you will be energetically refreshed in return rather than depleted. Someone will feel it and thank you. You might even save a life. Use your energy wisely.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday October 11, 2019

Get centered and stay centered within the self, firmly anchored in knowing what is right and healthy for you to do. You don’t have to rush to take care of others, spending your time and energy unnecessarily, but instead wait to be approached, and then decide if it’s right and proper for you to aid another. Sometimes the best help is no help at all. Sometimes the only help you need give is to yourself, in withdrawing yourself from situations that are not good for you, that are energy draining and harmful in the long run. Choose whom you interact with wisely. To be loving, kind and compassionate is all well and good but not to your own detriment. There is a fine balance between giving and over giving. Get centered within the self and take measure of what you can truly afford to give. Then act only if truly appropriate. That is taking responsibility for the self and allowing others to do the same for themselves. Everyone wins that way.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday October 10, 2019

Consolidate your energy for use when most needed. Hone it so that its use will be efficient and concise, with little waste and even less expenditure, for energy that is consolidated and honed and appropriately directed will deliver quick and excellent results. Your energy is your life force and how you elect to use it effects everything else in your life. Tired? Moody? Angry? Fearful? Sick? Worried? Nervous? Feeling unloved, rejected, abandoned, left behind? All of these things effect your energy levels and they also effect what comes to you. Your energy effects and draws to you like energy. Get in alignment with abundance, with responsibility, with growth and change, with love and compassion, with health and happiness and then see what happens as you hone your energy to align with such possibilities. Anything is possible, but it’s up to you to get yourself ready to be available to receive and utilize all that is, and positivity provides the right energetic charge.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne