Tag Archives: containment

Soulbyte for Tuesday January 30, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Stability comes from within and is manifested without when that strongly centered stability is allowed to form a life structure that is conducive to growth and evolution. Imagine the world without the structure of nature. In that case, Earth would be a planet devoid of life. Life is what brings structure. The art of living presents possibilities, choices and decisions that in turn produce the structures of a life. That which contains also allows for transformation. Look to constructing containers within your own life that will provide the perfect mix of tension and flexibility to allow you to continually transform. It’s what life is really all about, after all.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday September 13, 2019

Remain contained in calm energy, surrounded and imbued with your own calm intent to remain upon your path with heart. Not all paths have heart, though they may be appropriate for a time; the path of duty, the path of caring for others, the path of learning, the path of giving; but even those paths can be imbued with calmness and heart. One’s real path of heart, however, is often an inner experience, the path taken with intent that has no rival; the path of personal certainty, the path one knows is always right, a path of inner bliss. Let your path of heart unfold, one day and one step at a time. Keep your intent strong and focused and all will be well.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday May 28, 2019

The word to remember often throughout this day is containment. Contain your energy; contain your urges and desires so that your energy is not compromised or overextended. Be contented with what is for this day. Go with the flow of it, knowing that its minor inconveniences will soon pass. Remain innerly strong and confident that in the long run all will be well and that the most important thing is to remain calm and contained, innerly and outerly. In fact, this is the best way to be at all times. Practice containment today.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: Containment and the Journey of Soul

Stay contained…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Last week’s blog culminated with the adjacent image of the dweller contained within the angel, sitting in quiet repose upon a tree stump. The eyes of the angel reflect the agony of the basement dweller, imprisoned within this flighty, heavenly angel, as well as the sadness of the angel, weighted down to Earth by the dweller’s dense energy. Nonetheless, a hint of innocent companionship is felt in their tentative thinking man pose.

This stage of quiet containment reflects the moments in our habitual cycles when we are able to hold within ourselves the dweller’s impulse to action. This action of restraint, nonetheless, generates a condition of great tension within the body.

Inwardly, this is the experience of a combined wild fire and flood, as an electrical charge, called anxiety, races at lightning speed through the central nervous system, accompanied by a clenching vascular action that forces blood to rapidly flush throughout the body. Both the neurological and pulmonary body systems seek immediate discharge from this unbearable tension through physical release, be it through raised voice, aggressive body movement, or outright body flight into spirit, clinically defined as dissociation.

As pictured above, the ego Soul can alternatively choose containment over physical release and, with the support of the angel spirit (SOUL messenger), land in the eye of the body storm, at the heart center, which enables it to hold fast to the knowing that positive transformation will result from this right inaction. Additionally, expansive love is available from this center, enabling greater acceptance of the opposite planes of the self, activated and in conflict in its present struggle.

In a nutshell, the technology employed here is to not take the lid off the pot of water on the stove as the heat rises and reaches the boiling point where energy transitions to a new state, from liquid to gas. In human terms this can be likened to kundalini rising from one chakra to another, opening one up to a new plane of consciousness.

For instance, kundalini rising to the heart chakra opens consciousness to the expanded awareness of a non-egocentric perspective of the world. Rather than the perspective of a willful battle with opposing forces, characteristic of the solar plexus chakra, ego Soul at the heart chakra sees the interconnected value of all things. As well, right action, action in alignment with the high SOUL, becomes obvious and then ego can calmly, from a deep state of detachment, execute appropriate behavior.

The Shamans of Ancient Mexico taught the practice of utilizing the petty tyrants in one’s life to achieve this enlightened state of awareness. Petty tyrants are the people and situations in our lives that trigger our anger in defense of our self-worth. Essentially, these are the people that offend us. Being offended evokes the survival fight reaction at the lower chakras, particularly at the solar plexus.

Although, at a certain period of ego development it is necessary to battle, i.e., confront one’s oppressors, to be frozen at this level leaves one permanently vigilant, tense, and dominated by a negative attitude. Shamans practice refusing release of their instinctual reactions to their petty tyrants. In fact, they allow themselves to be used by their tyrants, which causes the resultant contained emotional energy to rise. As that emotional energy rises it burns through the web of feeling offended at the solar plexus level, while purified awareness rises to the clarity of the heart chakra.

From this detached place of not taking anything personally, Shamans gain clear knowing of right action to subdue the tyrant, not from a place of anger but from objective right action. I’m reminded here of the elderly Aikido master who offers the hostile passenger his seat to most efficiently resolve a tense situation on a crowded train. Another example is the Dalai Lama who admits that one must defend oneself, even perhaps having to shoot someone in defense of one’s life, but all the while holding them in a place of loving compassion.

Gaia teaches us this practice of detachment now, as her own kundalini energy rises in our experience of global warming. Her evolutionary objective is to reshape the Earth, with survival practices emanating from the plane of the heart chakra. At core, Gaia’s intent can be summed up as a release from the Dweller-based economy of survival—that which has mismanaged and exploited Earth’s resources—by moving into a Spirit-based alignment with SOUL. This transition will shift humanity’s primary emotional operating system from fear and vigilance to interconnected knowing and right action, based on the true needs of the planet.

The journey of ego-soul through a lifetime on Earth, ultimately culminates in Soul, as energy body, exiting the physical body at the time of death. The trajectory of that Soul’s journey is to bring its experience and knowledge from its just-lived life home to its greater SOUL in infinity. That continued journey may require many stops at other levels of experience, perhaps even subsequent return trips to Earth to fully solve and release attachment to its former life.

A willingness to fully explore one’s life while here, particularly through the practice of containment, allows kundalini, the active energy of the Soul, to rise and open to a fuller and more fulfilled exploration of life while here, and a more direct journey to SOUL when it’s time for that definitive journey.

Contained and rising,


Soulbyte for Thursday December 13, 2018

Change is needed. The time of excess must now be curtailed, followed by a new time of moderation. Look to nature for guidance in how to go about this. Notice how a time of abundance in nature naturally recedes into a state of containment. Containment prepares for what is to come. If you don’t prepare, you will not be ready for the natural changes to come. And keep that word in mind: natural. For what is natural will come in its right time. It is inevitable. Look to nature to guide you. Ask for signs that you are getting things right. Signs will come to guide you. Signs will naturally come to guide you on. Keep searching.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne