Tag Archives: alignment

Soulbyte for Tuesday March 15, 2022

When your heart is open to receive, that which you need will show up. When your mind is positive, that which is most beneficial will manifest. When your body is calm, that which bothers you will disappear. When body, mind, and spirit are in alignment, and love is your daily mantra, things will change completely. Breathe love and positive calmness and see what happens.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday February 18, 2022

Intend change that is positive, life affirming, and in alignment with what is right for the greater whole. When everything is in balance then nothing is bad or negative, it just is, acceptable as part of the whole. But when everything is in balance nothing has any more importance than anything else, it just is. Thus, nothing is more acceptable or less acceptable, it just is. Everything is of value and yet nothing is given too much value, and yet life itself is of great value, for it is where balance and alignment are learned and practiced.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday February 14, 2022

Watch what tries to grab your attention, what comes to pull you, to take you from your central anchor. It may be something useful, helpful or considerate or it may be something useless, unhelpful and inconsiderate of your overall energy. Own your actions but strive always to keep them in alignment with your higher purpose in life. Don’t despair when things go awry but instead give yourself another chance. It’s the best way to realign.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday February 2, 2022

When things change and times get tough it’s not time to stagnate but instead time to activate mind, body and spirit to get in alignment with the changes that tough times bring. Rather than sit quietly and stew about what once was, it’s far better to ask: “What am I being prompted to do?” “What is my spirit asking of me?” “What new path am I being encouraged to go down now that things are different?” When change comes it’s time to embrace the change and look ahead to new life. If the body gets thirsty, you give it water. Why then do you hesitate when the spirit calls out for change as strongly as the body calls out for water? It’s only natural.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday January 18, 2022

To do what’s right for the self may be one thing but to do right by others another. When making decisions that involve others, weigh all sides and take the self out of the mix, for in such a case the desires of the self are not as important as the needs of the whole. Politicians have unfortunately forgotten this and thus the world is headed in a direction of calamity for most inhabitants. Avoid this mistake in your personal life by staying attuned to the needs of the whole so that all may benefit, including the self in the long run.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne