Chuck’s Place: True Healing Of The Child

Healing the child self…
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Alice Miller’s books, on the impact of child abuse and neglect, evoke deep compassion for the wounded inner child. Healing from childhood trauma requires deep sensitivity and respect for dissociated child parts, along with their experiences of abuse and neglect.

Ultimately, complete healing requires full acceptance of everything one has experienced in life. With trauma, this includes releasing the full sensory and emotional discharge of stored reactions to the traumatic experience. With healing, those memories are no longer traumatic; they trigger no emotion or sensation. They are completely neutral.

Mentally, one is challenged to dispel beliefs that one was responsible for causing the traumatic encounter. Here one truly needs to accept that indeed they were a victim in an experience that was not of their making.

Healing also includes a vastly enlarged perspective of the experience, which includes the motives and circumstances of others involved in the traumatic experience. Ultimate healing also requires complete emotional neutrality toward one’s perpetrator.

To acknowledge one’s victim status is critical to healing and, yet, one cannot heal if one holds onto the victim status as an enduring identity. An enduring identity as victim reflects a personality construction with the wounded child in control of, what Winnicott called, the false self. This self is seen as false because rather than mature through the normal developmental stages of childhood, it mimicks adulthood while secretly dedicating itself to adaptive behaviors that protect the child from anxiety.

The false self is a commandeered adult ego state whose charge is to defend the child from any discomfort. The false self employs its resources to bury, in the physical body, the memory and impact of trauma, as well as to develop a rigid body armor to stave off the challenge of the outside world.

The false self often develops competency in a profession, which provides security for the child, but behind this seeming successful adaptation to life is a sense of self as a phony, threatened to be discovered at any moment.

I refer to this child state that controls the false self as the uninitiated child because it has failed to complete its rite of passage to advance beyond its victim status. Rites of passage are purposeful traumatic practices that societies once used to help children successfully advance into real adulthood. All trauma requires full recapitulation to complete passage into real adulthood.

Failure to advance can fixate the child in a narcissistic worldview of entitlement, protection and revenge. In her book, For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child Rearing and the Roots of Violence, Alice Miller describes Hitler’s horrifically abusive childhood, that, left unprocessed, was projected outward in a ruthless quest for revenge.

These same dynamics are blatant in the cult of the child that serves the power drives of uninitiated charismatic leaders, who promise revenge upon the reigning adult authority figures in the present world. These extreme childish expectations of entitlement and protection have opened the floodgates of legitimization for the uninitiated, who blindly support these irreverent child heroes.

These extreme examples simply underscore how this developmental challenge of achieving true adulthood is the salient issue for the human race today. The hallmark of true adulthood is the acceptance of full responsibility for one’s entire life, including all experiences of victimization.

This in no way takes responsibility away from those who have victimized others. They must and will be held accountable for their actions. They will never be able to advance spiritually unless they fully feel the pain they caused and recapitulate all the pain of their own lives. These are the prerequisite rites of passage.

Ultimately, like Job, we are faced with accepting the fact that life is not fair, despite the echoes of our childhood socialization.

Ultimately, we are challenged to accept Buddha’s assessment that life is suffering. Earth School is a playing field for the suffering of attachment and loss.

The full mastery of Earth School is to arrive at the place of love, most especially for all those who had roles in our traumatic rites of passage.

Become the child acorn that advances beyond its protective shell, delivering its vitality to the mighty adult oak it was always destined to become.

Ultimately, the child’s destiny is to grow up and into its adult self, who awaits beyond its rites of passage. To that adult, bring a matured innocence, willing to journey freely in and, perhaps someday, beyond this predatory universe.

Mature the self, mature the world,

Soulbyte for Tuesday February 6, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Spend some time today in quiet contemplation, alone and away from the hustle and bustle of life, away from the busy thoughts that rumble constantly through your head. Stand or sit or lie down, and without falling asleep let your body relax. Let your mind empty and grow quiet as you concentrate on this one thought: “I am only energy in this moment; everything is energy.” Let yourself feel energy pulsing and forming you, and let it be calm. Molecules in vibration, energy in motion. Feel energy pulse into the form of your body, forming you. Know that you can calm it and contain it and experience it as your wholeness at any time. This is you. You are a being of energy.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday February 5, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Stay grounded in truth, in what is real, in what is right, and in what is going to aid you on your path of growth. All beings are on a path of growth. That is the universal objective of life, to grow, evolve and become more than you were when you started. To grow and evolve entail learning kindness, compassion and love, what they mean personally and what they mean universally. Learning to be kind, compassionate and loving toward the self often precedes the ability to be kind, compassionate and loving towards others, but often it is the other way around. To be honest and truthful with yourself is a big step on the road to kindness, compassion and love. Stay in truth, and before long the other attributes of an evolving life will fall easily into place.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday February 2, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

There is no shame in wanting fulfillment, in whatever shape or form you desire it. Look to nature and how naturally it fulfills itself, how each flower strives to fully bloom, how each fruit tree pushes its fruit to ripen, how every bird sings its mating song and seeks its partner, how naturally a human baby grows into adulthood, seeking its own fullness. Fulfillment means many different things to many different people but the path is the same, the intent is the same, the dream is the same. Continue the dream, it’s only natural.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday February 1, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Pay attention to what your physical body tells you about your habits, decisions and choices. Is it telling you that you are overdoing something, or that you are not taking care of yourself? Your body is your place of residence for your spirit and your completeness for this lifetime. It houses your wholeness, that which you once were and all that you presently are. Honor it, and with gratitude prepare it well for each day so that it is well balanced, satisfied, and kept in good condition. Your creativity requires a physical body that is in good shape in order to blossom. Your spirit respects a body that is flowing and unrestricted by judgments and criticism, while at the same time is held to certain standards so that it functions beautifully. Take time to consider what it really means to be in good shape. It might surprise you to learn what that really means. Be honest, but don’t be so hard on yourself. Go with the flow.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne