Inspiration for this blog comes directly from my reading of my dear friend, and noted Jungian analyst, Michael Gellert’s recently published book: Far From This Land A Memoir about Evolution, Love, and the Afterlife, which includes his soul’s profound interactions with the spirit of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. His book also provides a serious exposition of Jung’s technique of active imagination, in combination with dreams and visions, to interact directly with the inner contents of one’s psyche, as well as the greater Spirit.
Rest assured, this is not a dire blog. The Greek roots of the word apocalypse are apo, meaning away and kalyptein, meaning to cover. To take away the cover of something is to unfold its inner truth. To remove the shell of a nut is to reveal the seed of new life. Apocalypse is, literally, the action of the unfolding of truth and new life.
The dark foreboding cataclysmic connotation of such a pure and promising event that the word apocalypse actually depicts can be traced to its biblical usages. The ancient title for the Book of Revelation, the last book of the New Testament, is Apocalypse. This book depicts apocalypse as Armageddon, imbuing it with end of the world scenarios.
Certainly, the unfolding of new life can be a violent process. The labor that brings forth new human life is often accompanied with cataclysmic contractions, perineal lacerations, and bleeding. Sometimes, thankfully rarely, the unfolding of new life can be fatal for both mother and fetus.
Indeed, the apocalypse of birth is not without great risk. Nonetheless, apocalypse, with all its lethal propensities, is the bringer of new life, not the consummate punctuation of life’s end.
The apocalyptic chaos of birth is the condition addressed in hexagram #3 of the I Ching: Difficulty at the Beginning. The images that form this hexagram are thunder and rain, the elements that combine to generate a great storm, the prelude to a change of conditions.
“Times of growth are beset with difficulties. They resemble a first birth. But these difficulties arise from the very profusion of all that is struggling to take form. Everything is in motion: therefore if one perseveres there is a prospect of great success, in spite of the existing danger.” –I Ching, Wilhelm edition, p.16
Hurricanes, fires and floods abound. Great migrations of people escaping uninhabitable environments or conditions of aggression dominate world decisions. Threats of viral infection impact every world citizen. To remain persevering in this time of obvious apocalypse is to maintain an attitude of awe and love as these rigorous energies, channelled through nature and human nature, bring forth new life.
To succumb to the current apocalypse, as if it were armageddon, is understandable but misguided. Indeed, there is much in the world that must change. We must let go of old ideas and ruling principles that are unsustainable. The unfolding of our new world will, and is, shaking off that which stands in the way of necessary growth.
However, one ruling principle is far from being shaken off—in fact, is ever refining in this current time of apocalypse—and that is, the rule of love. The obvious polarization of people, even intimates within the same family, is merely the clash of energies generating irrationality in this time of great change. These polarized opposites are stages of differentiation and refinement that must, of necessity, find ultimate union. That can only happen through the refinement of real love.
Love based upon the truth and the interdependent needs of all is the seed that is being planted from this current apocalypse. Nonetheless, the shell of that seed is one tough nut to crack!
Hold on tight, for love is, indeed, coming to us all.