Soulbyte for Tuesday August 3, 2021

Remain aware of and considerate of others, even as you must care for the self. For it is the unselfish who will, in the end, lead the way, showing what a considerate and caring world really is. Prepare the self for unselfishness by knowing and understanding the self as fully and deeply as possible, in this manner ridding yourself of any hidden agendas or self-serving attitudes that will hinder you from being fully present for the good of all. A heart centered self is truly a caring self.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday August 2, 2021

Let yourself be guided by nature to find your way to stillness, calmness, and a heart centered path where not only you flourish but all others do as well. It’s not that hard to get calm and remain calm. Practice how nature gets calm; the winds die down, the storms cease, the waters lie still, the critters sing their natural songs of life. Let all within you do the same so that nature becomes you and you become it. In this manner let yourself be guided to remain calm as much as possible. It will do you good.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne