Soulbyte for Monday July 6, 2020

Prove to yourself that everything is possible by intending something great today. Intend something personal or intend something universal. Put your heart into your intention. Know it and see it. Envision the outcome and see its fulfillment. From your heart, intend that which you desire. Intent is the magic of the heart and it exists. Intent!

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday July 3, 2020

Do not become infected by the psychology of others. Stand always in your own centeredness and learn to listen to your own heart, the connecting link to spirit, to your own Soul, and to all other High Souls. Readjust to your heart center whenever you are drawn into dispute, whether within yourself or out in the world, and wait patiently for your own heart’s steady vibration to calm you and lead you into inner peace, inner knowing, and inner stability. Only then is it right to take action, heart centered action, though even then no action may actually be the right action, for sometimes the only action needed is to sit calmly in that heart centered loving vibration and let it do the work it is made to do: to love unconditionally. Sometimes that is enough.

Sending you all love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday July 2, 2020

Let not your fears control you, nor your worries, nor your old habits. Seek freedom from what controls you so that you may be available for what your spirit needs. Learn to face your fears in order to dispel them. Confront your worries and let them go, for they serve no purpose except to confound you. Change your old habits into positive actions in order to evolve. Freedom from fear, worry, and old habits means taking back your power and your energy for use in new ways. Let your spirit take over now. With renewed energy it will happily guide you into new life, as only your spirit knows how.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday July 1, 2020

Awaken the love element within yourself and intend that it awaken in others so that the world will begin to think, speak, and act in loving fashion. Awaken also the kindness element within yourself, so that it too may awaken in others. Begin to exert your power in this manner. With loving kindness effect the world in a new way. For your energy effects all other energy. Loving kindness calmly centered in you will automatically have an equally loving kindness effect in everyone you meet. It’s just how it works. As within, so without.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne