Chuck’s Place: Energetic Life Comes of Age

The sky’s the limit!
Photo by Jan Ketchel

The world has “Zoomed” into a virtual habitat of connection. With the physical world on lockdown the human spirit has found its way to energetic community and heart-centered connection.

The technological infrastructure is well advanced to support our necessary journey into virtual reality. However, it has the physical limitation of requiring electricity and machinery to maintain connection.

The ideal energetic connection would shed this physical dependence through the medium of the energy body.

In his out-of-body journeys into the future, Robert Monroe experienced a future time on Earth where human beings lived dominantly in their energy bodies. Their physical bodies were kept securely safe, to be worn like costumes, only occasionally, like we now do at a halloween celebration.

This evolutionary transition into energetic life is our human Spirit’s manifest destiny. Spirit prefers the largesse of infinity to the confinement of limits. The human Spirit is at the gateway to expanded possibility.

Actually, this is likely the same for the Spirit in all beings, human or otherwise. In a dreamscape the other night, I encountered a bug that had invaded my living space. Not wanting to kill the intruder I sought to return it to its natural habitat. I discovered there to be a shallow pond where others of its kind were swimming about.

After returning to its home it immediately climbed out, letting me know that it was moving on to new adventures, beyond the comfort of its known world. Spirit likes comfort but ultimately tires of the familiar. The heart of all addiction is Spirit seeking more, whether it be through substance, materialism, or daring leaps of faith.

Our planet Earth has given herself freely to the insatiable human Spirit. The resources of her body have been the building blocks of our Spirit’s expansive hunger. Her body can no longer surrender itself to our excessive demands, and she knows it’s time for us to let go of our dependence upon her physical bounty and move on to discover our energetic potential.

The basics of this energetic transition begin with dreaming. Dreaming is where the energy body is fully active. The task is to bring waking awareness into the dream space. Though there are many techniques to achieve this, the simplest is through intent.

Don Juan Matus said we reach intent through intending.

State: I intend to remember my dreams. I intend to remain aware when I dream. I intend to journey out-of-body. I intend to meet such-and-such in dreaming. I intend to explore the moon in dreaming. The possibilities are endless. The key here is gentle, patient persistence.

Know that your intent will be realized because we all have an energy body awaiting waking consciousness for direction. Keep your intention free of the heaviness of pressure and judgment. The subtle world of energy requires a much lighter touch than the physical world.

Take full advantage of the physical pause of now to begin the energetic discovery of self. It all begins with intent. Intend, and see what happens!



Soulbyte for Tuesday April, 7, 2020

Don’t believe everything you hear. Don’t believe everything you are told. Some things may be absolutely true, but other things may simply be thoughts, manifestations of intent and thus can be changed, re-intended in a new fashion and re-manifested to fit a new paradigm, a new model, a new thought pattern. Use intent to manifest that which you desire. It’s not hard or impossible to change the world or the self; you just have to do it, by intent.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday April 6, 2020

Mother Nature is putting the human species in down time, needing a break from the intensity of its greed, hunger, and exuberance, offering a time of toning down, transitioning to a time of less, for the good of all. Spend time now learning patience, contentment with what is, and how Mother Nature keeps things in balance, and do the same. Study the creatures of the Earth and the transitory nature of the predatory world you live in, how balance is necessary, how reckoning happens every day, and how beauty abounds as well. Notice how exuberance is in balance with all else as well. Study how Mother Nature provides, supports, and makes space for all creatures, giving and taking to maintain good balance, equality, purity, and honesty, how all are of equal importance, with equal opportunity to enjoy the bounty. Get in alignment with the changing times and with what Mother Nature is asking of you. Things are changing for everyone, but Mother Nature’s changes are in alignment with evolutionary transformation, as usual, keeping in step with nature’s ever-changing time, life continuing according to plan.

Sending you all love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday April 3, 2020

The marriage of body and spirit is the work of a lifetime, to be fully spirit in body, and fully present to each. Remind yourself often of this marriage, that it is the goal to be fully aware, awake, and alert to the truth of the spirit self while in the human physical body. A warrior knows that life lived in this manner is conscious and that when fully conscious, life is complete, balanced, and full of awe. That is what a warrior seeks most of all, to be in awe. Be in awe.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday April 2, 2020

Begin each day anew, with renewed intent to stay upon your path with heart. No matter what has transpired or will transpire, the path with heart is the one to come back to. Return to it each day with renewed vigor, with knowledge learned from the previous day’s encounters with life, and remind yourself that you are a being of worth, worthy also of as much life as the next person. Seek your own life in your own way. Explore that which has meaning for you so that your life’s journey may have not only meaning but purpose. In this manner traverse your path with heart each day, intent upon learning, growing, and experiencing what life is really all about. That is the warrior’s way.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne