Tag Archives: transformation

Readers of Infinity: Transformation Time

Have no regrets as you move on into new life now, for regrets belong to an old world. Regrets form binds that will hold you fast to places you no longer belong in. Regrets do not belong to the fleet-footed, spirit-driven beings, or in the transitory energy of now, which asks for acceptance of the truths of the self.

Change. We noticed the toad came out from underneath the umbrella stand today where it has lived for months now. Wonder what it means?

This is a time of transformation. Sometimes transformation comes in unusual forms, circumstances and events, planned or unplanned. Real transformation, however, is truth spoken loud enough that you hear it and act on it. It may create chaos in your life, but know that such chaos may be necessary, for chaos carries the energy of change in its debris. In facing the chaos, one learns to discern what is of value and that is what this time of transition asks of all of you who reside upon the planet earth: What is of value to you?

Decide this as you elect to move forward. Whether because you have prepared well, fully in alignment, or whether your transition comes as a surprise, it doesn’t matter. There is something to be learned about the self and then there are lessons and things of value to carry into new life. Decide what is most important and in alignment with the truths so clearly revealed. And then, without regret—but in full awareness, taking full responsibility for every step you take—move into new life.

This energy is good energy. It will take you far if you are ready to meet it. It is new, while the old is old and will remain so without change. All that you have planned for now has the potential to be fulfilled, but really it’s up to you to take it on, in full awareness, fully committed, fully knowing that you are accepting real change and the energy of such change, which, as you know, can be uncomfortable. It’s a new game now and it’s your choice whether you want to play or not. Are you ready?

Work with where you find yourself. Take one step at a time, consciously aware that you are moving forward into new life. Be alert. Be present. Be disciplined and take full responsibility for every decision and action. Remember, it’s your life.

Without regret, fully embrace your journey, knowing that you alone are responsible for all that you encounter. But know also that all that you encounter is necessary and good.

Go in peace. Follow your calm heart. That is all you really need to guide you, so give it the attention it needs. Take time to listen to its inner truths and concerns. Accept the challenges it puts before you, knowing that such times of transition are paramount to growth.

Be thoughtful and kind to the self and others. And pay attention to the outer signs that come to guide you as well. Be alert for the next one. It will come soon.

Thank you to Jeanne and Infinity! As I channeled, I got the distinct sense that change now is inevitable. We are all facing it on some level. What we choose to do with this knowledge is what matters. Sending Love and Good Luck,

Readers of Infinity: Fear=Transformational Information

Here is a message from Jeanne.

My Dear Ones, fear is energy. Fear is knowing the truth of the self at a very deep level. If you are looking for signs and guidance, look first at your fears, for that is where your answers to all your questions lie. It’s where the energy of new life lies too. In fear will you find new life and the energy to forge ahead.

Fears are encountered in the strangest of places and ways...

Face your fears and discover your untapped self. Why do you think you have fears to begin with? They come to warn you, not to be afraid but to be aware of something stirring inside you. What is stirring will be deeply personal, a part of the self long suppressed perhaps, or a part of the self totally unknown. It may be the child self asking for attention. It may be the daring spirit self asking for freedom. It may be both of these things at once, an abundance of energy seeking outlet. It is rare, however, that unbridled release of such energy will lead to any real change.

As spring arrives, look at the modern expression of such energy. In the youthful community it tends to be expressed in uninhibited explosion and momentary unleashing with few long-term results. For in such release is there, unfortunately, little deeper understanding of the true need for such expression.

In fact, all of you are deeply attached to nature, far more deeply than you may realize and this is what you contend with at such times of life: primitive self—nature—stirring deeper awareness of ancient spirit as it seeks joining with everyday self. Fears arise as the everyday self is confronted with primitive self. Expression of this confrontation is often suppressed, rejected, or allowed expression that is misaligned with its true intent.

Choose a new word for fear. Perhaps “change” is more appropriate, or perhaps “transformation” is better because the urge for transformation always comes riding in on fear. Shift away from fear as negative and turn it positive. Fear is really a positive sign, your personal sign, the only guidance you need now, and at any time, as you face life, everyday life and inner life as well.

In facing fear—change and transformation—one must be attentive, alert, constantly aware that one is on a journey. A lifetime is one journey, a lifetime in human form, but that is only part of the true journey of self. The other part is infinite, a simultaneous journey being taken, accompanying the everyday self in the everyday world. This infinite journey is full of insight, full of strange and wonderful happenings, offering deep truths about the human journey as well as its own.

The journey of primitive energy in nature

As you take your journey through life, look upon what happens to you as transformational information: synchronicities and signs that come to greet you on a daily basis, asking you to not only note their presence but to find out what they mean about you personally, the deeper you, the infinite you.

Learn to trust the infinite journey that you are all taking while you are also taking the human journey. Facing fears as nothing more than transformational energy will begin a process of greater awareness of these simultaneous journeys that you are all on.

How you take your journey now is important. Are you like a child with this energy of transformation? Well, on the one hand, that is good, but on the other hand it must be balanced by ancient awareness recognizing its deeper meaning and its deeper challenge.

Discover the difference between child-self and innocent-self. Though they are entwined they are deeply different. Ancient awareness asks child energy of fear to join it in maturity, with reverence, and, yes, in release to its true purpose as transformational information.

How does transformational information come to you? How does change approach you? Watch nature for secrets of success as new roots grow now, new shoots appear, and new energy blossoms all around. Nature does not hold back, yet its direction is both deep and wide.

In nature, in all-encompassing, fearless awareness, new life grows and takes precedence. Human children mature naturally on the outside, but it is equally important for them to mature on the inside. That is your human challenge: to take the inner journey to maturity—transformational beyond anything already undergone on the outside, though it will naturally re-transform the outer self as well, as its process is undergone.

The chickweed naturally grows deep and wide each spring...

Allow for a natural process of self-growth at all times by facing fears and transforming them into new ideas of growth and self. Mature fulfillment requires true innocence in alignment. True innocence must be accessed, understood, trusted, and fully embodied in order for such a journey to be taken, so do not leave your spirit’s true innocence behind, take it with you each step of the way!

These are Jeanne’s words of guidance for this week as I asked her to offer us all some guidance as we experience the energy of spring, bursting upon us in the Northeast USA. I hope this is useful guidance no matter where you are.

Most humbly offered,


Chuck’s Place: Recapitulation As A Rite of Initiation

The purpose of initiation is to provide a viable bridge for crossing from one stage of self to another. The child, who must become an adult, must be released from a deep instinctual longing for symbiotic comfort and fully move forward into adult fulfillment.

The road ahead may be unclear as we stumble forward into adulthood...

If that deep instinctual longing is not transformed into adult aims, what ensues, as we move through the life cycle, is a splintering of self. That uninitiated, splintered self, with no clear bridge to cross, is left to deal with its fragments as best it can as it stumbles forward, unprepared, into adult life. Of necessity, a present self, an adult self of sorts, will be forged, charged with adapting to the flow and expectations of everyday life. Denied, splintered parts of the self will take up residence in the background of the psyche, separate selves with separate needs, islands of discontent and protest, creating disturbance in the great sea of the self.

Indigenous human ancestors performed initiation rites to safely transport youth into full-fledged adulthood, thus creating a definite bridge between childhood and adult life. These rites forced the initiate into ritual sacrifice that consisted of some form of wounding, be it circumcision, a solo journey, or other form of transformative encounter. Survivors of the ordeal were then welcomed back into the community, in adult roles now, never to return to their childhood homes. Through a deeply meaningful process, longing was transformed into love and protection of the greater community and finding a mate to create one’s own nuclear family.

Collective initiation rites have long since faded from the human landscape. Modern humans are largely left to their own devices to navigate through major life transitions. Recapitulation is such a device to successfully traverse life changes. Through recapitulation we gather up the multiplicity of our splintered selves, take a ritual solo journey, and launch a united self into life’s fulfillment.

Recapitulation, like all initiation rites, incorporates sacrifice. In recapitulation the present self enters the world of the younger self and bears witness to and personally experiences the feelings, physical sensations, needs and confusions of its splintered self.

The most important task of the recapitulation process is for the adult self to be fully present, to take the journey without judgment, as the truths of life lived are revealed in intimate detail. Sometimes the process unfolds slowly, in piecemeal recall; at other times in rapid-fire reliving, like a labor that can’t be stopped until the total experience is fully birthed.

Sometimes we don't quite know where we are or which direction to take...

The ability of the adult self to remain fully present with the younger self through the contractions of this birthing process allows the defensive structures that held back secrets and maintained separation to be dismantled once and for all—they are no longer necessary.

The deepest needs of the splintered self are met through the stable presence of the adult self. No matter what shape that adult self is in, it must remain firmly present, even though it must also face the same fear, shame, anger, hatred, etc. that the younger self encounters as it relives its experiences. As the adult self reencounters experiences alongside the younger self, it must constantly reassert its present state of knowing, maintaining balanced awareness of the two worlds it must navigate through. It must bring to bear tools and guidance that the younger self did not have available, constantly reasserting its mature knowledge of how the world and the psyche work.

As the younger self faces the past head on, the adult self aids the process as the journey unfolds, gradually growing in acceptance of and love for the younger self and the journey taken. Eventually, this integration process of acceptance and love extends to loving and caring for the present adult self as well. Thus, the energy and aims of the younger self are allowed to be born and integrated into the evolving whole of the present self, manifesting in real life changes of attitude, appearance, and behavior. This is change. This is transformation. We are then freed, a new present adult self fully ready to take up the task of living our unlived life. This is recapitulation launching us into individuation, wholeness, and fulfillment.

This ancient practice of recapitulation is fully available in modern times, but in contrast to the collective initiation rites of our ancestors, it can only be done on an individual basis. Who else could recapitulate my life but me?

Though others can facilitate and support, the process of becoming whole requires taking a journey of assimilation within the self. And that assimilation requires a mature present self willing to embrace and endure the full process, as the truth of the self is revealed.

Eventually, we fully bloom!

In the recapitulating of past woundings the adult self goes through the necessary initiation to cross the bridge into fuller adulthood and fuller responsibility for life lived and life yet to unfold. This endurance of old woundings is the sacrifice necessary to free the stifled energy of splintered selves into finding real life in the evolving wholeness of the present self.

In taking the solo journey to assimilation we free ourselves to fully live in this lifetime, as caring, loving individuals, and we have no idea what that might mean until we are there, living it!


Readers of Infinity: Many Transformations

Today I asked Jeanne, and all of our guides in infinity, for a message of guidance. Here is what came through. Oh, and by the way, we are all Readers of Infinity; it’s part of what we’re here to find out. Here is today’s message:

Outer world reflecting inner world

Many transformations, begun a long time ago, now take deeper root in knowing—in body, mind, and spirit—in clarity now, rather than in muffled dissonance or unawareness.

With that clarity of awareness now revealed and firmly acknowledged, find your way into the new year that yawns wide open before you. Many transformations began over the past few days, many began over the past few weeks, and still others have been happening slowly over many years. Now is the time to acknowledge what has long been stirring inside: greater awareness of life as meaningful, as guided, as a spiritual journey leading you to fulfillment in this lifetime and evolvement at a new level in the next life.

What is meant by “next life?”

That term is used in a general sense to include all possibilities. Depending on where you are on your journey that could mean many things. Depending on choices made, opening many new doors of understanding, that could mean many new things that you have not yet encountered or considered.

But rather than get caught there, stay present in this time, in this moment of living upon that earth, and keep in mind the new awareness that you have currently achieved. For some of you this will mean greater clarity upon a journey well trod and well known as the right journey upon the right path. For others this will mean accepting a long sought after truth or purpose. For others this will mean inviting in the purpose of your spirit to lead you now as you enter new life. For others what has recently transpired to guide you along your current path may seem fantastical, magical, or too unbelievable to be true, but I encourage you to accept its transformational appeal nonetheless.

I encourage all of you, My Dear Readers, to accept the transformational qualities of life that call to you, each day, to grow and change, to make new decisions that will lead you to greater calmness, peace, and balance. Life itself desires simplicity and greater attention to the inner self, so that balance may once again be established, outside the self and inside the self.

You see, many transformations leading to greater awareness of the human condition are just one part of the journey, the very beginning of a deeper transformational process, one that must be fully explored, embraced, and fulfilled in order for new life to exist, both on that earth plane and in other planes of awareness.

I encourage all of you to advance upon your journeys now. All of you have received a wake-up call, a knock on the door, a note of appeal from your spirit, urging you to take life seriously now. There is no time to waste; life calls for greater and deeper attention to details and to what is being offered: the opportunity to transform yourself and, in so doing, the opportunity to transform all of life upon that earth.

The Earth itself is on the same transformational journey as each one of you. Don’t you notice it reflecting everything that you too are encountering and dealing with? That is why you live there now, in this great time of change. Whether environmental or otherwise, you are already in the midst of change.

I encourage all of you, once again, to wake up to this fact: change has already come. It has been taking you along on a ride of a lifetime. Can you acquiesce to its message more fully today? Can you ride its energy to where you need to go? Can you stand up to your big baby, your old habits, your deeply ingrained beliefs, and accept the truths that wash over you every day now?

Many transformations are offered. Choose wisely. In calmness turn to your spirit and ask it to guide you. In calmness it will answer you.

Be thoughtful, pragmatic, and genuine; and in calmness go forth. In calmness will new life unfold before your eyes, new truths will be revealed to guide you.

A Day in a Life: Freedom

What is freedom? What does it mean to be free? As I work on my book, The Recapitulation Diaries, I feel as if I’m writing about someone else, as if the experiences of my child self happened in a different lifetime. I’m no longer attached to her story as my own. The things that happened to her no longer personally affect me.

Even the adult I was a few years ago no longer exists. I no longer feel the way she felt. I no longer perceive the world as she did. I no longer fear the way she did. I no longer hide or withdraw the way she did. I no longer interact with others the way she did. I no longer even think the way she did. I am a completely different person. That is freedom!

To transform is a choice. Going deeply into the personal is a choice. To achieve the impersonal is transformative and freeing. What do I mean by the impersonal? Well, in the old days, when I was that other person I took everything personally. I trusted no one. I felt misunderstood, bad, ignored, neglected, mistreated, angry, and fearful. The world was not my oyster, but instead a place to withdraw from as often as possible. In fact, the truth is, that was how I perceived the world, not how the world perceived me.

At the time, I was still attached to feelings and issues that had been part of my life from earliest childhood. By the time I was a grown woman those issues had me in their clutches. I was in a critical state of discontent, just holding onto reality by a thin thread. Nervous and afraid, getting angrier and angrier and more depressed than ever, I’d often force myself to make changes. I knew change was good; it had worked often enough in the past to break the deadlock within, at least for a time. But the truth is that the changes themselves never led to anything because they were predictable, fairly safe changes, totally under my control.

Seeking transformation? How?

It wasn’t until I felt death breathing down my neck, clearly knowing that I would die if I didn’t make a real change, that I dared myself to begin a different kind of journey. At the time I didn’t know it would lead to a total transformation. It wasn’t until I met Chuck and began a shamanic recapitulation that the idea of transformation appeared as something even remotely possible.

I know I write about recapitulation a lot in these blogs, as does Chuck, but I just can’t help it. During my recapitulation, I met Jeanne, first in real life and then as an otherworldly entity. She told me, in the early days of my recapitulation when she came to me in her energy body, appearing when I was in the middle of recapitulating a horrific traumatic event, that I had a three-year journey to complete. She told me that I’d already made a good start, and that at the end of that time I would understand everything. She said I had to stay focused on the recapitulation, without being distracted by other things.

“Let everything else go for now,” she said. “Don’t worry about anything. Life will unfold as it should and all that is right will come to pass as you take this journey. Stay focused. It’s crucial that nothing distract you from this most important task. This is your work now.”

This is your work now?! What the heck did that mean? I had no clear idea at the time, but here I am ten years later and I know exactly what that means. My recapitulation did become the central focus of my life then, and the shamanic practice of recapitulation continues to be a central focus.

Once again I’m in a unique position, being offered another transformative opportunity as I prepare my book for publication. The process of writing about recapitulation has been transformative as well, as I realize just how thorough a job I did in recapitulating a brutal past. I am no longer attached to it in any way. I am totally free.

Transformation is possible, but it takes work. There’s no doubt about that, but I would not trade those years of deepest recapitulation for anything in the world. I had more experiences during that time and learned more about life than I could have learned anywhere else. I learned more about everything. And all I had to do was go inside myself. It was all there waiting for me.

Remembering to stay connected to the path of transformation, until next time,