Tag Archives: transformation

Chuck’s Place: What Happens to the Heart

Heart transformed…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

The feature song of Leonard Cohen’s posthumous album, Thanks for the Dance, asks the deepest question of all, what happens to the heart when we leave this world? The heart, after all, houses the deepest treasure of our Earthbound odyssey, love.

Love, as we experience it in this life, is a developmental process that begins post-birth in the raw emotion that cries out for attention, for comfort, food, and security. This is the love of primal attachment, facilitated by the inborn post-uterine archetypes triggered upon arrival at birth. Thus the rooting reflex in the infant, and the instincts to nurture, protect, and bond in the parents, combine to initiate the love odyssey of a lifetime.

Emotion is the love energy that roots us to this Earth as it compels us to attach through sensual desire and hunger for fulfillment. Without emotion we exist only on a mental plane, out of body, or in the head. No disrespect to the mental plane, but without emotion, there is no real connection to life.

Nonetheless, emotion as experienced through passion, need, and want is merely the outer wrapping of love that must be peeled away for love to truly take up residence in the heart, where love loves all. The overwhelming tantrum of  anachronistic narcissistic, infantile entitlement to attention in adult years must transmute, to include the world beyond its own self, before it can reach another in the utter calm of true love.

What makes love such a powerful driver in this life is its intent for us to rediscover our lost wholeness. Life in this world of time and space, where people come and go, highlights our experience as distinct separate human beings. This is contradicted in quantum physics, where it can be demonstrated that, at a subatomic level, everything and everyone is energetically ONE. And that ONE only becomes separated into distinct physical particles when human beings interact with it.

Thus, we are fundamentally an interconnected ONE, having the solid dream of a life, that begins and ends as a separate human being. This manifest dream is merely a surface version of our true underlying interdependent Oneness. Thus, the love dramas of our lives are our surface attempts to find our way home to the latent reality of our underlying wholeness.

When Carlos Castaneda asked don Juan Matus which was the true reality, energetic or physical, don Juan’s reply was that both were real, although energetic reality was the ultimate reality. Physicists would agree. Newtonian physics and quantum physics are both right. One deals with the dream of physical reality, the other energetic reality. What is solid and separate is ultimately energetic and ONE.

We are apparently in this dream of separateness to fully experience the glue that binds us in our ultimate oneness, love. From childhood attachment to family, onto adolescent crush beyond the family, then onto the multiplicity of adult relationships throughout the life cycle, we project all that is missing in us onto people and objects, as we desperately seek to unite with, then mercilessly must let go of, everything, in death. This labyrinth of love teaches us, in dream after dream, to arrive at our One true love, love that loves all.

Though I know Leonard Cohen now knows the answer to the question he posed before he left this world, I venture an answer from this life.

Q: What happens to the heart when it leaves?

A: Transformation into the love of pure equanimity—love that loves all.

Beyond the stormy and cloudy skies of now, this is the love that our physical world dream is inevitably approaching. Full steam ahead!

With love,


Listen here to Leonard Cohen: Happens to the Heart

Soulbyte for Wednesday April 1, 2020

What is known is that the spirit is eternal, the spirit in everything lives on infinitely. Life culminates in renewed energetic form and yet most spend their lifetime unaware of this truth, known by mystics, shamans, and energy explorers alike. Most lessons in life do not teach this truth, but occasionally something happens to prove it, but even that may be forgotten. In times of stress, remember this truth and those personal times of revelation. Keep them alight in your heart and mind as reminders of the eternal energy of which you are all a significant part. All spirits matter, and all spirits transform one day.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: In the Midst of Transformation

The mists of transformation…
– Photo © 2020 by Jan Ketchel

I have always viewed trauma as an unsolicited invitation into a shamanic journey. The traumatic impact of Covid-19 is the world’s usher into our current collective shamanic journey.

Shamanic journeys lead us to discover our greater energetic  potential, beyond the familiarity of everyday life, life currently on world pause. We have been launched into Mother Earth’s healing crisis. We are all from her and of her, in physical form. How could we not be in a healing crisis as well?

The world as we knew it was simply not sustainable. It was time for an intervention, a course correction. The world will survive this crisis, but it will never be the same, nor will we ever be the same. Let us ride this healing intent with courage and love, for all!

For most infected by the virus their journeys through fever and breath may take them through challenging encounters with fear and uncertainty. Stay calm, with the full intent of healing, as you prepare to land on the safe shores of renewed physical life.

For some, this will be their definitive journey into life beyond the physical body. For those on that final leg of their physical sojourn, keep your awareness keen and facing forward, as  you launch into a whole new realm of possibility. No need to look back; we are all right behind you in our inter-dimensional energetic connectedness. How could we all not meet again?

We are being asked to take this journey as solitary beings, remaining connected virtually. This is a form of energetic connection, a gateway to the energy body we journey with in our dreams.

Carlos Castaneda once commented that true poverty was being too attached to wanting objects. We are in a time when our collective object hunger is being asked to turn to energetic connection. This is great training to evolve beyond object dependence.

That dependence has depleted Mother Earth, and so, she leads us now to evolve into greater fulfillment in our energetic connectedness. This is the shamanic journey of transformation we are all currently living. Embrace your solitary being in energetic solidarity with all other beings. We are all in this magical world together.

Energetically connected,


Chuck’s Place: Spirit is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Spirit in the flow of everyday change…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Every being upon this planet is exposed to the identical pressure of Earth in radical transition. The term transition highlights the growth potential that accompanies the obvious destructive side effects of these far reaching changes.

This pressure, or egalitarian touch of the Spirit, offers all beings an opportunity to evolve. How we interpret this pressure will determine how we respond to this opportunity, which is presented equally to all.

As individual humans we are beings of two minds, the mind of everyday life and the mind of the Spirit. The everyday mind is largely of extrinsic origin, being the product of  the internalized forces of socialization. Though experienced as deeply personal, this is the judging mind of the internal dialogue that tells us who we are and what is what, according to our deeply internalized party line.

The fixation of everyone’s everyday mind is an overarching concern about the self, or by extension, me and mine. That mind interprets the world through the narrow narcissistic lens of being offended, or validated, by all the actions of others, or simply by the world-at-large.  At present, the world is being treated to a mighty reflection of this everyday mind, as mirrored by world leadership.

As the Earth proceeds along her mighty path of transformation, it becomes increasingly obvious that the dominance of the everyday mind is headed for extinction, at least in its current form. How can this self-serving approach to reality possibly survive the absolute necessity of a more comprehensive concern for the survival of the entire planet?

The mind of the Spirit is directly linked to the deeper truth of Earth’s profound transformation. However, this knowing of the Spirit is largely veiled by the mind of everyday life, with its fixation of total energy and attention placed upon its self-centered, worrisome, everyday concerns. From its perspective, my survival, regardless of altruistic verbiage and activity, is as far as it can really see.

The mind of Spirit speaks softly but honestly beneath the dense layers of the everyday mind. Shocks in the everyday flow of life, such as the tragic untimely death of Kobe Bryant, offer glimpses of Spirit.  The far greater outer calamities of the Earth are also messengers of Spirit, inviting a wider audience to hear its truths, as evidenced in the current coronavirus.

Fascinating to watch how quickly the everyday mind restores itself following its rupture by knocks of the Spirit. In Piaget’s nomenclature, assimilation that refuses to accommodate the greater truth is not real adaptation. At best, it’s a temporary sand fortress, soon to be dissolved by the next wave.

Finally, Spirit offers the highest form of adventure. To ride honestly, with knowledge of our transience, and being respectful of our temporary home, while we simultaneously thoroughly take the journey of preparation for the next leap in our journey, is the true path of heart.

This is the call of our Spirit now, our true evolutionary destiny. And Spirit is an equal opportunity employer. All who turn to it in earnest are immediately hired, on a true mission from the Universe.



Chuck’s Place: Stalking the Ego in the New Era

We are in the dawning of a New Era…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

An animal stalks its prey, waiting patiently, instinctively knowing the best moment to strike. Shamans regularly stalk a new identity, when the time has come for them to transform and move on into new life. In this New Era we find ourselves in, we must all stalk a new identity.

To stalk, we must first turn to the ego’s behavior and study its habitual patterns in order to know which to strike to ensure survival in this New Era. Stalking requires pragmatic objectivity to be effective. Belief systems that superimpose their interpretations upon reality miss the mark of what truly is. To stalk is to be a true scientist.

The salient quality of ego is its decision making capability. Though all species may be said to make decisions, only humans have the ability to act contrary to their instinctive programs. Humans, therefore, have functioned as the deliberative brain of planet Earth, altering instinctive programs at will. As a result, Planet Earth has entered into a period of revolt; in striking out the ruling human ego she stalks her own new identity.

We watch, every day, as Planet Earth continues her drastic transformation; evident currently in the fires of Australia, earthquakes in Puerto Rico, volcano in the Philippines, and tornadoes and early summer in different parts of mainland America.

If we stalk the governing ego of the world at present, in human form, what is revealed is an inflated sense of self-importance that blatantly denies the reality of climate change, and is focused on the total exploitation of the Earth, for the material gain of itself. This ego stance is intent upon completely imposing its will upon the Earth, positioning itself as the master of all of nature.

How can such a ruling attitude adapt to the multitude of changes happening daily before our eyes? At best, we might call it a valiant attempt to hold onto the dominating feature of the old era, in what we might characterize as, “ego’s last stand.” But, like buildings being toppled by earthquakes, this exaggerated attitude will, of necessity, collapse amidst the growing imperative of Earth’s transformation.

Ego, as the active side of decision making, is critical to survival in this New Era. However, ego must align itself with the true needs of the self, and the planet. This requires a perspective that considers the interdependent relationship of all things, what could be called the energetic oneness of everything.

The byproduct of this oneness, the glue that holds it all together, is love. Thus, for ego to align itself lovingly with the interconnected oneness of everything would be the correct attitude to stalk, as we inevitably go with the flow of the changes of this New Era.

Our New Era is replete with violation. Violation is the catalyst that opens the portal to new worlds. Trauma survivors and shamans alike know the transporting effect of violation ushering in unknown worlds.

What was once the restricted province of shamans and unwitting victims is now the everyday reality for the entire human race: violation and entry into new worlds of possibility. Blame for  violation, at this stage, cannot contain the deeper truth, that we are all part of a collective shamanic journey now, our evolutionary destiny. We are not victims but adventurers forging a new path in a New Era.

Clearly, it is nature herself leading the charge of violation in this New Era, as Planet Earth reshapes herself. Current human ego decision making, at the highest levels, reflects nature’s ruthlessness. But here the analogy ends. Ruthlessness rooted in narcissistic injury is isolated and immature. Only ego, in the service of the greater good, can safely navigate this New Era we are in. Only ego in alignment with what is truly right for all can lead us safely forward.

As individuals, we are being asked to stalk our personal ego’s attitudes, decisions, and actions to determine their true intent. Is my ego aligned with interconnected reality and the greater good? On the local level of everyday life, in the body, is my ego in alignment with the true needs of the self? Does my ego cater to the special interest groups within the self that demand habits that undermine the health of the self?

The New Era we have entered requires a consensus reality to fortify its stability. That consensus reality is built upon a mass of individuals upholding a heart-centered loving foundation for ego to act from. This begins with stalking the ego in one’s everyday life, and striking from its repertoire self-centered thoughts, decisions, and behaviors.

The cumulative effect of a mass collective intent, lovingly bent upon the greater good, will be to arrive at the right attitude with which to live and lead this deeply reconfigured Planet Earth of the New Era. Make your own worthy contribution by first and foremost stalking your own ego, lovingly.

