Tag Archives: soul

Chuck’s Place: The momentous opportunity of Now

Turning in a new direction…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

As without, so within. Without, we are all witnessing a stupendous archetypal drama. The dweller, at the threshold of the mighty house, has opened the door to the dark side of the force. Within, the ego Soul, at the threshold of the subconscious, must awaken to whom it has let in.

Difficult to own this projection. The drama without is so spellbinding it would seem to be the only real movie in town. That’s part of the challenge. The collective subconscious ego Soul has materialized a hypnotist, whose name is invoked daily more than any other word on Earth. Now that truly is black magic. With that much attention surrendered to the hypnotist, we are all drawn sheepishly to await the next suggestion upon which all life revolves.

Now, how could such an overarching outer predicament actually reflect the condition within one’s own personal psyche? The ego Soul, at the third chakra, is a child obsessed with its own wants, needs, and desires—particularly an insatiable hunger for attention and recognition. A child is simply incapable of seeing and caring for the rest of its personality and body beyond the mirror of its own appetites and power drives.

The subconscious soul is the warehouse of what Jung called the shadow or personal unconscious. However, it is also the gateway to the collective shadow and the collective unconscious archetypes deeply tied to the physical instincts. The subconscious soul is abundantly willing to cater to the power and appetite drives of the naive attention-seeking ego Soul at the third chakra, with the hidden intent of taking possession of the ego Soul.

What then ensues is ego Soul at the third chakra getting all it wants satiated via a Faustian-like pact with the devil, which uses its position of influence to take control of the personality and give free rein to its long suppressed shadow agenda. From an outer world historical perspective, the Nazification of Germany reflected the shadow taking possession of a collective national ego Soul, with atrocious consequences.

To actually reflect objectively on both inner and outer reality, ego Soul must establish itself at the heart center chakra, which enables an adult perspective and decision making center to come online. These include being able to acknowledge life beyond the self, as well as clarity as to the interconnected, interdependent wholeness of all things. This allows for acceptance and creative integration of all parts of the self. This enables the adult to raise the child at the third chakra with compassion and firm limits.

Outwardly, we enter a New Year with a new American Congress set to challenge the Executive branch. Investigations offer the possibility of temperance, but all must face the reality: as without, so within. No one is immune from encounter with the dark side, which is quite willing to change its appearance from devil to angel but still house the same power drives. All must ask themselves: From what center are they really acting? From the sly, rationalizing, justifying, manipulating possessed ego Soul, at the third chakra, or from right action, from the ego Soul raised to the heart center?

The momentousness of this time we live in is the opportunity for all world citizens to participate in the raising of the world ego Soul to the adult position of the heart center, both within and without. This is the dawning of The Age of Aquarius, which at this time beckons us to own the projections of our times, within ourselves, and to cover our ears from the master hypnotists, both within and without.

Turn and walk in a new direction. Don’t look back. Move forward with ease into new life. What will you meet? It’s all new now. Don’t get caught in the Scylla and Charybdis of depression or exhilarated denial. Walk the razor’s edge mindfully. You are the master of your own ship.

“The time to hesitate is through,” say the Doors.

Walk your ego Soul through the door to new life in the heart center of your SOUL.

The journey continues.

Happy New Life,


Soulbyte For Thursday November 15, 2018

Be aware that you have all the answers inside you. You know how things will transpire and what to do to achieve your aims. At the same time your knowing is dulled and so you take one path over another, forgetting your knowing self even exists. But your knowing self does not ever forget you. Your knowing self pushes and prods you, constantly dreams you onward, waking you up on a daily basis to your other reality. But like sleep your old behaviors and forgetfulness come over you and then your troubles arise, your frustrations swell, and your anger and resentment brew. Remember your knowing self. Pluck it out of that other dream and bring it into life’s dream of now, your true companion, your knowing self who only wants to join you in dreaming what you already know. Remember!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: The Tripartite Soul of Now

I am writing to the future, the day this will be published, the morning after the midterm elections. For the record, my final edit for this blog was on the morning of November 6, 2018, well in advance of outcomes in time and space. My intent is that the electorate free its mind from manipulation and vote from the heart for the greater good of all. I will accept the outcome of the election as a true reading of the status of our collective soul now.

Tripartite: heaven and earth with the light of the intellect in between…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

I define mind as soul, the subtle body companion of our physical body for the duration of our lives in this world. The soul is a tripartite structure consisting of the inherent collective unconscious with its instinctive knowing, the ego with its intellect and capacity for reason, and the high self that is guided by infinity through intuition and love.

Recently, we have seen the rapid emergence of instinct, with its passionate emotions, take charge of world governance. This is an archetypal response, from the collective unconscious dimension of the soul, to the Earth’s current major reshaping and the primal dread it awakens at our animal core. Survival is its battle cry.

Our reasoning mind has either been convinced of instinct’s call to arms, and leant it support, or opposed its radical approach, embodying, instead, calls for greater unity and compassion.

The question for this midterm was whether the escalating instinctive approach would continue to grow, or a movement toward more inclusive values would begin to assert itself.

Regardless of outcome, the Earth will continue its radical changes, and the human animal will continue to experience fear and anxiety in response. The problem for humans, as well as all species on Earth, is that the environment is shifting into unknown territory, where old tried and true instinctive responses cannot effectively assimilate the current dangers.

The intellect that has the capacity to analyze a problem and oppose even its own nature to effect a solution may be equally disadvantaged if it cannot detach from personal interest or the thrill of unbridled emotion. Furthermore, the real solution to survival in this changing world might require opening to the guidance of an intuition that transcends pure reason.

Clearly, cooperation by all parts of the tripartite soul would best prepare us to ride the tide of our evolutionary challenge. From our instinct emerges the alarm of real threat to survival. From our intellect emerges the ability to analyze and act in our best interest. From our high self comes the experience of pure love, which binds the world together in common interest. Thus, the combination of instinct, intellect, and love are the winning ticket.

Regardless of the outcome of this election, our evolutionary path requires us to access the fullness of our tripartite soul to find our way. Regardless of the outcome of the election, every individual is free to travel this evolutionary path within the confines of their own physical body and tripartite soul.

In fact, the greatest of leaders throughout history were masters of their tripartite souls, to such a degree that they inspired humanity to higher spiritual directions, merely through the presence of their evolved personalities.

Focus now on evolving the personality through acknowledging the anxiety from below, through thinking objectively and initiating right action, and by finding inspiration and intuitive solution from the love and wisdom that comes from above. This is the tripartite ticket to facing one’s deepest issues within, as well as managing one’s reactions to the volatility expressed without.

Never feel powerless; you are the agent of change. Change the self, change the world.

In gratitude,


A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Get In Alignment

Be as nature…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

In our weekly audio message we are all advised to get into alignment within our lives and within ourselves, to strive for balance between our dual selves, body and spirit.

Of course, keep in mind that it’s a lifelong practice because life is always offering us one challenge or another that is sure to take us out of balance! With enough practice and over time we snap back into alignment a little quicker and come to realize just how important staying in balance really is to our body and our soul. In other words: we live and we learn!

Have a wonderful week keeping in balance!

Chuck’s Place: Becoming More Fully One’s Self

Becoming more of who we are…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

A seed is what it is. Once it takes root it unfolds according to its innate code of development, greatly influenced by the environment it is born into. Humans are seeds of the soul planted upon the earth, each of us with our own unique innate program for development, which acquires further influence from the unique family we are born into.

The soul is the higher self, whose program steers the greater unfolding of our life. This unfolding is additionally impacted by environmental nuances and a budding ego self, a point of consciousness that gradually becomes one’s central identity. The ego is part of the higher self, as the higher self is comprised of all that we are. In effect, the ego is the General on the ground, charged by the higher self with making  decisions in everyday life that best fit the needs of the unfolding of the greater self in life. This is how we become who we truly are.

Ego inflation is a state of alienation from the higher self, where the ego installs and acts upon its own programs for life that fail to consider the true needs of the greater unfolding of the true self. In effect the ego crowns itself the higher self and exercises its freedom of choice to direct life to further its own ambitions. The political climate we find ourselves in now starkly reflects the plight and consequences of a runaway ego pursuing its own ambitions at the expense of the true needs of the greater whole.

The Tao of the inflated ego is deflation, a natural correction, as the energies that fuel the inflation eventually dry up, as they are not connected to and will not be supported by the higher self. The higher self contains the wellspring of energy for unfolding development. If true needs are not properly funded by the ego the higher self withdraws its energy from the ego, a state experienced psychologically as depression.

On an individual basis decisions made by an alienated ego will lead to complications of mind and body that reflect the split within the self. These complications serve as guides to the ego to adjust its attitude and decision making to better serve the true needs of the unfolding self.  A depression then is a precursor to needed realignment with the unfolding of the true self. A humbled ego can once again become empowered by the self as it embarks upon its corrected path. This is experienced as a lifting of depression, accompanied by a new outlook on life.

Although the ego can greatly obstruct addressing the greater needs of the whole self for a long time, its decisions will naturally be overridden in some form eventually. We see this now in the consequences of global warming upon the Earth. Essentially, we are being confronted with nature’s reaction to our environmental decision making, which has not been in true alignment with the needs of the planet. Thus we are being challenged with the consequences of our decisions by a rapidly changing climate. Our attitudes are being humbled; we are living with the consequences of the error of our ways.

The truth is that the unfolding of who we truly are, the reason we are here, continues to manifest, regardless of our mistaken attitudes. In fact, it may be that our karmic seed led us to be born in this time of great realignment to be part of an evolutionary ego shift. Thus, our unfolding selves are actually reflecting the great polarization we see abundantly reflected around us. We are all charged with reconciling the split between ego needs and the needs of the true self.

Ego has always had to grapple with life in the physical world, thus its focus tends to be materialistic. Thus it focuses on accumulation of wealth as a path to status and security. The ego also puts high regard on mastery in one’s chosen profession as a reflection of its worth and status. The ego also concerns itself with its ranking and desirability in its relations with fellow human beings. The ego’s goals of perfection and possession drive it to compete with or eliminate its neighbors. On the positive side, the ego has the capacity to suspend judgment and see the greater truth.

The greater unfolding of now is teasing us away from this one-sided obsession with material manipulation into a far greater exploration of our spiritual potential in human form. Bringing consciousness to our energy body’s energetic abilities was the hallmark of the U. S. Army’s Stargate program, where psychic abilities were employed for purposes of national defense.

The opportunity for the ego to shift its material focus to a greater exploration of energetic reality beyond space and time is the new frontier. This does not abandon material life. In fact, balance in material life is essential to balance in energy body exploration, where we are simply waking up to a greater awareness of the fullness of who we are. Many who have journeyed in infinity rest in the knowing that, as Robert Monroe’s core mantra states: “We are more than our physical bodies.” They no longer fear death.

We awaken to our energetic potential when we listen to the guidance of the self within and follow the synchronicities that manifest daily in our lives. We awaken to our energetic potential when we grant equal value to our nightly dreams as to the waking dream we begin anew every morning. We most align with our energetic potential when we align our ego intent with that of the higher self, to become who we truly are.

