Tag Archives: recapitulation

Chuck’s Place: It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way

While fears inhabit Spirit waits…
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

The word habit derives from the Latin word habitus, which means clothing or outer attire. In fact, the clerical attire of monks and nuns are actually called habits. Habit is thus a persona, which actually covers the real person. We are not our habits.

And yet, the word inhabit insists that to live in, or occupy a space, one must inhabit it. When a Spirit takes on life in human form, it must conform to the habits of that form.

At a core level, habits are instincts and archetypes that govern life in human form. These limitations control the expression of the life essence of Spirit while it resides in human form, but does not reflect the fullness of Spirit.

The shamans of ancient Mexico discovered that humans were not limited to one habitual form. Their version of shapeshifting involves the embodiment of a set of habits unique to another species. They utilize the practice of specific physical movements, called magical passes, and dreaming to accomplish these shifts. Some shamanic groups use power plants or psychedelics to facilitate these alternative perceptual experiences.

The shamans of ancient Mexico also emphasize the practice of recapitulation, or life review, to free oneself of habits that have crusted over one’s core identity and embedded it in a negative belief system. When we face our most feared issues, our energy is liberated from the constriction of defensive behaviors, allowing us to explore new possibilities of being.

The channel, Monitor, has suggested that the original intention was for the human body to live healthily until the human Spirit, that took up residence in it, had fulfilled its purpose in coming into human form. When, however, fears are suppressed and locked into body armor, the  vitality of the physical body is overtaxed, shortening its duration and ability to serve Spirit’s intent.

Humankind has currently inhabited many fears that result in belief systems that expect illness. It doesn’t have to be this way. If we truly neutralize our fears, our life essence is freed to exercise its creative potential and create the life we intended when we first inhabited human form.

The shamans of ancient Mexico fully accepted that they were beings who would ultimately die. They also discovered that they could fulfill their intention for life in human form and simply burn from within when it was time for Spirit to move on. The implication, beyond this metaphor, is that, freed of our fears, we can exercise tremendous control over the course of our living and dying.

The best preventive for illness is to create the life that aligns with our Soul’s intent. Of course, sometimes illness is integral to our Earth School tour, to advance the growth of our Soul. However, very often, illness is the byproduct of stuck fear.

Release of habits of fear redefine the human body and unleash the creative human Spirit. That’s the way it truly can be.


Soulbyte for Friday December 8, 2023

-Artwork © 2023 Jan Ketchel

Remember your past to secure a more open, honest and flowing future. Past events, known and unknown, forgotten and remembered, can weigh upon you mentally, emotionally, and physically. In recapturing memories you offer yourself the opportunity to free yourself of the burden of them. In recalling memories, in reliving and releasing them, space inside you opens up to receive more beneficial units of love, pleasure and happiness, and for your emotions to be more positively occupied and engaged. To exchange the old depressed energies of memories with energies of new life is an experience like no other; it is life-affirming and life-giving. Seek to remember, and strive to release old beliefs, old ideas, and old perceptions of yourself. In this manner, find freedom and the ability to open to new experiences of life as well.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday August 16, 2023

-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

Know yourself. Get to know and understand yourself, how you tend to operate, what triggers you to act or to defend, what causes you to stress out, to overdo, to fall into childish patterns of behavior. In knowing yourself the goal is to confront all those things about yourself that stand in the way of your progress, to free yourself from them so that you may arrive at a place of humility, love and compassion for yourself and others; for in knowing yourself you will know and understand everyone else as well. Get to know yourself in the deepest way so that you may experience life in the deepest way as well.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday June 22, 2023

-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

It is not forgiveness that is needed as you move on in your journey of change but acquiescence to the bigger picture, to acceptance of yourself as part of the whole, which includes you and everything that you’ve done and everything that has been done to you. There are no victims or perpetrators in the bigger picture, there are only actors playing the parts they have been assigned. When you accept your own role in the bigger picture you discover that you were not a pawn but a superb facilitator of that which was and is necessary for your own evolution and the evolution of all those whom played parts in your life’s drama. Well done!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: A Tale Of Power And Stupidity

Fool on the hill…
-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

I stood on a steep embankment below a massive felled tree that had been cut into large rounds, ready to be split into firewood. I’d carefully been rolling down one heavy round at a time to a more level spot where I could split the wood. Three large rounds were pressed together at the top of the hill. I reached up, placing my hands on them, and started to rock them. They rocked as a group.

I got excited at their stored energy coming to life and the prospect of rolling the three together, as a unit. A voice inside said, “that’s a bad idea.” Too late. I rocked them and they started to roll toward my head at full force. Somehow I leaped out of the way as they picked up momentum. One crashed into a tree and stopped. The other two speedily descended hundreds of feet to the stream at the bottom of the mountain.

Truthfully, I have not been able to fully recapitulate how I got away. My ego consciousness was instantly supplanted by a more seasoned High Self that took command of my body and applied instinctive knowhow to jump out of the way and survive.

Trauma shifts one into a state of heightened awareness, which records one’s non-ordinary experience and where one is introduced to knowledge and abilities that defy the ego’s rational sensibilities. Oftentimes people have an out-of-body experience during a traumatic situation, as the High Self shields the vulnerable ego from an experience it is ill-prepared to take in.

Four indigenous children were rescued this past week, having survived for forty days in the Amazon jungle after their plane crashed, killing their indigenous leader and their mother four days later. Forty days is the archetypal eon for meeting a great spiritual challenge. In the heightened awareness of their trauma they were surely guided and protected by the spirits of their mother and leader, steadfastly present with them until they were rescued.

Master shamans teach their students in states of heightened awareness. The task of the student is to fully retrieve a memory of an experience, at the level of ego consciousness, in order to be ready and worthy of the knowledge being recapitulated. The same is true in trauma work. When the victim is ready they will become enlightened to the fullness of their previously dissociated experience. That’s when we fully learn our greatest lessons.

It would be convenient and partially true for me to identify an ego inflation, or influence from a parasitic entity, to explain my decision to rock and roll. However, the truth is that I quite knowingly signed up to have that experience. I fully own my impulsive decision.

What wants to be communicated here is that we are both good and evil, devil and angel. To truly become our whole self, we must own and reconcile with all the oppositions within the self. “Resist ye not evil,” said a great Master.

That evil within flirts with adventure, sometimes high stakes adventure. If we never take a risk we’ll be safe, but we’re sure to be saddled with regret. If we don’t approach, we won’t be rejected, but we’ll surely be alone. Everyone is told to be good, but truthfully, good can also be boring.

The human shadow is largely composed of characters and attitudes that compensate for our whitewashed conscious attitudes. So, for instance, if we are shown a highly desirous character in dreaming that we cannot consciously identify with, that character is most likely balancing out a rigid, morally bound, conscious definition of self.

It’s not so much that we secretly are that exaggerated character, but a part of us, that is more honest with the fullness of who we are, resorts to this persona to demonstrate to the ego the depths of its one-sidedness.

Reconciliation of this opposition would be the ego accepting the truth of its fuller self and its fear of living it. This acceptance of the shadow invites the shadow, with all its desirous energies, into a greater partnership with the ego and opportunities to find ways in life to live its fullness. Wholeness is truly a reconciliation with, and inclusion of, all the opposites that we are.

I’m quite certain my crazy stunt with the heavy tree rounds was not a hidden dance with death. Though, at the same time, every moment of our lives might be our inevitable appointment with death. For shamans, keeping this knowing in the forefront of consciousness gives living its fullest realization.

My tale of power and stupidity insisted on being shared to demonstrate that we are all devils and angels. Finding the right balance and creating a working relationship with these component selves is the key to refined, integrated wholeness, and spiritual advancement.

Time to chop some wood, and I promise to be careful,