– Photo by Jan Ketchel
The Spirit journeys while the body sleeps. The physical body is the densest of all our energy body states, hence our lighter soul body generally waits for its active container, the physical body, to go offline in deep rest before it ventures out into the subtler levels of its existence, where the physical body is simply too dense to enter.
The currency for travel and action at these finer levels of reality are thought and emotion. Thus, for instance, the mere thought of a location at the soul level transports one to that dimension. At these finer levels of reality thought is completely transparent and communicated without the necessity of speech. For that matter, the physical need to eat, excrete, or have sex are absent from the higher Spirit dimensions of being.
For some, the thought of relinquishing these physical necessities evokes fear and loss. Even after final transition from the physical plane, at death, some might necessitate further residency in physical environments, real or imagined, before they are ready to advance to finer soul states. This is like having a sensual encounter in a dream, while the physical body lies inert and asleep.
One of the great teachings transmitted from higher Spirit dimensions to the physical plane is the energetic power of love. Earth has been called the emotional planet due to the dominance of attachment, need, and longing in human relations. The lower emotions of hate, rage, and fear weigh upon the Spirit and typically burden one with depression and physical ailments.
When one is able to release these baser emotions the rarefied result is the finest emotion of love. Love lifts one’s Spirit on the physical plane and allows for greater mobility on the higher Spirit planes of one’s existence.
The challenges of a relationship at the physical dimension can provide one with the developmental opportunity to reach this rarefied level of love. Having reached real love, one is ready to experience union with all life, far transcending its momentary glimpse in the experience of physical union with another person.
The operating principles of the higher dimensions actually permeate the physical dimension, but we are generally, literally, too dense to notice. We call it coincidence when we think of someone and then have contact with them shortly thereafter.
Actually, what happens when we think of someone is that the energy of that thought immediately reaches their perceptive field. If they are receptive enough they hear/feel the contact and respond in some way. Couples connected at a higher vibration rarely need to talk, as they are constantly communicating through thought alone.
Distance healing works similarly. Sending someone the intent of healing, embedded in love energy, is sure to enhance the healing experience. Of course, the receiver must be receptive to such healing intent. Blocking beliefs are very difficult to penetrate, by both the ailing person as well as by the healing intent sent by others. One must consent to be healed at the deepest emotional and mental levels to reach lasting cure.
The collective thoughts of many can vastly influence the destiny of our planet. As important as physical voting might be at the dense physical level, thought and emotion are far more important determinants of our planet’s future. Positive loving thoughts for our planet’s survival raises the needed healing energy for its cure.
Our world is arguably in a state of great tension, on the verge of chaos. Although we are subject to the great cycles of change, and find ourselves right now at the destructive stage of what the Hindu religion calls Kali- Yuga, the future, like all astrological charts, is not absolutely determined.
The future is fluid, largely because we have the gift of free will. Our greatest power to influence the future rests in our thoughts and emotions. Every time we send out positive thoughts and feelings for all, we imbue our planet with the healing power of the higher vibration of love.
Every time we evoke the attention of higher aspects of our own Spirit, through prayer or thanksgiving, we are enriched with this same higher vibration of love supporting our higher aspirations.
This is not about belief or faith; this is about perseverance, incessant affirmation, mantra and prayer, however self-styled. See what happens in your own life with such positive devotion. See what happens to the life of the planet. Indulge in the largesse of positivity; there are no limitations to the love you can give.
The future is ours to manifest. Send it love.
With love,
*The title of my blog, The Future is Fluid, comes from Soul Journeys by Rosalind McKnight, one of Bob Monroe’s “explorers,” who wrote about her experiences in the lab with Bob in Cosmic Journeys, as well as her life as a channel in Soul Journeys.