Tag Archives: path of heart

Chuck’s Place: Your Ultimate Superpower Is The Subconscious Mind

Everyone has the same superpower…
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

The subconscious mind is the true equal opportunity employer. Everyone has one. Everyone exercises it every day. Everyone has access to its treasure trove of riches.

In the Torah, God tells the Jews that they are the chosen. The broader implication of being chosen is that all of humanity was chosen to direct the superpower of the subconscious mind.

While all of nature remained under the absolute control of the archetypes in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, the parents of humanity, obtained the power of conscious intent to direct the superpower of the subconscious mind and create their world.

Humankind has stumbled through history in its exercise of its power of intent. Many live in utter poverty of mind, believing themselves powerless to manifest the life they desire. Christ introduced the secret to manifestation. That secret is simple: to be a master of intent you must believe that anything is possible.

In all his recorded healings, Christ emphasized that one must have faith, that they must believe they can be healed, in order to heal. This is the secret of the book, The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne. Simply put, we attract to us and manifest in our lives what we believe. Our beliefs are the suggestions we send to the superpower of the subconscious mind, which attract the necessary elements from Infinite Intelligence to manifest the dream we truly believe in.

The evolution of the conscious mind has delivered us the power of reason, the current fixation of the modern mind. This power has enabled us to somewhat master nature and generate an ordered civilization. It has also caused us to revoke our beliefs in the irrational —that anything is possible— leaving us distant and removed from the spiritual essence of our physical being.

Perhaps Donald Trump’s greatest contribution to our time is his shattering impact upon the hegemony of reason. His power is purely irrational. It’s a fact, he insists. His beliefs and suggestions are so strong that they have manifested as true reality for half a nation.

The conscious mind must mature and learn about the true superpower of the subconscious mind. We, all of humanity, must become responsible  administrators of our thoughts and beliefs, which become the intentions and suggestions we manifest. We manifest what we concentrate on, what we think about; it’s that simple.

The chaos in the world at this time is the manifestation of a developmental process that we are collectively undergoing. Just look at how social media targets beliefs in order to accrue greater suggestive power over the superpower of the collective subconscious mind. As horrific as the events on the world’s battlefields are, the real superpower lies in the subconscious mind of every individual.

We have the power to inspire our subconscious minds with the suggestion to manifest an all-inclusive world of love. Like the single rainmaker who can restore the Tao and break open the heavens to rain through his personal intent, we are all individually empowered to generate pervasive love and joy for our fledgling planet.


Soulbyte for Tuesday August 13, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Use your inner power to more fully ground and center yourself so that you may constantly remain on a positive wavelength, so that your focus may be keenly attuned to a flexible state, in tune with universal wisdom, and so that you may attain a greater sense of connection with all that is available to you in any given moment. A centered self is a calm self. A flexible self is open hearted. A connected self knows how to navigate life with a positive attitude that always expects the best outcome. Attune yourself to all of that and the best outcome will expect to find you too!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday August 9, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Pray for peace in whatever way suits you. Pray for change that is good for all, for the Earth as well as all of its inhabitants. Pray that poverty may turn to plenty, that war may cease, that famine may be met with food enough for all. There is no end to praying, you may say, but keep in mind that all prayers are heard and all prayers are responded to in some way. Life’s lessons, however, cannot be erased but must be tackled, and sometimes prayers are not the answer. Sometimes the action of change is the only answer that will resolve the issues that need resolution. Sometimes action is the right answer, just as sometimes patient waiting is the right answer. To know what to do when is the mark of wisdom and insight. Pray for that.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday August 7, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

When tensions run high it is not the time to act but the time to wait. Patience counters tension better than any reaction. Let things die down. Play the patience card and make strategic decisions in silence. The power of silence is unique, confounding, and will allow for time to pass so that something unique may show itself in return. Let patience be your new strategy; let silence be your companion. In the silence of patience something new will form.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday August 6, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Seemingly strange things can happen when the stars and the planets and the moon are aligned and yet in the grand scheme of things, and with an eye on the bigger picture, it is clear that all events in life, big and small, strange and exotic, easy and difficult, do occur in a timely and necessary manner. When looking back at life one sees how all events led one to where they are now, how one thing occurred to accommodate something else, and how there are no wrong turns, wrong decisions or wrong events. All things lead in the direction of fulfillment and resolution.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne