Tag Archives: light in the dark

Soulbyte for Wednesday August 19, 2020

Love is neither owned nor owed but is instead a boundless energy that knows no bounds. It is the lack among you of knowledge of love’s power that keeps you bound in self pity and sadness, feeling that love does not find you. But love is everywhere waiting for you to notice it, to engage it, to hold it within you and use it for the greater good. Love is the answer and it knows no bounds, nor color, nor race, nor gender, nor religion, nor economic status. It only knows its place in the hearts of one and all, shared and shared alike, without restraint, conflict, or discrimination. It is eternal and all-encompassing. It is the light you seek in the darkness. Let love shine. It’s about time!

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday June 17, 2020

Keep the light of hope alive. Keep the light of change alive. Keep the light of prosperity for all alive. Even in the darkest of times do not let the light go out. Keep a spark of spirit always lit within the self. And within that spark keep your love alive, keep your dream of peace and happiness alive, keep your visions of equality and equanimity alive. One day peace will come, justice will come, and love will reign. Keep all that alive.

Sending you love and support,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte For Friday April 17, 2020

In times of trial and tribulation, when all seems dark and lost, look always for the gleam of light, for it is there, at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps it is only a pinpoint, but it is slowly growing bigger and brighter. It is showing you the way, the direction to take, reminding you to turn from the darkness and face the light, and find your way to the freedom you seek. A warrior’s path always faces the light, in the direction where freedom lies, for to a warrior, freedom is all that matters.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday April 15, 2020

Stay connected to the light even though there may only be darkness. Stay connected to spirit though there may be no sign. Stay connected to love though it may feel absent. Stay connected to hope though it may seem that all is hopeless. This time too shall pass, though it must first play out its hand, the hand that has been dealt. Rest assured that things will eventually change, the light will come, spirit will revive, love will knock at your door, and hope will show its bright face. All things change. Time by its very essence means change, and now is no exception.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday March 24, 2020

Even in the worst of times a warrior keeps an even temper, a steady mind, and a loving heart, especially as these are the most stabling and productive of attributes to possess in times of stress and uncertainty. A warrior also finds the diamond in the hunk of coal, the light in the darkness, the laughter among the tears, for a warrior knows that everything changes, that in an instant everything can be different. And so, a warrior keeps a light and loving heart even through the darkest hours. It is the warrior’s prerogative to choose an attitude to take rather than be overwhelmed by anything. A warrior chooses wisely, and with more than the self in mind, for that too a warrior knows, that we are all in this together.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne