Tag Archives: life as a spiritual journey

Soulbyte for Wednesday April 1, 2020

What is known is that the spirit is eternal, the spirit in everything lives on infinitely. Life culminates in renewed energetic form and yet most spend their lifetime unaware of this truth, known by mystics, shamans, and energy explorers alike. Most lessons in life do not teach this truth, but occasionally something happens to prove it, but even that may be forgotten. In times of stress, remember this truth and those personal times of revelation. Keep them alight in your heart and mind as reminders of the eternal energy of which you are all a significant part. All spirits matter, and all spirits transform one day.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday February 4, 2020

Do not forget the source of life, your eternal spirit, that part of you that knows who you truly are and what you are capable of. Reconcile your differences with this light within you so that every day of your life may be one of fluidity and stability on a path of heart. And what is a path of heart? It is the only direction your spirit knows. Get in alignment with your own spirit and let it guide you to fulfillment. The surprise is that it may be in a direction you’d never imagined. You might have to give up one path for another, one dream for a new dream. But when your spirit calls, what else is there to do but follow?

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Without Fear

If we don’t face our fears they just become impassable mountains…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

We are all invited to work on ourselves at the deepest level now, to face and reconcile our fears so that we may be free to be who we truly are, spiritual beings in a world that so badly needs us.

Wishing you all good luck as you face your fears, even as I continually face mine.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Just a Bag of Bones

What is this body that we are so attached to but a mere bag of bones. When the life force leaves a body, what is left is just that, a bag of bones. Yet we spend our lives and our energy totally attached to the bag of bones that we identify as “Me.”

We are, in reality, so much more than that. As Robert Monroe has taught so many explorers of higher consciousness: “You are more than your physical body.”

Our life force, our spirit energy, though it resides inside our bag of bones finds ways to also leave it, to go beyond it and explore. Exploits outside of our bag of bones happen most naturally and most familiarly at night, when we dream. We all dream, even if we can’t remember doing so. Thus, we’ve all had experiences of our selves as spirit energy alone, sans bag of bones.

So many things can hold us back from uninhibitedly experiencing our spirit energy. To fully appreciate such experiences, to be able to engage in them with our full awareness, we need to be freed of our fears, our incessant internal dialogue, our traumas, our sexual abuse, our judgments, and anything else that might hold us back from further exploration of the many and varied spiritual possibilities we all hold within us.

Recapitulation is one means by which to rid ourselves of the things that hold us back from greater enjoyment of life, from spiritual exploration, and from understanding the knowledge and wisdom that our spirit might present us with.

During recapitulation, our spirit helps us to recall and relive past events while simultaneously keeping us grounded in our bodies, that bag of bones that we love so much, or hate so much, or just can’t seem to reconcile with.

As we recapitulate, old beliefs about ourselves are stripped away. Our energy is freed from where it has been stuck; in memories, in all those old beliefs about ourselves, in entanglements with the energy of others, in pains, regrets, resentments, self-pity, judgments, etc.; the list is endless.

In the process we learn to trust our spirit, that part of ourselves that is so eager to explore beyond the physical body, that just can’t wait to show us what we are really made of—energy! Our own spirit then becomes our greatest teacher and guide, and we come into our wholeness.

As we lose our fears and discover that we are really energetic beings, we become fluid and fearless explorers, in-body and out-of-body. But best of all, we become loving beings, fully happy in our bag of bones.

Sending you love,

J. E. Ketchel, Author of The Recapitulation Diaries

Published simultaneously on The Recapitulation Diaries Facebook page.

Soulbyte for Friday March 22, 2019

Take care of your physical body. As much as you seek to take care of your mental and spiritual self, do not forget that your physical body deserves attention too. It is your vehicle through life, your sailing ship, the body your Soul has selected for you in this lifetime. And so do not forget to tend to it. Mend it with rest and sleep, with good food and nutrition, with time for calmness and peace, as well as work and play. If your body is not in good shape neither is the rest of you. Even a strong spirit will not thrive in a tired and depleted body. If you let your spirit take care of your body, you will naturally be taking care of everything else that you are too, for it knows you better than anyone. It will tell you what is wrong and what is right, how to correct and how to proceed. Listen to your spirit, for it has only your greater good in mind. Give your body its proper place, as home to your spirit, your Soul in this lifetime. Hone its shape, keep it in tiptop form so that your journey is smooth and without incident. For you are both body and spirit, and each is of equal importance and value. Let the inner you decide what’s right for the outer you. And with them in synch, your body will be pleased and your spirit will rejoice.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne