Tag Archives: life as a meaningful journey

Soulbyte for Thursday March 31, 2022

Find peace and calm within the self as often as possible to combat worry, stress, and fear that now attempt to take over. Restore yourself often to calmness within by deep breathing, calming mantras, and an open heart that knows instinctively that great change always leads to new life.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday March 17, 2022

What does it mean to be in balance? Balance is the acceptance of all things, without exception, the utilization of the fullness of who you are and the full realization of your potential. Balance is also allowing yourself to express all of these things in the course of your everyday life so that no part of you is held back, suppressed or neglected. In balance, all that you are is fully known and expressed—in good balance of course!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday March 10, 2022

Life on Earth is a constant attempt to remember, to remember where you come from, why you are there, and for what purpose you took on an earthly existence. All of these things are stored within you waiting for you to find them, the pieces of you, the mysteries you have forgotten, the answers you seek. Remembering is the process that will enlighten you. Practice remembering by trying to remember your dreams. They are the first and most immediate portal to all that you are.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday March 4, 2022

Pay attention to what comes to guide you so that you don’t miss it. Often guidance comes in unexpected ways so that you might miss it and it’s only in hindsight that it becomes clear. Learn from such occasions. Learn from your dreams, how they show you your future, how they predict what is to come, or how they align with what you already know. Take action after much thought and discernment of guidance and dreams so that your actions align with what is truly right. You are being guided, but how? That is up to each one of you to learn.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday February 24, 2022

Let not worries permeate your mind, body, and spirit, but instead look to your own heart to ground and guide you. It will not fail you, nor leave you alone, for it contains all knowing of your life, past and future. It presents the way, and yet do you see it and hear it? Do you pay attention to its gentle urges or abrupt signs? Your own heart center, connected to the greater good, wants only for you to be happy, healthy, and whole.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne