Tag Archives: inner work

Soulbyte for Wednesday October 9, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Let not thoughts of old get in the way of the new potential you. Let the past go through you as the seasons change and know that it is time to change now too. Take the opportunity to shift into a new phase, a more advanced state of awareness and perception. Tell yourself that you are different now because your journey calls for you to change, now more than ever. Let go of the old, of that which no longer serves you, and begin anew.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: Focus On The Opposite

Vibrate peace…
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

We find that there is a person we just can’t stand. The mere mention of their name arouses feelings of hatred and utter disgust. Such is the experience of many in these extremely polarized times in which we live.

Therapeutically, there is value in assessing whether this gripping emotional experience is a function of a psychological defense, whereby the unconscious projects an unwanted part of ourself onto the personality of another person, relieving us of owning this unacceptable part of ourself.

We then vicariously continue to live, yet not own, that part of ourself through our obsession with, and hatred of, this other character. To introspectively investigate such vicarious aspects of self is called shadow work, which results in the retrieval of, and reconciliation with, rejected parts of the personality.

As valuable as owning one’s projections might be, we often remain extremely doubtful that our emotional reaction is rooted in a shadow projection from ourselves. We remain utterly unconvinced of our part in the problem, and remain gripped by hatred for this ‘evil’ person. Another approach to relief from this rigid fixation is to transmute one’s feeling state through the use of the Hermetic Law of Vibration.  

This law of vibration states that everything that exists is in motion, generating a vibration. Physical matter is vibratory energy densely packed into solid form, obviously moving at a very slow rate of vibration. Subtle mental energy states of our being—such as that of our soul, or energy body—move at a very rapid rate of vibration, which accounts for the ability to swiftly move through physical walls when out of body.

Emotions, energy in motion, have their own vibratory states. When we feel hatred, we are heavy of mood and emit a low vibratory state that alienates others and depresses our own energy state. When we feel love, our mood is light and welcoming, positively impacting those around us and invigorating our own creative juices.

Clearly, emotions are part of a continuum of vibratory energy, with love and hate at polar opposite coordinates on the same scale of emotion. If we can shift our position from the negative point of hate to the positive position of love, we can experience a positive vibration that transforms our internal experience and impacts the outer world as well.

To facilitate this transmutation of emotion, we begin by engaging the will of our conscious ego to fixate its attention upon the desired emotion. Where we place our attention is the vibration of what we will become. To disengage from hate, we intentionally focus on the opposite, love, which builds the suggestion to the subconscious mind to manifest a changed experience within and without.

The components of this suggestion include thought, emotion and imagination. Thought is directive intention. In the case of the hated person we begin by stating, “I have compassion for __________.”  It does not matter that you begin by not believing or feeling this emotion. You are fixating your intent upon generating this vibratory experience. State this phrase frequently, incessantly.

Next engage your imagination. Visualize this person as part of the All of Creation, who is struggling to grow to a higher vibration, the destiny of all life. Know that however stuck and misguided they may be, they have the capacity for positive change. Telepathically transmit this vote of confidence as a suggestion to their subconscious mind.

Within your own imagination, visualize them as a totally transformed, positive being. Feel their joy at having achieved such a positive transformation. Visualize their changed impact upon the world from such a positive perch.

Embellish your mental movie and thoughts with a strong desire for major transformation. Feel empathy for a fellow flawed human. Feel excitement for their unfolding enlightenment and freedom from the bondage of negativity. Express gratitude for the power of the infinite intelligence and divine substance of the subconscious mind to materialize such a positive vibration, within the self and the world.

Exercise the will vigilantly to firmly plant this suggestion in the subconscious mind. Let go with the absolute certainty that the divine powers within will attract the necessary material to manifest this intent. Be patient but persistent in stating, feeling, and imagining this intent.

Success is guaranteed. Feel the lightness and warmth of your own changed emotional state. You have transmuted yourself from that hating person to a being of light and love, radiating positivity for the higher vibration of the greater good. The world is a better place.

Thank you,

Chuck’s Place: Still The Wheel Of Waking Worry Mind

We are in a new Eon...Aeon is the twentieth card of the major arcana in Aleister Crowley’s Thoth tarot deck. In traditional tarot decks the twentieth card is named The Last Judgment. Crowley, however, changed its title to Aeon, representing a new beginning versus the end of the world. The destruction of now is the impact of labor pains, the precursors to new life, not the final judgment and end of the world.

The new eon is that of Horus, Egyptian son of the Goddess Isis and the God Osiris. Horus ushers in a time of greater consciousness and spiritual awakening, a step beyond the dogma and drama of the patriarchal Abrahamic religions. The eon of Horus represents humanity’s gradual withdrawal of the projection of divine power onto deities, as it awakens to, and becomes responsible for, its own divine power.

The eon of Horus parallels the astrological eon of the Age of Aquarius with its emphasis upon consciousness beyond narcissism. This is the perspective of an interconnected we, as opposed to everything being just about me. Aquarius, the water bearer, from the mental plane of thought, waters the Earth, nurturing it with healthy solutions and community spirit.

The downside of these shifting eons is the duration of their destructive labor. We could be looking at 500 years of Dark Ages, not terribly comforting to our current generation. However, as Crowley suggests, “today we have brighter torches and torch bearers.”

I submit that many of us alive today are here to provide that bright light, as we move rapidly through these dark times and pass on that torch to the future of the human dream.

Our greatest power in this Horus/Aquarian eon lies in the actualization of our divine powers of conscious suggestion and subconscious manifestation, in the service of the greater good. The first step in consciously engaging in this divine process is to still the ever-turning wheel of waking worry mind.

Since the subconscious mind is deeply engaged in supporting the activities of daily life, we first disengage from physical activity to free up subconscious attention. I suggest the use of autogenic phrases, repeated quickly and redundantly for several minutes.

The subconscious, which totally dominates physical functioning, responds to these commands by literally putting the body to sleep. Mentally we enter a hypnagogic state, the intermediary state between awake and sleeping consciousness. To arrive there, state these commands several times without pause:

“Feet relax, ankles relax, calf muscles relax, thighs relax, pelvis relax, stomach relax, chest relax, shoulders relax, arms relax, fingers relax, sacrum relax, back relax, neck relax, head relax, face relax.” Repeat several times until drowsy

Now, having arrived in the hypnagogic state, shift to mental focus. State a simple, prepared suggestion to the subconscious mind, such as: “Peace of mind is mine, thank you.”

Say this out loud, or quietly inside the mind with accompanying lip-syncing, for at least 5 minutes. The subconscious absorbs this intention and prepares this mental template for physical manifestation.

Finally, imagine someone of significance to you congratulating you, shaking your hand and hugging you for your achievement of deep inner peace. Feel the joy and calm of such deep inner peace. This mental completion in the imagination will be matched by the subconscious, in its own time, with its creation in physical form.

Perform this practice 3 times per day. Persevere with this practice and see what happens, sooner than you think!

This practice produces the fuel for the sacred eternal flame of conscious truth, as we endure the labor of new and glorious life.

Let not the flame die out,

Soulbyte for Thursday September 26, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Start the day with a call out to Spirit to guide and protect you, to watch over you and keep you safe, even as you dare yourself to be bold and adventurous. Spirit hears every call, even those made halfheartedly and with little belief or trust. Over time, when you notice how well each day has gone, trust in Spirit begins to grow. With trust there comes deeper desire for connection and guidance, and a deeper personal attachment grows naturally. Ask and your wish will be granted, in some way. Start today by giving Spirit a chance and see what happens.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday September 20, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Remain in a positive frame of mind. The power of your own thinking is undeniable. You prove this to yourself every day in every thought you have, how it makes you feel and how it affects your mood and thus your environment. Become the agent of change that you desire to see in the world around you by becoming that agent of change. Begin with your own thinking. Study how your mind wanders so that you get to experience its rapid decline into doom and gloom. Take control by filling it with positive words, and then watch what happens. You will be amazed!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne