Tag Archives: inner light

Chuck’s Place: After Completion, A New Era

Through the darkening of the light, remain steady…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

On the day of the assassination of Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani, I consulted the I Ching for its perspective on it, as well as on the conflagration in Australia. Hexagram #63, After Completion, moving line in the fifth place, was my answer. The future of this constellation is hexagram #36, Darkening of the Light.

Completion, for the I Ching, marks the climax or culmination of a cycle that must, alas, begin anew. Think of the highpoint of the lunar cycle, the full moon. Once fullness is reached the light begins immediately to wane, as a new cycle begins. The events of January 3, 2020 mark the completion of a cycle; we are in a whole new era now.

Both the dramatic actions of nature, in its fires, and of human nature, in its decision to assassinate, mark the completion of a dream. We awaken now to a new dream. The moving line in the fifth place addresses the first order of business for that new dream: What attitude will prevail now?

This moving line in the fifth place is an action line that typically overreacts or takes action of its own accord when it is actually most appropriate to be patient, sober, and humble. This is an instance of the ego pushing the river, when what is called for is going with the flow. Here ego acts on its own willfulness, rather than assuming its proper place, as General to the intent of the High Self/Soul.

Though history does tend to repeat itself, the I Ching holds that we are not absolute victims of our habits, tendencies, and proclivities. The moving line in the fifth place depicts the usual course of history, history repeating itself. With that outcome in mind, it forecasts Darkening of the Light for the future, which is a time when shadow forces predominate, and the forces of light retreat, for safekeeping.

Within the hologram of every individual is the collective dream we are all confronted with and share, in some way, within ourselves. Thus, the fires of nature rage in the anxieties and mounting passions we all experience within our individual psyches and lives. As well, we all must contend with our ego selves that seek immediate relief and solution from the tension.

All of us must face the clouded perception brought about by the Darkening of the Light, as special interest entities try to steal our attention, energy, and allegiance to support their intent for this new dream. We truly are in a waking dream that has unleashed all manner of fantastic characters.

Keep it simple; address the dream of your individual life. Own every character that you are drawn to, or are afraid of, in the world. Find that character in the self, particularly the emperor with no clothes. Lead that character, not censoriously but definitely, into the light. Face the truth, and let it set you free through right action, action in alignment with the Tao.

For those characters that have taken up residence within but truly don’t belong there, vote them out. Send them off with compassion that they might find their own way home to wholeness.

And then, regardless of the duration of the darkness, guard your guiding light, as we embark upon A New Era.

Happy Guarded New Era,


Soulbyte for Tuesday January 7, 2020

Let love be your guide no matter the outside influences that seek to dissuade you from a path with heart, for a path with heart is the eternal means by which love endures. Love, that elusive truth that carries no harm, wants only to be kept alive so that all beings may experience its light. Even as you take care of yourself and your loved ones, even as you take your small steps in new directions, and even as you ponder the immensity of the life you are in, do not forget the light of love. Keep it always lit within in you, and tend to it daily, for in the end it may be all you have to rely on with any certainty.

Sending you all love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday May 16, 2019

Hold a light steady in your heart, a sacred flame that only you know the true significance of. For as change comes more rapidly it is important to keep something sacred, meaningful, and profound close to your heart. For the heart is the carrier of all that is unspoken, dreamed and wished for, be it love, peace, or any number of other beautiful wishes. Change happens for a reason. It’s unstoppable, but that doesn’t mean you can’t save something sacred and meaningful to carry forth with you. Be a bearer of light, love, and dreams on the inside, and a bearer of goodness and loving kindness on the outside.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday April 29, 2019

Like a lighthouse, keep your light on through every storm, the beacon within yourself, at your heart center, letting you know that you have everything within that you need to save yourself, to warn yourself, to heal yourself, to guide yourself safely through life, no matter the circumstance. Sooner or later you will discover that everything you need lies within, but you will only know this for sure by using your inner power and your inner light to bring you what you need, by your own intent. For intent is the real power and light within. What you know is one thing, but what you prove to yourself is another. Intent is the power within to achieve anything you set your mind to.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday October 18, 2018

At the dawning of every new age there is chaos and turmoil, there is darkness and even despair, and yet there is always light showing the way. Focus on the light. Though it may be far in the distance, hone in on it and draw yourself forward towards its tiny pinpoint in the distance. That tiny light is what you seek, the time of coming out of the darkness, the time when all will be different. Make the journey through the darkness an experience as rich as what you hope for when you reach the light. Savor its riches, for indeed it is the greatest time in any lifetime, the dark holding far more riches than imaginable. It is a time of learning about the powers within the self, about the mirror of light within the self reflecting outside of the self in that pinpoint of light in the darkness, for it is you that has placed that light in the distance. It is you that makes the journey. You are the journeyer, the journey, and the journey’s end too. You are all that you experience. You are the creator and the created, the light and the dark, the pain and the joy of this journey to the new age you seek. Keep going toward the light. Let the journey unfold. You’ve already dreamed it; you’re just remembering now.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne