Soulbyte for Thursday October 18, 2018

At the dawning of every new age there is chaos and turmoil, there is darkness and even despair, and yet there is always light showing the way. Focus on the light. Though it may be far in the distance, hone in on it and draw yourself forward towards its tiny pinpoint in the distance. That tiny light is what you seek, the time of coming out of the darkness, the time when all will be different. Make the journey through the darkness an experience as rich as what you hope for when you reach the light. Savor its riches, for indeed it is the greatest time in any lifetime, the dark holding far more riches than imaginable. It is a time of learning about the powers within the self, about the mirror of light within the self reflecting outside of the self in that pinpoint of light in the darkness, for it is you that has placed that light in the distance. It is you that makes the journey. You are the journeyer, the journey, and the journey’s end too. You are all that you experience. You are the creator and the created, the light and the dark, the pain and the joy of this journey to the new age you seek. Keep going toward the light. Let the journey unfold. You’ve already dreamed it; you’re just remembering now.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

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