Tag Archives: individuation

Soulbyte for Wednesday January 23, 2019

Bring into play all that you are, the Soul being that you are, encapsulated in human form. For you are etheric as well as physical. You are all-knowing energy as well as unknowing human who must figure out life. You are a spark of light and love and yet you are inert matter too. Acknowledge and align these two selves so that they work well together, so that your journey through Earth School may be a grand success, so that your power is fully owned and utilized, your magic and your loving energy fully expressed. For all things are in you and all things are possible. Relax, breathe, and consciously accept your appointment with life as a student of Earth School. Embrace the magical being that you truly are and with determination go calmly into the world of other magical beings, more intent every day upon finding your way to fulfillment of self and purpose in the magical life you are in. Whether you believe it or not, just do it. And then see what happens! You might be surprised.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday January 22, 2019

Why is it so hard to love and appreciate yourself? The struggle is brought about by dogma, by what you have been taught to believe, by what others have been taught to believe, by limiting beliefs of what life is all about, when in actuality you are beautiful spirit energy, completely at ease in your body and your life, though you are rarely aware of this. Instill new ideas, perceive yourself anew, as the wholly loving spirit energy that you truly are. This is your true identity. This energetic part of you is so much more than just your physical self, capable of unbelievable things. Get to know this energetic self, nurture it, love it, and resolve the old painful, disregarding thoughts that say you are not enough, that you are bad, that you are a disappointment. You are more than enough! Connect with who you really are and you will naturally learn to love yourself. It doesn’t matter what anyone else says. You know who you are. You are beautiful just as you are, as spirit energy living in a body temple. Own it. Nurture it. Value it. Adorn it with beauty. Treat yourself kindly, with loving compassion, and allow your spirit energy to lead you forward now, on a beautiful new journey of love and gratitude, within and without.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message For Humanity From Jeanne: Learn To Breathe

Whatever road you choose, don’t forget to breathe…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

We are encouraged to focus our attention on our breathing as this new week begins, to stay connected to who and what we truly are, spiritual beings on an earthly journey in a human body. Time to breathe in love, calmness, and truth. Now what could be better than that!

Sending love and wishing everyone a wonderful, warm week!

Soulbyte for Friday January 18, 2019

You are not to blame for another’s difficulties, nor for the journey they must take through life. Focus on your own journey and learn what it is teaching you: how to be lovingly detached, how to be compassionately healthy, how to be kind to others but not to lose yourself nor wallow in what cannot be undone. Face yourself each day and get right within yourself, and without blame take responsibility for what you think, what you need, and what you want. It’s your journey. Take it forward now with loving kindness, compassion, and with a humble and grateful heart. Trust also that all journeys through life are full of the most important lessons for each person to learn, your own no more or less important than that of another. Let yourself be free now to carry on without blame, no matter what life throws at you. But do strive to perfect your own SOUL’s intent, even as you realize you cannot perfect that of another—that’s their job. But your own job is clearer now: to live and learn and grow every day, without blame.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday January 17, 2019

You aren’t doing anything wrong. You aren’t bad. You’re just trying to figure out life and that naturally entails making mistakes, taking wrong turns, not knowing the best route to take, or fumbling around trying to figure things out. Eventually you learn. That is what a mistake does, it teaches, and yet the truth is, there are no mistakes. Every action and reaction has value. Every step, every falter, every decision and indecision has something to offer as you journey through life. Don’t be so hard on yourself. But do begin each day eager to learn, and with humbleness in your heart accept your appointment with life. Prepare to meet what comes to teach you in the best way possible. Be mindful. Remain aware of the unfolding journey that is your life, a cumulative experience. Remember what you have already learned and prepare each day to learn something new. Every moment is a teaching moment, an opportunity to learn, and there is value in even the most mundane of tasks and the simplest of experiences. The lesson is in recognizing it, learning what it means to you personally, remembering it, and moving on to the next great lesson. That’s life! Live it every day with the joy and openness of an eager apprentice. One day you will be a master.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne