Tag Archives: individuation

Soulbyte for Monday April 8, 2019

Be loving in all you do. Let your love shine bright, within and without. Let your love become what people first encounter about you, gently flowing from you. In quietude within, let it grow so that you become a loving being at all times. Like ocean waves, let your love continually flow from you to all you encounter, in endless waves of love. Let your love flow.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday April 4, 2019

Hold steady to your path of heart, open to your heart’s wonders, available to the magic that awaits you as you stay focused on what is right. Keep worry at a distance, letting only that which is nurturing into your mind’s sphere, for only that which is worthy sustenance should hold any interest now. It is indeed a time of change and thus only that which is in alignment with change need be engaged. Look inward for your strength and outward for reciprocating energy that matches your own. Whether in a state of calmness or a state of excitement, turn only toward that which resonates with your heart’s intent. Keep your feet upon the path of choice, your mind clear, and let your heart lead the way.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday April 3, 2019

Get head, heart and feet in alignment. Fill your head with positive affirmations, align your heart with what is right, and point your feet in the direction that will fulfill your goals of change and newness. Bring yourself into alignment, head, heart, and feet, and begin a new journey on a new path that is right. In alignment there is no doubt. In alignment all is right. In alignment, head, heart and feet lead you easily onward. A path of heart needs a mind that is set and action that will take you there, but if your heart is not in alignment with what your head decides and with the actions of your feet it is not a path of heart. With heart at the center of it all, all will be well.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday April 1, 2019

Value your weaknesses, as much as you value your strengths, for what they teach you about yourself, for how they show you who you are and how you operate. Turn them to your advantage by using them as catalysts to change, by taking them seriously and giving them the opportunity to guide you to what needs fixing, what needs curtailing, what needs restraint, what needs restricting, and what needs to be your first priority. Nothing you do is going to help you more than this. Change begins by knowing what to change. Well, there you have it! Within yourself lies all you need to know to begin the process of change. Begin today. And thank your weaknesses for showing you the way. With gratitude, take your first step.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday March 25, 2019

Focus on your heart, for heart-centeredness leads to calmness within, and calmness within leads to calmness without. Self-regulation, by breathing calmly into your own body, and calming it, brings much needed regulation, not only to your own inner environment but it allows for much needed regulation of the environment outside of yourself too. You are part of the greater whole and the part you play has significance to the greater whole. Play your part well by learning the self-regulating technique of inner heart-centered calmness. And with gratitude, teach it to others by doing it every day, in every way. All it takes is one calming breath, and then another, and then another…

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne