What does it mean to be in balance? Balance is the acceptance of all things, without exception, the utilization of the fullness of who you are and the full realization of your potential. Balance is also allowing yourself to express all of these things in the course of your everyday life so that no part of you is held back, suppressed or neglected. In balance, all that you are is fully known and expressed—in good balance of course!
Let there be moments of gratitude simply for the reason that you can stop the world for a moment and give thanks. Let there be moments of silence and stillness, simply to grant yourself their beauty. Let there be moments of unbiased joy simply for the feel of it, happiness for happiness’ sake. Take time to stop for a moment, breathe, and shift your world into positive experiences simply because you have it within your power to do so. As an autonomous being use your autonomy more often to change your world, from dark to light, from powerless to powerful, from lonely to loving, one moment at a time.
I Ching: What is the guidance for all in this time of great disarray?
Seeing the Present & the Future… – Diagram by Chuck Ketchel
As can be readily seen, the first four throws produced highly charged Yin Lines, topped with two solid Yang lines.
The image generated is one of a large tower on a mountain that captures a wide view of the countryside. Likewise, it is easily seen from a great distance. Thus, the image urges developing a broad perspective, as well as being a good example for all to see.
The four activated building blocks of the tower’s supporting columns (represented by the X marks) offer nuanced guidance and turn into their opposites, as they become the Primal Spirit: The Creative, hexagram #1. These four lines highlight the necessary progressive changes required before one steps into directing their power effectively. Their individual guidance, in the order of their position, as follows:
Contemplation hindered by immaturity. A shallow, thoughtless view of prevailing forces hinders effective leadership. Counsel encourages growing up and accepting responsibility. Contemplate the fuller picture of the interconnected whole.
One looks out only through the crack of the door, a narrow one-sided point of view. This is the narcissistic perspective that relates everything to oneself. Guidance: dispassionately widen your horizon. Tolerate and strive to understand and value the views of others.
Place of transition. Going to the heart center to receive guidance from the high Soul as to right action. This is ego moving beyond blame and one-sidedness, seeking inner truth.
Time for action. Being in alignment with the deepest truth, ego acts in accordance with the true needs of the interconnected whole.
Once these issues are addressed, allowing one to penetrate the objective truth and take the necessary actions to support that truth, one becomes seen and experienced by others as an example to be followed, as they contemplate the truth of their own lives. The tower that affords the broadest view is the healing model for all.
With the strength afforded by surmounting the limitations to objective contemplation, one is fortified to direct the dynamic Spirit energy of the Creative, the life force itself. This is the optimal arrangement, a mature, broadminded leader who directs the life force toward the true needs of the interconnected whole.
The Creative is the active side of infinity. What’s at question is how that energy will be directed. As shamans point out, the life force can be directed toward good or evil deeds. Both can be manifested on a grand scale. Leadership that contemplates the true needs of the interconnected self, and the interconnected universe, is best fit to direct the power of the Creative.
Contemplate with humility, objectivity, and equanimity from the heart center, as you direct the creative force of your life and assess the intent of others.
Let love guide you now. From a place of loving kindness align with the world you live in, with nature, with other human beings, so that harmony may truly reassert itself and once again be the song of the land. In nature find balance and the Right Way. In nature find your heart beat’s resonance. In nature find your sustenance and your nurturance. Turn to the land, the sun, the plants and trees during the day to show you how nature works and thrives, and at night turn your eyes and hearts upward to the stars, the moon, and the galaxies and know that this too is your home. Anchor more fully in the garden you live in, Planet Earth. Keep it safe and well. Let the love in your own heart guide you to know how to do this. The knowledge is deep within you. It’s all about realizing that you are home; the Planet Earth is your current home. Care for it and love it until you leave for your next home. Though chaos may appear to have power it is no match for the heart centered power you have within you. Use it in the way you choose to live, in the way you choose to love, unconditionally, with compassion and gratitude. Though you may feel small and insignificant, it really does depends on you, for you are a significant part of the greater whole. And that matters. You matter.