Tag Archives: heartcenteredness

Soulbyte for Thursday September 17, 2020

Remain heart centered. Let not words of rage from outside of you interfere with words of love coming from within you, for in turning to the heart there will not be fear nor worry pouring forth but only kindness and concern for the welfare of all. In turning to the heart, loving kindness will emerge as the only antidote to a troubled world where one side turns against another, where anger and fear turn their backs on that which truly works to unify and reconnect the many to the true needs of all. Let love guide you now so that love may also guide the many. In love’s interest, turn to your own heart, sit in calmness, and let its truth guide you to be as loving as you can.

Sending you all love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday September 2, 2020

Just as the sun sets so does it always rise again. Just as the darkness comes each night so does the light of a new day come too. When the time is right the darkness gives way to the light, and so shall it be during times of great change and upheaval upon the earth. Until that time, keep your heart primed with love and hope, with the certainty that goodness and kindness will reign, that justice and peace will prevail. The heart is strong and determined that love will find the way through every storm and bring about the answer, for love knows what the world needs now, and so do you. May love prevail.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday August 31, 2020

One person can enact change and that change must begin within the self to have a most profound effect, for to look only to others to enact change leaves the self untethered, disconnected from the true reality of the heart and that which matters most. The heart knows what real change looks like, for the heart has its connection to all that is, to the heavens and the earth, to the smallest and the greatest, to all that lives in earthly realm and all that exists in infinity, that which you cannot see but can feel. The heart is the organ of connectedness, knowledge, wisdom and love. You can’t go wrong if you stay heart centered every step of your changing journey. The heart knows where to go. Let it lead.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday August 28, 2020

Let everything become a matter of the heart. Let everything become the most important heart-centered thing in your life. Let everything be of the utmost heart-centered significance, for when the heart leads everything matters, everything is meaningful, and everything is possible. Love is the energy of the heart. So let love permeate everything and return you and your world to a place of beauty, wonder, and awe. Keep love in your heart, at all times. With love as your guiding light,  remain in awe. Life is too short and too important to do otherwise. May love rule.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday August 27, 2020

Meet hatred with love. Greet anger with kindness. Use compassion against bigotry and turn inward to the beauty of the pure loving heart to combat the disturbances around you, for the heart knows how to handle the most disagreeable of situations. Without thought or provocation it simply acts, impulsively and correctly, passionately and properly. Turn from rhetoric to the energy of love’s doing, the automatic attention to right actions of kindness, caring, and love of all. When the heart is in action all will be well.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne