Tag Archives: gratitude

Soulbyte for Monday November 25, 2019

Lead a simple and modest life, uncomplicated by too much, by overdoing, by greed or need, or constant desires that do not fit the life you are in. With simplicity comes a certain kind of fulfillment that must be experienced. In simplifying life, without denying and without neglecting all that you are and need, find solace, gratitude, and caring that rise far above a life filled with too much of everything. Explore simplicity and what that might mean for you so that your life may be calm and uncomplicated and yet fulfilling and satisfying. In its own way, simplicity means abundance.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday November 22, 2019

Do not be discouraged by repeated failures to advance, by habitual snags, by repetitive behaviors, but do note them and their frequency. Try for less destructive behavior, for less of that which throws you into imbalance, and get into alignment with more of that which does you good. Do not let yourself down but constantly pick yourself up like you would a small child who stumbles or a good friend who has lost their balance, and begin again, taking it one step and one day at a time. Restate your intent, admire your tenacity, and fuel yourself with whatever you need to make the right choices. Pretty soon you won’t need to be so attentive because it will be second nature to walk the path of heart, to do the right thing, to be the being you long to be. With love in your heart, for yourself and your journey, continue onward with gratitude and thanks that you get to have the most wonderful experience of life in human form. Make the most of it!

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday November 20, 2019

On this day, find love in your heart for your petty tyrants, for those who confound you, for those who test you, for they are your greatest teachers. Though they may seem to be unrelenting in their cruelty, in their needling, in their teasing, they are but frightened souls unaware of their teaching power. Let them be, but let them be with loving gratitude for how they throw you back into yourself so that you may deal with your own inadequacies and your own fears on an inner level, where such things should always be confronted and dealt with. The people in your life are all part of your greater growth, development, and eventual transformation. With gratitude, thank them. And if you can’t do it now, know that one day you will, for you will understand the bigger picture when you too are ready.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday October 31, 2019

Let there be moments of gratitude simply for the reason that you can stop the world for a moment and give thanks. Let there be moments of silence and stillness, simply to grant yourself their beauty. Let there be moments of unbiased joy simply for the feel of it, happiness for happiness’ sake. Take time to stop for a moment, breathe, and shift your world into positive experiences simply because you have it within your power to do so. As an autonomous being use your autonomy more often to change your world, from dark to light, from powerless to powerful, from lonely to loving, one moment at a time.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday October 22, 2019

Accept loving kindness and compassion as the new norm though it is often hard to see the manifestation of such humble expressions of heartfelt gratitude. Express loving kindness and compassion toward total strangers, toward your enemies, toward those you cannot understand. Find ways to energetically, thoughtfully, and with all good intentions express gratitude for all that you personally have been given. Though you may not feel personally satisfied at the deepest level, keep in mind that every day is a day to give thanks for all that you have been provided with on other levels. With gratitude, intend that others may share in the worlds’s bounty too, for there is indeed enough to go around.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne