Tag Archives: calmness

Soulbyte for Wednesday October 7, 2020

Stand still and remain calm. Sometimes no action is necessary. In standing still things have a way of revealing themselves so that it becomes clear what must be done and how to go about it. In standing still one may hear the voice of the Great Mother speaking words of wisdom, giving insight that otherwise may not be heard or understood. Stand still every now and then, in steady heart centered calmness. Wait patiently, and see what happens. Something good is bound to happen. Remain calm, listen, act only according to that which is right.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday July 9, 2020

When under stress, seek calm. When times are hard, seek peace. When your inner world is in turmoil, seek the steadiness of your own breath and the anchoring of your own heart. Even as you look outside of yourself for anchoring and stability, grant yourself the simplest measures from within. In finding equanimity within the self you will naturally bring it with you into the world. Walk in calm peacefulness and notice it begin to be equally calm and peaceful outside of you. As within, so without. Let peace begin with you.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday April 23, 2020

Calmness comes in detachment. Seek solace by detaching from the antics playing out in the world around you, from the dramas, wars, and conflicts. In inner solitude, based upon inner contentment, find the calmness you seek, far away from the disturbances around you, far from the chaos of daily life. In nature find solace in a single cloud drifting in the sky, in a tiny bird’s flight, in the sound of water falling, in the songs of crickets. Look outside of you, in nature, for the calmness you seek within, and notice how nature fills the void with beauty and intent, and then take that beauty and intent within you where it may grow upon you and become your own. In solitude find solace, and be grateful for a few moments of calmness. Let it be enough.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday January 24, 2020

Imagine calmness. Beginning with your heart, set your intent to be more open and loving, more understanding, more ready and willing to let go of old resentments, regrets, attachments, and offenses. With your calming heart, release from your mind its old ideas and thoughts, its incessant chatter, so that it becomes as calm as a still lake on a warm summer day. With your calming heart and your calming mind, release from your body what it hold so tightly, its memories, injuries, its aches and pains of old. With your calming heart, mind, and body, interact in your world and notice that you automatically exude calmness from every pore in your body, with the look in your eyes, with your voice, in the words you speak and in the actions you take. Imagine what you want and them become it.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne